News Liste DCS World Steam Edition

DCS World Steam Edition
24.12.24 14:02 Community Announcements
Added free pack of high fidelity 3D models. Assets free of charge: B-1B, B-52H, S-3B (and tanker), SA-10 (S-300 SAM), M1A2, M1A2C SEP v3, MRAP MaxxPro, Centurion C-RAM.

Added a new Spotting Dots option which is replacing the “improved spotting dots” option. Improved spotting dots functionality which makes spotting dots independent from zoom FOV will be active all the time now. With new “Spotting Dot” setting you will be able to set:
OFF - to switch spotting dots off completely
AUTO - automatic spotting dot size calculation based on monitor or VR hardware parameters (how it worked before)
1 pixel size spotting dots
2 pixel size spotting dots
Also this setting is added to the mission editor and can be enforced through mission.
Spotting dots. Quad views peripheral render target spotting dot size forced to size 1 if dots are on
Sound. New mortar and cannon sounds and shells sonic boom sound added
AI Aircraft. if an AI AV-8B is set to takeoff from ground or takes off from a FARP, they will vertically climb to ~1000ft and then stop, immediately nose over, and crash - fixed
AI Aircraft. AI incorrect half loop maneuver calculation for the attack ending in ground collision - fixed
AI Aircraft. MQ-1A/RQ-1A Predator. Corrupt damage model - fixed
AI Aircraft. Aircraft AI can spot ground and air units through dense fog - fixed
AI Aircraft. Adjusted KC135 to maintain 25 degrees angle of bank for every turn
AI Aircraft. Helicopter AI calculate evasive maneuvers above water using sea floor and not water level altitude which ends up in crashes into water sometime - fixed
AI Aircraft. When AI helicopter has "Ground Escort" task set, it stops using flares for IR missile defense - fixed
AI Aircraft. Caucasus. Adler airfield. The AI wingman stands in line behind the parked lead aircraft and stops - fixed
AI Aircraft. AI pilots look left when taking off from Supercarrier - fixed.
AI Ships. Submarine water trail visible when submerged - fixed. (
AI Ground. Sounds from some vehicles fade over time - fixed
Weapons. SA-2. V-750 missile. Decreased G-limit from 17 to 6.
Weapons. SA-3, 5V27 missile. Decreased G-limit from 16 to 6. Decreased counter-countermeasures level. Change liquid motor smoke tail to solid fuel. Decreased size of motor smoke plume.
Weapons. SA-5, 5V28 missile. Slightly decreased G-limit from 12 to 10. Slightly decreased counter-countermeasures level. Decreased second stage smoke transparency.
Weapons. Kh-25 and Kh-29 missile family. Total autopilot and seeker upgrade.
Weapons. AGM-88. Adjusted motor smoke. Added param of transparency of motor smoke depends on temperature (altitude).
Weapons. AIM-9 family. Smoke transparency tuning.
Weapons. Sea Dart SAM. Fuze parameters adjusted.
Weapons. AIs interceptors will be able to intercept cruise missiles.
Weapons. SM SAM. First SM missile goes to zenit without guidance to target - fixed.
Weapons. Improved BLG-66 Belouga bomblets release sequence
Weapons. Added new loadout definitions for AUF2 double point pylons with different bombs (Mirage F1 usage)
Weapons. Now Air-to-Air IR missiles take into account the transparency and density of fog when calculating the visibility range of a target.
Weapons. AIM-120. Changed coefficient of guidance system to increase agility to counter of the high-G roll maneuver.
Graphics. IR marker beam visible in daytime TV display - fixed.
ME. Added trigger "Smoke Marker Stop" and "Smoke Marker on Unit Stop” for the coloured target marking smoke.
ME. Added trigger functionality to allow individual drawings to be shown or hidden
ME. Improved advanced waypoint action for unload more than one cargo ability
ME. Cargo without the flag OBJECT CANNOT BE CARGO is still in the ALL CARGO radio menu - Fixed. (
ME. Multi-select tool. impossible to rotate any units when loading into a mission with units already placed, or loading in templates - fixed
Scripting API. Experimental fix for server crash after world.removeJunk being used (hosters please test, we are looking for feedback)

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics
Improved HUD Limited Refresh Rate (made airspeed, altitude and acceleration update rates fixed at a set refresh rate. As such, faster rates of change will result in skipped values. The acceleration updates are slightly faster than velocity and acceleration).
Improvement - Specific excess power. Based on user feedback, the difference in energy loss in the FM and E-M diagrams of instantaneous turn rates was noted. On the left edge (high angles of attack AoA >15 and low speeds below M<0.7), excessive energy loss (airspeed loss) was confirmed. On the right edge of the E-M diagram (M>0.7 and angles of attack AoA<15), there was noticeably insufficient energy loss. The left edge has been corrected, and energy loss has been reduced (closer to the reference points). Work on the right edge continues and will be resolved in a later update.
Fixed: Impossible to enter a deep stall.
Fixed: Excessive YAW With Roll Inputs in Landing Config.
Fixed: FCR entering STT deletes all trackfiles.
Fixed: RWS STT returns to search after TMS aft instead of SAM.
Fixed: ACM Bore does not lock targets beyond 10nm even with longer range selected.
Fixed: FCR TWS target altitude differently rounded between bugged and system targets.
Fixed: FCR trackfile information (aspect/speed/etc) are shown as all zeroes when first designating a track file.
Fixed: FCR Has a chance to drop track completely when commanding STT on TWS Bugged target.
Fixed: Aiming marks recalculate position way too fast. Results in CCIP mark flicker.
Fixed: External fuel transfer when AIR SOURCE in RAM.
Fixed: A-G Radar image goes sideways when the scanning zone limit is reached.
Fixed: AGM-65 VIS next maverick after firing no longer space stabilized/slaved to SPI.
Fixed: When radar antenna comes to maximum angle of deflection ground surface render starts its movement within MFD screen.
Fixed: FCR does not remember submode after emergency jettison or master mode change
Revised/Updated F-16C Early Access Guide
New Navigation chapter
New Tactical Employment chapter
Revised Radio Communications chapter
Revised Datalink chapter (work-in-progess)
Revised Appendix A - Added more checklists, added checklist index, and added hyperlinks on all checklist pages to return back to main index.
Other updates/revisions:
Hands-On Controls functions/commands
DED pages
RWR and CMDS Modes

DCS: F/A-18C by Eagle Dynamics
Fixed crash on weapons avionics.
Added Gray Scale on MAP Ground Radar.
Fixed: Texture FPU_8A_VMFA251 not found.
Fixed: When user creates waypoint names in the editor blank waypoint will use another waypoints name.
Fixed: Hot start aircraft sets INS to NAV instead of IFA.

DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics
Improvement of the flight model and SCAS.
Improvement. The characteristic of the increase in the thrust of the main rotor has been refined in the speed range of 0-10 m/s (the helicopter's behavior at the moment of nose tilt to accelerate and when hovering after deceleration will become more realistic).
Improvement. There was overly sensitive yaw control.
The sensitivity of the control in the heading channel has been significantly reduced. Now the increase in angular velocity with a 1-inch pedal movement has been reduced by about 25%, which is beneficial for improving the comfort of control.
Improvement. There was overly sensitive pitch control.
The main rotor rotation characteristics in roll and pitch have been adjusted, which has slightly reduced the control sensitivity in the roll and pitch channels.
The VRS (vortex-ring state) phenomenon of the Main rotor.
Additional game notification about the VRS phenomenon. The player has been given the option to turn on sound and visual notifications about the onset of the phenomenon and its progress. Enabling/disabling is carried out in the SPECIAL tab in the module settings.
The conditions for the occurrence of the VRS phenomenon on the Main rotor have been reworked. Now the Main rotor "entry" into the VRS phenomenon takes a little longer than before. In addition, the critical vertical descent speed that leads to the appearance of VRS is no longer a "strict" value, which increases the realism of “entering” in VRS mode.
During an autorotation landing with the engines running, the helicopter could previously have been in the VRS phenomenon. Fixed
Animation of the Main rotor cone tilt disappeared.
There was no reaction of the rotor cone to the deflection of the helicopter cyclic stick - Fixed
Helicopter SCAS.
When hovering with Position Hold enabled, a slight drift would sometimes occur - Fixed
Independent deactivation of roll and pitch channel in ATT-hold mode. For ATT-Hold mode, separate disabling has been added in the roll and pitch channels if the disabling conditions have occurred only in one of the channels (previously, both channels were disabled if the disabling conditions occurred only for roll, for example). Displayed on the controls indicator.
The efficiency of the SCAS response has been increased when controlling the pilot and in the ATT-Hold (Position, Velocity, Attitude) mode family:
1) when controlling the pilot
the SCAS "blurs" the increase in angular velocity from the cyclic stick and pedals, thereby giving the pilot a little more time for piloting accuracy, which increases piloting comfort;
2) in the ATT-Hold mode family the SCAS reacts more sensitively to changes, trying to compensate for the deviation from the specified mode/parameter in the "bud".
Helicopter SCAS - known issues
When turning ON or OFF the Position-Hold mode, several damped oscillations in roll and/or pitch may occur
Added AI George interface enhancements for color-blind players. May be selected in the SPECIAL tab in the module settings.
Modify the George-as-CPG interface.
Fixed: Graphic glitch with cockpit displays when George finds targets during new Area search.
Fixed: Enroute "Distance to Point" value calculated very wrong.
Fixed: FIRE MSLS and LASE # TRGT message errors.
Fixed: TADS camera clips through model.
Fixed; George AI sees the target through the fog.

DCS: Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics
Petrovich AI. Added support for the new fog system so Petrovich AI wouldn’t see through it.
Rockets can be fired when the fire control switch is off - Fixed. (
ASP-17 Pilot sight brightness adjustment done (Sight reticle brightness - Bugs and Problems - ED Forums)

DCS: UH-1H Huey by Eagle Dynamics
Created and implemented distant engine and main and tail rotors sounds. Adjusted sound radius.

DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight by Eagle Dynamics
Added information about radio channels and frequencies to the kneeboard

DCS: CH-47F by Eagle Dynamics
Added. Trimmer options
Added. Trimming with HAT on stick
Added. Windshield wipers
Fixed. Wipers knob park position isn’t spring loaded
Fixed. Cyclic position for air start
Fixed. LCT indicator scale
Fixed. Ground crew fail to repair engines
Fixed. LCT schedule corrected
Fixed. IR strobe pattern for MP
Fixed. Ramp visualisation
Improved. DASH tweaks
Improved. Crew animation become faster when switching seats
Improved. Further work on CDU pages

DCS: P-47D Thunderbolt by Eagle Dynamics
Fixed. Engine degraded with WEP usage

DCS: FW-190A-8 by Eagle Dynamics
Fixed. Cockpit glass

DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics
Fixed: Dynamic Spawn - Spawn on other players.
Fixed: Animation sticking after client exits.
Fixed: "Waiting for ATC Status" Message displayed in campaigns.
Fixed: IFLOS Lights showing backwards.
Fixed: Client doesn't get taxiing permission ("Awaiting requested crew member").
Fixed: No directors - Cat crew only launch 1st aircraft.
Fixed: AI carrier taxiing decreased dt, smooth break and pilot view correction.
Fixed: Taxi crew stuck in multiplayer with Awaiting crew 1 idle message.
Fixed: Wheel chock wont be placed when teleport to hangar (F/A-18C, F-14A/B).
Fixed: Velocity limit option works if turned OFF.
Fixed: Deck Crew Problems AI F-14s.
Fixed: AI on sixpack can't taxi.
Fixed: Yellow shirt director repeats 'stop' gesture.
Fixed: The director teleports after assigning a player to the next one, apparently teleporting to his initial point.
Fixed: Frequent change of commands by the director (Stop - Come forward) when taxi on the deck.

Known issues: Forced option 'disable deck crew' don't work - in order to create a mission with the deck crew disabled, you need to disable it in the general options..

DCS: F-5E3 Remastered
Added animation of shaking elements in the cockpit.
Added wingtip shake at high AOA.
Added LERX vapor trails.
Fixed: RWR Button Dimmer doesn't work as expected.
Fixed: Cannot open and close the service hatch panels.
Fixed: Incorrect theme loading picture if another theme is applied.
Fixed: Static aircraft parking lot.

DCS: OH-58D Kiowa Warrior by Polychop Simulations
Fixed CTD when using VOIP PTT
Fixed: Inputs for:
Joystick inputs for Autostart / Autoshutdown
Radio hats and animations
Floodlight, position lights and blower switches
WPN/ASE, LMC, ACK/REC switches
Fixed: Multicrew flares
Fixed: Multicrew target points

DCS: SA-342 Gazelle by Polychop Simulations
Fixed: Minigun axis limits
Fixed: Duplicate HOT and Mistral missile definitions removed

DCS: MB-339A/PAN by IndiaFoxtEcho Visual Simulations
Missing missing update of the previous DCS patch:
Fixed: Stand-by ADI not caged when mission starts cold & dark
Fixed: hundreds rotary of GunSight mills needs 9 clicks to go from 0 to 1
Improved: Flight Director bars visibility

DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations
Fixed: some tiny bugs of radar/datalink contact fusion

DCS Mirage F1 by Aerges
Automatic firing of radar guided missiles is fixed.
Fixed 'Nose wheel steering high sensitivity button' not popping out after nose wheel gear lift off, when autostart was performed before.
Changed F1CE/BE IDN logic in TE mode - the wide needle will stay at the last valid position instead of going to 0, when a TACAN station is not received.
Corrected bug in which, with additional vector selected and no TACAN signal, the wide needle always pointed to the West.
Fixed an issue with radios that were not tuning to Easy Comms frequency, if attempted to do this while being in AR (OFF) mode (but with electric bus power being available).
A radio will not be attempted to be autotuned in Easy Comms if it is not currently provided with electric bus power.
F1BE: Only TRAP-136 can be used now for Easy Comms frequency autotune from the rear seat.
F1BE: With Easy Comms option enabled, TRAP-136 priority is automatically switched to the seat from which the radio dialog was activated.
F1BE: Now the other seat radio panel is not affected by Easy Comms autotune. I.e., when TRAP-136 communication is activated from the rear seat, the forward seat panel frequency/mode is not changed, and vice versa.
Added several Single and Quick Start Afghanistan map missions (Mirage F1 CE, EE and BE).
Added Iraq Quick Start and Single missions.
Fixed texture of Mirage F1EE weapons panel integral light.
Fixed the issue with several weapons appearing rotated 90º on their pylons.

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev
A radio will not be attempted to be autotuned in Easy Comms if it is not currently provided with electric power.
Now, in Easy Comms, always a radio of the current seat is used for frequency autotune. Accordingly, the radio priority is automatically switched to that seat.
Custom (defined in the module) Belouga BLG66 bombs were replaced by DCS standard ones.
Improved textures of CBL200, as well as of AN-M3 and DEFA-553 gun pods.
Fixed the issue with several weapons appearing rotated 90º on their pylons.

DCS: South Atlantic by RAZBAM Simulations
Introduction of Winter Textures with emphasis on providing Ultra-High detail around the Falklands Island
High-detail custom normal maps for the entire Falkland Islands
New Normal maps across Argentina / Chile
Further enhancements to ground vegetation, delivering a more realistic look and feel across the entire map
NOTE: June is the summer hemispheres winter and as the default date for the South Atlantic map is June the default will be winter

DCS: Kola map by Orbx
Added Bardufoss Airfield
Added Kattila Airfield
Added TACAN at Andoya airfield
Added towns next to new airfields
Enhancement to the terrain visual quality from lowish level
First pass optimization for some blocks
Logo for DCS World Steam Edition
Release:02.08.2013 Genre: Flug-Simulator Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS World Steam Edition
05.03.25 14:27 Community Announcements
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DCS World Steam Edition
28.02.25 15:00 Community Announcements
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DCS World Steam Edition
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User Files | La-7 Development Progress
DCS World Steam Edition
14.02.25 15:02 Community Announcements
Pacific Theatre of Operations | CH-47F Development Progress | Lunar Sale Finals
DCS World Steam Edition
07.02.25 15:10 Community Announcements
DCS World Steam Edition
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24.01.25 15:00 Community Announcements
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DCS World Steam Edition
20.01.25 17:16 Community Announcements
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DCS World Steam Edition
17.01.25 15:00 Community Announcements
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DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS Update
DCS World Steam Edition
04.12.24 19:09 Community Announcements
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DCS World Steam Edition
29.11.24 15:00 Community Announcements
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DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS Update
DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS World Steam Edition
01.11.24 15:00 Community Announcements
DCS Update
DCS World Steam Edition
30.10.24 13:54 Community Announcements
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DCS World Steam Edition
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Iraq Preview & Pre-Order
DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS World Steam Edition
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Mi-24P Hind Livery Competition | F-4E Development Report | Blu Games
DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS Update
DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS Update
DCS World Steam Edition
30.09.24 17:20 Community Announcements
CH-47F Progress | Shadow Reapers MP Servers
DCS World Steam Edition
27.09.24 15:00 Community Announcements
DCS Update Incoming | F/A-18C and F-16C Fixes | End of Summer Sale
DCS World Steam Edition
20.09.24 15:00 Community Announcements
End of Summer Sale | Kola Map Summer Textures | Mission Generator Development
DCS World Steam Edition
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The end of Single Thread | CH-47F Pilot Models | DCS Upcoming Updates
DCS World Steam Edition
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Screenshot Competition 2024 Results
DCS World Steam Edition
30.08.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Through the Inferno Server | Dynamic Cargo Fun
DCS World Steam Edition
30.08.24 08:43 Community Announcements
DCS Update
DCS World Steam Edition
20.08.24 14:11 Community Announcements
Tornado 50th Anniversary | Tornado Progress | Screenshot Competition Final
DCS World Steam Edition
16.08.24 15:00 Community Announcements
DCS Update
DCS World Steam Edition
14.08.24 14:41 Community Announcements
CH-47F Launch
DCS World Steam Edition
10.08.24 19:36 Community Announcements
DCS World Steam Edition
09.08.24 22:57 Community Announcements
CH-47F Progress | Sinai Development | New Route Tool | F-4 MiG Killers
DCS World Steam Edition
02.08.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Screenshot Competition | Dynamics Campaigns Progress | UH-1H Peacekeeper Lebanon
DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS World Steam Edition
22.07.24 17:13 Community Announcements
CH-47F Statement | Weapons Development Progress | Summer Sale Extension
DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS 2.9.6 Delay.
DCS World Steam Edition
05.07.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Summer Sale | Ground Units Progress | UH-1H Stormfront
DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS World Steam Edition
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DCS World Steam Edition
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2024 & Beyond!
DCS World Steam Edition
05.01.24 15:01 Community Announcements
Happy New Year | Dynamic Campaigns development report | Festive Winter Savings
DCS World Steam Edition
29.12.23 15:04 Community Announcements
Open Beta
DCS World Steam Edition
28.12.23 09:41 Community Announcements
Winter Sale now on | Ground Units Development Progress | DCS Retrospective
DCS World Steam Edition
22.12.23 15:02 Community Announcements
DCS Open Beta
DCS World Steam Edition
19.12.23 13:33 Community Announcements
Open Beta Progress | AH-64D Radar Report | P-51D Debdens New Campaign
DCS World Steam Edition
15.12.23 15:05 Community Announcements
Mosquito Gear | Supercarrier Development Progress | VIAF
DCS World Steam Edition
08.12.23 15:00 Community Announcements
Kh-29 Development Progress | VIRPIL STT’23
DCS World Steam Edition
01.12.23 15:00 Community Announcements
DCS Stable
DCS World Steam Edition
29.11.23 16:49 Community Announcements
Steam Autumn Sale | FLIR Progress | Tempest's Blue Flash
DCS World Steam Edition
24.11.23 15:23 Community Announcements
DCS Open Beta
DCS World Steam Edition
22.11.23 15:06 Community Announcements
Target Spotting Progress | SATAC 23
DCS World Steam Edition
17.11.23 15:02 Community Announcements
DCS Open Beta
DCS World Steam Edition
16.11.23 14:59 Community Announcements
Mi-24P New Campaign and Pilot Model | AGM-45 Shrike Development | VIRPIL STT 23
DCS World Steam Edition
10.11.23 15:00 Community Announcements
DCS: F-4E Phantom II Coming soon!
DCS World Steam Edition
03.11.23 15:00 Community Announcements
Steam Halloween Sale | Radar Development Report | WWII Missions
DCS World Steam Edition
27.10.23 15:01 Community Announcements
DCS Open Beta
DCS World Steam Edition
26.10.23 15:01 Community Announcements