Notes for tomorrow's update:
- Made hero mode select hearthperson by default
- Fixed crash from visiting certain forest retreats
- Fixed some crashes related to local adventurer info not being set immediately after travel
- Fixed crash issue from demanding tribute from mythical sites
- Fixed a crash from unit sheets of certain creatures (e.g. roosters)
- Added more combat music
- Added sounds for items being put into containers
- Updates some confirm sounds
- Fixed some footstep sounds
- Fixed issue causing music to sound as if it's indoors
- Fixed some issues with ambient sound
- Added a keyboard-based look-and-interact cursor ('l')
- Stopped items like weapons and shields from starting in the same hand after character creation
- Stopped mythical sites from appearing on rivers (again)
Older Notes:
- Fixes an audio crash
- Kobs/gobs shouldn't steal mythic artifacts
- Undead shouldn't take over mythic sites near to market towns
- Mythical sites shouldn't be placed over rivers as frequently
- Added some mythical dungeons, materials, and related temple quests
- Added a few magical items
- Added initial god quest for chosen mode
- Added mythical healing substances in mythical sites
- Added messages for healing effects
- Chosen/hero get bonus reputation for the purpose of gaining followers
- Environmental display in top right (weather, light, temp, etc.)
- Quest journal outline on right side of main screen
- Vampire blood sense markers
- Memory map
- Stealth vision cones
- Goblin/kobold glowing eyes in the dark
- Added liquid/ramp arrow toggles to adv mode
- Announced when somebody pushes past you and cancels your action
- Made people stop moving when you talk to them (if they aren't fighting)
- Added shared items to wrestling interface so you can struggle for possession without using inventory screen
- Fixed audio for snow/mud footsteps
- Added buttons so ramps can be used with hatches
- Separated adv/fort volume settings
- Fixed jump tooltip
- Stopped adventurers from starting in pits if other sites are available
- Stopped rbut from quitting out of character creation
- Removed adventure mode feature discovery announcements
- Updated more classic tiles and brought back cursors
- Dye vs profession coloration toggleable in both modes
- Stopped migrant families with negative age younger siblings in young worlds
- Removed case sensitivity from unit filters
- Fixed a crash from subtabbing to certain buildings
- Made help close button act consistently when help is minimized
- Fixed bug where syndrome would target too few tissues
- Fixed issue with occasional infinite loop on population placement
- Fixed bug where many priests would move to different homes after world generation
- Fixed crash involving river audio polling
- Started adding tutorial (camera, movement, menu options, popups for many menus)
- Menu sounds during character creation and the adventure log
- Improved river and campfire audio loops
- Can click on portrait for status
- Hive no longer looks like clothing
- Made string display more compatible with fan translations
- Made threading more stable
- Fixed modding crash involving creature variations
- Audio crash fixed
- Update to bin/barrel container graphics so they show their contents in more detail
- Added tracking symbols (shift + K for now)
- Added classic glyphs (still need to work on screen layout)
- Fixed Linux crash-on-exit
- Better respected caste population ratios
- Added more information to crash logs
- Fixed command line world generation
- Fix for recent audio crash
- Palettized wieldables and wearables for dwarves/humans/elves/goblins/kobolds
- Graphical left/right hand distinction on wieldables
- Child/baby images for humans/elves/goblins/kobolds
- Visible soldiers/groups on world map in adventure mode
- Adventure mode sound indicators in unseen areas
- Ability to assume identity in adventure mode
- Can view wounds in dwarf mode arena without diagnosis
- Your adventurer can ride and push minecarts, use levers, bash down locked doors and hatches, topple statues
- You can now use wells in towns
- Adventure music plays based on context
- Full personality customization available in adventure character creation
- A few Linux audio crashes fixed
- Composing poems, music, dances, and writing things down is back in
- Wrestle button now handles wrestling
- Encumbrance is visible in inventory screen and there are a few alert levels for being over-encumbered
- Speed is visible in the movement options
- Indicators for ongoing movement, attacks, and dodges during player's turn in combat
- Throwing/shooting crash fixed
- Fixed input/display issues in kitchen menu
- Handled several issues with gifting pets
- Certain goblin torsos weren't being displayed
- Butchering and crafting is now in
- Abilities menu! Raise the dead if you learn the secrets, pet animals, spit, breathe fire and use other special powers in mods or as an arena-controlled creature/undead
- Left click to move to distant tiles
- Interaction-given syndrome tracking/timing improved
- NPCs should run and sleep again
- Added the trade/barter/demand conversation menu
- Sites without tables in their stockpile get emergency tables for their shops for now
- Printed tabletop items on tables, and stopped many other building items from printing on top of creatures
- Sound off init option should work in adventure mode now
- Adventurers are no longer unaware of their own name
- Adventurers should no longer be sprinting/walking/etc forever when retired into a fort
- Fixes that linux crash on the trainer menu again
- Makes liquids/powders not spill out of containers on unretire
- Right click menu has option to move more than one tile
- Npc sheets no longer give away their names unless you know them
- Cleaned up an intermittent crash from playing multiple adventure worlds
- Fixed crash from some old adventurers
- Stopped lockpicking menu from popping up until that's ready
- Fixed cave adaptation
- Optimization for loading speed with regards to flow events
- Restricted some actions like bookkeeping from happening outside fort mode
- Centered display of some wide-bodied creatures (some bears, anaconda, python, some animal people
- Fixed region map scrolling crash
- Crash fix related to multithreading