User Files
Free Content

From within the Downloads drop-down on the DCS website is a wealth of community-created content within User Files. All this content is free and includes single-player and multiplayer missions, campaigns, liveries, documents, device profiles, sounds, and many other types of free content that can expand and improve your DCS experience. This is a powerful resource for DCS players that guarantees endless gameplay and customization.
Upon selecting User Files, you may filter content based on its Type, Localization, Map, Unit, Content Creator, and more.

In addition to the mission content included with aircraft modules like interactive training missions, instant action missions, and missions, a wealth of free mission content is also available within User Files. Each entry will often include comments, screenshots, and other details to allow you to best find content that interests you. This can range from simple engagements to large-scale campaigns that include hundreds of active units. Many very talented mission and campaign creators offer thousands of missions and campaigns for your enjoyment.
Although most aircraft modules include an offering of liveries spanning multiple squadrons and countries, we are limited to how much we can include to save hard disk space. User Files includes over 13,000 skins across every player aircraft in DCS. If there is a particular livery you are looking for, there is a good chance that it is included here.
These are the two most popular categories of User Files, but there are other valuable offerings:
- Documents. There are over 1,100 documents that span aircraft tutorials, checklists, map and airfield diagrams, kneeboard templates, and much more.
- Device Profiles. We are living in a golden age of flight simulation peripherals, and although we include default mappings for many popular DCS aircraft, we cannot include them all. User Files includes 670 controller profiles across a wide range of peripheral manufacturers and aircraft.
- Sound. Like skins, DCS also allows you to replace default sounds with your own. User Files includes 364 sound offerings to cater to your audio needs.
None of this would be possible without the outstanding support and dedication of the User Files contributors. Thank you!
DCS: La-7
Development Report

Recent development efforts have focused on fine-tuning the aircraft’s distinctive flight model, capturing the potent climb and maneuverability that made the La-7 a fearsome adversary during World War II. Work on the cockpit has advanced significantly, with an emphasis on historically accurate instruments and systems that reflect the era’s engineering intricacies.
Octopus G has also continued to refine the La-7’s damage model for an authentic representation of its strengths and vulnerabilities in combat, while dedicating careful attention to external and internal artwork for a truly immersive experience. We appreciate your patience and enthusiasm as the team moves forward, and we look forward to delivering more detailed previews and updates in the coming months. Stay tuned for further announcements as the La-7 nears completion.
Many thanks for your passion and support,
Yours sincerely,
Eagle Dynamics