This is a small patch where we added a few new otherworldly creatures and a few fixes
-Added a new minor creature around the lighthouse
-Added a new minor creature in one of the cave systems
-Added a new minor creature in the devoured house
These ¨minor otherworldly¨ creatures, are IDLE creatures that stalk a specific area, they deal quite abit of damage and have quite abit of health, but they can be permanently destroyed!
To destroy this type of creature you must either burn in with light, or perform a more specific task like banishing a nearby powerful creature. So you must observe how they react once burned
-Tweaked the optimized pathing and timings of the ¨thing¨ in the basement of the mansion, to save performance
-The ¨thing¨ in the basement is now destroyed once the mansion side mission is complete
-Tweaked some safezone collision to support the new creatures added
-Tweaks to SFX, stats and other values for the ¨minor otherworldly¨ type creatures
-Fixed a minor visual error regarding the compass when picking up/dropping the map item
-Fixed dropping the map when you had the book equipped, now you properly drop what item you have in your hand
-Fixed a font problem with text displayed on the difficulty table
-Fixed some of the new SFX not being tied to the SFX volume
-Updated discord invite link
This update is now live, if for whatever reason the update doesn't show up, restart steam.
And remember, for co-op sessions, all players must have the same game version! With this new patch, game version will be Eresys 0.6.5
In the next update we are going to add a training area in the lobby, so players can quickly learn the basics without spending too much time reading the cult guide