Entropy : Zero 2 Version 1.6.3

Overwatch is requesting all units refresh and resolve. Update is live. Acceptance is mandatory.
Version 1.6.3 is going live on the default branch of Entropy : Zero 2 today.
The 1.6 update mostly consists of small QOL improvements with NPC behavior. You can read the full changelog below or click on the individual version numbers to see the announcement for each build.
1.6 also adds some new NPCs that do not appear in the campaign. These are creations that the EZ2 team is working on for potential use in future projects that are made available for workshop addons and mods.
Finally, 1.6.3 makes a change to the way autosaving works in EZ2. You can set a "Save History Count" on the options menu which defaults to 10. The game will preserve up to this many saves. This is intended to prevent situations where you might not have an older save to go back to when you need to load an earlier save.
- Updated HEV zombie models ( https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2994012565 )
- Metrocops in Chapter Zero can now switch weapons to stunsticks if their target gets too close
- Fix Combine soldiers not attacking zombies up close
Unused Content
- Combine Assassin ( https://github.com/entropy-zero/source-sdk-2013/pull/207 )
- Fix antlion guard dynamic prop shoving/punting from stock HL2 ( https://github.com/entropy-zero/source-sdk-2013/pull/209 )
- Fix for squad members not following orders when there are more than 4 squadmates ( https://github.com/entropy-zero/source-sdk-2013/pull/211 )
- Hunters can be pet ( https://github.com/entropy-zero/source-sdk-2013/pull/216 )
Unused Content
- Combine Husks ( https://github.com/entropy-zero/source-sdk-2013/pull/217 )
- Lowered pulse pistol NPC damage from 12 to 6
- Fix Wilson not tipping or fidgeting after his introduction in c3_1 (i.e. removed some now-obsolete contexts)
- Fixed bug where developer overlay text could appear over beast home nodes
Unused Content
- Added a new feature for mods where health vials can be picked up and stored by the player (Does not effect EZ2) ( https://github.com/entropy-zero/source-sdk-2013/pull/223 )
- Added new Crab Synth NPC for mods and future content ( https://github.com/entropy-zero/source-sdk-2013/pull/226 )
- Added new Arbeit personality core NPC for mods and future content ( https://github.com/entropy-zero/source-sdk-2013/pull/227 )
- Added new Mortar Synth NPC for mods and future content ( https://github.com/entropy-zero/source-sdk-2013/pull/229 )
- Players can give friendly Combine assassins dual weapons
- Fix for bug with Combine assassin vantage points
- Added Manhack ammo type to EZ2
- New menu option "Save History Count" to change the number of quicksaves and autosaves the game will retain. Defaults to 10 instead of 1
Unused Content
- Updated metrocop view models in models/weapons/ez1 for mappers to use EZ2 animations
- Improvements to Husk NPC ( https://github.com/entropy-zero/source-sdk-2013/pull/235 )
- New input for mappers to change manhacks into Clone Cop manhacks (SetNemesisManhack)
Unused Content
The new NPCs added in the 1.6 update do not appear in the main campaign, but they are available for use and experimentation by modders. They stem from experiments for where we plan on taking the E:Z series going forward. However, for simplicity's sake, we've decided to release them publicly with the game so that the community can use them.
You can find a new "Combine Assassin Demo" map in the Bonus Maps menu demonstrating the new assassins. The other NPCs do not have their own demo map and must be created through the developer console.
Husk Soldier - npc_create npc_husk_soldier
Husk Cop - npc_create npc_husk_police
Crab Synth - npc_create npc_crabsynth
Mortar Synth - ent_create npc_mortarsynth
Personality Core - npc_create npc_arbeit_personality_core
Note that mortar synths may spawn in the floor when created in this way. Use the "ent_teleport !picker" command successively while facing one in order to get it out of the ground.