Glow is a fickle friend, and it’s near impossible to predict where the next rich yield will appear, but as soon as you get wind of a good bloom, move in fast, and be prepared to fight for your claim.
The Glow that is harvested is still in its raw form. Raw Glow is toxic and only a fraction of its potential can be drawn from it. To unlock the true power of Glow, the material needs to be refined, and here’s where the Refiner Corps comes in.
There are only three organizations in the Dreadlands possessing the technology to refine Glow. These are the Refiner Corps, and it’s they who buy the Raw Glow from the Glow-digging Gangs.
The Refiner Corps, in turn, export Refined Glow to near and far. Near, in this case, would be Skyspire, a towering, walled-off metropolis, bordering the Dreadlands to the northwest. Its cityscape of tall and mighty spires and their inhabitants have had, and still has, a profound influence on the Dreadlands.

Skyspire is the towering, walled-off metropolis to the far northwest.
The main religion of the Dreadlands is the Ministry, and is based on the worship of the High Pantheon, who they claim are the Gods dwelling atop the tallest spires of the city.
So, back to the Refiner Corps. They are Impetus, Senescent Glory and Junction, and all come with a vastly different background and culture. Intensely competitive, they depend on Gangs to harvest Glow and may serve as a dependable source of a wide range of work for the Player’s Gang.

Impetus refinery
That's it for this breif history lesson!
Hope you have enjoyed it!