News Liste Cosmoteer: Raumschiffarchitekt & Kommandant

Update 0.24.2 Patch Notes
Cosmoteer: Raumschiffarchitekt & Kommandant
11.11.23 00:15 Community Announcements
Cosmoteer patch 0.24.2 is now available! This patch has a handful of bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements.


  • All factory munition and resource storages now have roof hatches, allowing flying crew and Resource Collectors to access those storages from outside the ship.
  • Ship control groups (F1-F8) will now be saved and restored for all players when loading a multiplayer saved game or resyncing after a desync.
  • Resource type filters for each ship are now synchronized between all players in multiplayer and will be properly restored when loading a saved game or resyncing from a desync.
  • Reduced mining laser oscillation by 1/3 to account for its recently increased range.
  • Increased the search range for new fires to put out after a crew finishes putting out a fire or the part they were on the way to was destroyed. This should make crew less likely to drop fire extinguishers when there are still fires to be put out.
  • Weapons will now be willing to fire through asteroids/megaroids when targeting other asteroids/megaroids.
  • Stations whose Hyper-Jump Beacons were destroyed will now become jumpable again once you travel far enough from them such that they despawn from the game simulation, at which point they are assumed to repair themselves. (Previously you would have to return to the station for them to become jumpable again.)
  • Using "Clear Everything" in Creative Mode will now clear all dead crew and particle effects.
  • The four buttons at the bottom of the Battle Helper will now resize themselves if necessary to fit their text.
  • You can now press the Spacebar while the game is saving to pause (or unpause) once the save is finished.
  • Added a title-screen tip that explains how to change the difficulty level while playing.
  • Bugfix: Multiplayer desyncs that could be caused in some situations when a part is salvaged and the ship being salvaged is selected by one or some but not all of the players.
  • Bugfix: Point Defenses were unable to shoot down projectiles fired from ships that have since become junk.
  • Bugfix: Salvaging a storage pod and then flying far enough away from it would cause the storage pod to unintentionally respawn with all of its resources after returning to it.
  • Bugfix: In certain situations, crew could get "stuck" trying to construct wedge armor or structure if it was impossible to start construction on the wedge without splitting the ship.
  • Bugfix: Salvaging (without actually deconstructing) structure wedges could cause "temporary" structure tiles to spawn in their place which the ship's crew would then immediately try to deconstruct.
  • Bugfix: Ships with Resource Collectors would spawn with crew already manning the Resource Collectors, even though Resource Collectors aren't supposed to be manned until they have a target to collect.
  • Bugfix: If a Chaingun with a specific aim direction is copied and then pasted over another Chaingun that had a different specific aim direction, then that Chaingun would display multiple aim locations when selected.
  • Bugfix: Copying a Chaingun with a specific aim location, mirroring/flipping it, and then pasting it could cause the aim location of the new Chaingun to be incorrectly mirrored.
  • Bugfix: Transferring resources to a friendly ship wouldn't cancel properly if the destination ship was destroyed or removed.
  • Bugfix: If the game is saved and reloaded in between a thruster's ship losing command and the thruster shutting down as a result, then upon reloading the saved game the thruster would appear to fire indefinitely but exert no actual force or use any power.
  • Bugfix: If the save data for a particular star system is corrupted or unloadable for whatever reason, trying to travel to or load it will no longer crash the game. Instead, the star system will be regenerated from scratch.
  • Bugfix: Hovering the mouse cursor over the "NO WORK NEEDED" button would then prevent the construction cost breakdown from being displayed once work is actually needed.
  • Modding: All non-grid resource storage components now support optional 'ExternalPickUpLocation' and 'ExternalDeliveryLocation' parameters which will set the location where crew must go when picking up or delivering resources from outside the ship. (These override the existing 'PickUpLocation' and 'DeliveryLocation' parameters when picking up or delivering externally.)
  • Modding: Mod changes that would previously cause saved games to fail to load with the error message "Unexpectedly not standing on a part" will now instead simply cause those crew to be ejected into space instead of preventing the save from being loaded.
Logo for Cosmoteer: Raumschiffarchitekt & Kommandant
Release:03.10.2022 Genre: Simulation Entwickler: Walternate Realities Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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Cosmoteer: Raumschiffarchitekt & Kommandant
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Cosmoteer: Raumschiffarchitekt & Kommandant
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