With your continued support we can keep the Dreadlands evolving and changing, but from all of us on the Dreadlands team, thank you for your incredible support thus far!

Big additions
- Added the Skarbacks faction!
- Added final missions in the main campaign and updated the “Daybreak Dawn” contract. (If you completed “Daybreak Dawn” prior, speak to Tanner in Shacktown to continue the story)
- Base Management has been fully added. Access your workshop to increase the functionality of your Hideout.
Special Bonus
You will unlock a Top Hat cosmetic for the Scrapper Mechanic if you download the patch and play this weekend. Otherwise you will have to beat the upcoming Dreadlands Demo to unlock it.
General Gameplay changes
- Smoothed out the difficulty curve in the beginning of the game.
- Set the starting credits when you create a gang with only a leader to 350 credits.
- Rebalanced contract rewards.
- Rebalanced enemy loot drops. Enemies now also have a small chance of dropping gear and Glow.
- Increased Medical Supply loot drops and settlement Doctors now have more of them.
- Merchants can now occasionally carry Scrap Metal and Glow.
- Updated the second tutorial map so the enemy has less Full Cover.
- Reduced the cost of Rare and Epic weapons.
- Changed so Glow Hunts won’t appear until Fame rank 3.
- Added 2 new Dungeon and Glow Hunt enemy gangs. Glow Diggers and Cult of Glow.
- Reduced the higher Medical Supply cost a bit at your Medical Center.
- Improved level design in some levels.
- Adjusted how to-hit is calculated in combat. It should now feel less random.
Skill & Class balance changes
- Liver Strike = Now has a 5 turn cooldown instead.
- Hamstring = Now triggers on melee hits instead of Critical hits.
- Cripping shots = Applies -2 movement on Critical hit.
- Harass = Now has a 3 turn cooldown instead.
- Bash = Now has a 2 turn cooldown instead.
- Medic = Heal increased from 1 to 2.
- Sadist = Also applies when target is Burning.
- Command = Is now a Free Action.
- Glow Spark Engine = Fixed so it’s a Free Action to use. Increase melee to-hit bonus from 10% to 15%.
- Fragile Arm Boosters = To-hit bonus increased from 15% to 20%.
- Risk Aversion = Reduces chance of gun jamming by 35% instead of +5% To-hit.
Rust Blades
- Rust Poison = Now has a 6 turn cooldown instead.
- Viper = Now reduces Rust Poison cooldown to 4 turns.
- Tinker = duration and cooldown to 4 turns. Tinker now also gives a +15% to-hit bonus with ranged attacks.
- Master Engineer = Reduces Tinker cooldown to 2 turns.
- Ranger’s Mark = Increased cooldown from 3 to 4.
- Master Hawker = Reduces Ranger’s Mark cooldown to 3 turns.
- Carnivore = Heal increased from 1-2 to 1-3 HP.
- Shake it off = Now has a 5 turn cooldown instead.
Visual & audio changes
- Several updates to the game’s UI.
- Added faction theme music at Fame up and at faction creation.
Technical fixes
- Fix for Coop crash in Wellspring
- Fix for occasional Coop crash at Traders
- Fix for Bomb Rats crash in Coop
- Fix for crash when inspecting Enemies
- Wisecrackers and Wild-Kin Tribe enemies now behaves properly
Thanks for your ongoing support and we’ll see you in the Dreadlands!
// The Dreadlands team