The two new ship parts are the Crew Barracks and the Manipulator Beam.
The Crew Barracks is a new larger 3x4 crew room with beds for up to 24 crew. A single door may be added at each end.

The Manipulator Beam is actually a replacement for the Resource Collector. Like the old Resource Collector, it can still collect floating resources, but now it has 16 beams instead of only 4. Plus, it can also "boost" friendly crew flying outside, helping them fly faster as they carry out tasks such as construction and trading. All existing saved ships and games with Resource Collectors will be automatically upgraded with Manipulator Beam Emitters.

We're also hard at work finishing up the upcoming "Clouds & Storms" update, which is currently in testing and we expect to be ready for release within a couple of weeks!
Full patch notes:
- New Ship Parts:[list]
- Added a Crew Barracks, a new 3x4 crew room that has beds for up to 24 crew.
- Replaced the Resource Collector with the Manipulator Beam Emitter. It can still collect resources but now has 16 beams (4 per crew operating it) and can also boost friendly flying crew as they do tasks such as construction and trading. All saved ships and games with Resource Collectors will be automatically upgraded to Manipulator Beam Emitters. Their cost is unchanged but now use hypercoils instead of regular coils.
- Added 4 new Monolith combat ships: Glaive, Sovnya, Validator, and Verificator.
- Added 6 new Cabal combat ships: Elagabalus, Gaze, Glare, Grus, Jabbaj, and Sadalmelik.
- Added 5 new Cabal trade ships: Ascetic, Pilgrim, Seeker, Supplicant, and Trinity.
- Added a new Tiny Cabal Arms Depot II.
- Added 3 new Fringe combat ships: Bomb Anchor, Master of None, and Shin Hanabi.
- Miscellaneous other updates to many existing ships.
- Some star systems will now have binary (two smaller) suns instead of one larger sun.
- Defense platforms will no longer spawn around stations that are under attack.
- Doubled the speed at which crew salvage junk and deconstruct their own ships, which is then doubled again when salvaging/deconstructing armor.
- Cockpits, Small Hyperdrives, and Large Thrusters now require coils instead of hypercoils to construct. (The total credit cost of each is unchanged.)
- Small Laser Blaster:[list]
- Increased damage from 400 to 500.
- Increased shot speed from 320 to 340.
- Increased damage from 900 to 1000.
- Increased shot speed from 240 to 300.
- Increased range from 300 to 350.
- Reduced damage falloff at maximum range from 30% to 20%.
- Reduced rotation speed from 30 to 20, but it can now rotate while firing.
- Reduced power usage per second from 6.0 to 3.0.
- Increased damage vs ship junk from 1200/sec to 9600/sec.
- Reduced opening time from 1.2 to 0.6 seconds. (Closing time is unchanged.)
- Reduced base ramp-up time from 6 to 4 seconds.
- Reduced power consumption by 25%.
- Reduced the Extender cost from 7500 to 6000.
- Reduced cost from 30,000 to 25,000.
- Reduced power usage per full missile from 6 to 4.
- Increased power capacity from 4 to 6.
- Increased production speed by 50%.
- Reduced cost from 1000 to 600.
- The "Repair All" button is now available even if the player doesn't have enough resources. Clicking it will cause crew to repair as much as possible.
- Valid and invalid door locations are now much more visually obvious when adding parts to ships.
- The game will no longer auto-save while paused if no user inputs have been given.
- In the load/save game dialog, saved games where the player is in debt will now show their negative credit amount in red.
- Hiding a news alert on the title screen will no longer prompt to confirm.
- Added hotkeys to increase and decrease the U.I. Scaling.
- Clarified the Power Capacitor's description to make it clear that crew still have to deliver the power.
- Disabling tutorials will now automatically activate/deactivate any settings that would have been automatically changed when viewing the now-disabled tutorials.
- Hailing your own ships will now open the crew/resource transfer window instantly.
- The "Mining Beam" stats have been renamed to "Double Mining Beams" to clarify that the stats are for both beams combined.
- A.I. ships will now put more priority on attacking closer targets instead of powerful targets.
- If one A.I. ship is already targeting a ship, other A.I.s will now be less likely to target it instead of something else.
- Projectile trails for Railguns and missiles will now render regardless of zoom level for better visibility.
- Tweaked Chaingun loaded bullet sprites to more accurately convey whether bullets are loaded into the Chaingun.
- The Chaingun Magazine now appears to have the correct number of bullet loading holes.
- Factory animations will now speed up when the factory is buffed.
- Upgraded to the Microsoft .NET 8 runtime. This may slightly increase performance. If you're playing on Steam Deck or Linux and can no longer play because of this change, please make sure you're using the latest "experimental" Proton.
- Cosmoteer will no longer run on DX9-era GPUs. This probably won't impact anyone since those are EXTREMELY old GPUs, but please let us know if this causes problems for you.
- Crash when using certain combinations of screen/window resolutions and U.I. scaling settings.
- Crash if for some reason the size of the game window's render area becomes zero. (May happen when dragging the window between monitors or when disconnecting a monitor.)
- Rare crashes caused by the the crew O2 warning icons appearing or disappearing.
- Ships traveling at very low speeds could "jitter", often as they approached their intended destination.
- The dotted boxes around crew quarters in the crew U.I. were not displaying properly.
- In some circumstances, Engine Rooms could fail to deliver batteries to connected thrusters.
- Ion Beam Prisms weren't retargeting as quickly as was intended.
- Modular Rocket Thrusters with 30 or more extenders were not using as much power as was intended.
- In some cases, ships weren't properly blocking Large Shield arcs on other ships.
- Manipulator Beams (Resource Collectors) could sometimes grab more resources than were intended.
- A money duplication exploit triggered by jumping to a different star system and back.
- Wreckage in ship graveyards would be magically "repaired" after salvaging when leaving and returning.
- Resources pre-purchased from stations for construction weren't being properly marked as available again if the pre-purchase was canceled due to flying away.
- A station that was destroyed could still sometimes retain a "claim" to nearby resources that it was trying to use to repair itself, making those resources impossible to collect.
- It was possible to give roof lights invalid color/alpha values in build mode by selecting and adjusting the color of multiple lights simultaneously.
- Loading a saved game with partially-constructed parts would show those parts with glowing blue elements until the game was unpaused.
- Thrusters and other visual effects could appear to flicker when at the edge of the player's sight range.
- It was unintentionally possible to drag-and-drop ship files into the Built-In Ships section of the ship library.
- The crew squad assignment U.I. could flicker while the ship was moving.
- Career mode now supports different randomly-chosen "sector types" for each star system which can be used to change how objects are spawned within each type. They can also dictate which background styles will be used.
- The 'Doodads' spawner's ScaleFactor parameter can now be a random range.
- The spawner 'Conditions' blocks now support 'OnlySectorTypes' and 'ExcludeSectorTypes'.
- Added a WholeShipBuffProvider which provides a buff to the part's entire ship.
- Added a 'Repeating' hit effect that repeats a set of sub-hit-effects a certain number of times with an interval between them. Can also spawn media effects for every repeat.
- Fixes to InlineResourceConverter bugs that were causing it to incorrectly convert resources in some situations.
- Fixed freezes and/or low FPS that could occur when salvaging if parts didn't have any colliders overlapping the center of the part.
- When running in Developer Mode, changes to shaders, wav files, and non-ship textures will be automatically reloaded without have to reload the whole game.