Oi! Dreadlanders!
We've got another big patch for you, so strap in!
Before we get started - we’d love to hear what you think about it in the comments or over in our Discord!

The PVE version of the Scavengers mission has been re-designed with a focus on resource gathering (instead of defeating enemies). Why the re-design?:

- The original PvP Scavengers missions are still available.
- For those playing with an existing gang - there won’t be many Scavengers missions available on the world map since all missions are already set. But - as you complete missions, and new missions are added, you will have a high chance of landing Scavengers missions.

- If a ganger leaves a mission through an exit zone, you recover all the loot/items in their backpack. But if they’re downed or out of action at the end of the mission - no loot.
- The loot picked up into the shared gang inventory will only be recovered if ALL gangers manage to leave the mission on their own. So get them all out safe!
Additional Patch Notes
- Only scavengers missions have bonus drops now
- Gangers now get XP when picking up loot during combat
- Fixed a lot of spelling errors
- Lots of CO-OP issues and crashes fixed
- Fixed issue with chat being covered during missions
- Fixed issue where no MVP was being awarded after a mission