News Liste Cosmoteer: Raumschiffarchitekt & Kommandant

Release Candidate 0.28.0 - Quality of Life Improvements & Balance Changes
Cosmoteer: Raumschiffarchitekt & Kommandant
15.11.24 22:47 Community Announcements
Cosmoteer release candidate 0.28.0 is now available for testing! (To play this release candidate, you must opt in to test it. Please see this post for info on how to test release candidates.)

This release candidate has a ton of quality-of-life improvements, a few significant balance changes, and a handful of bug fixes.

We're still working hard at a bunch of upcoming improvements as part of Career 2.0, but we wanted to get these improvements out to everyone sooner rather than later.

Thanks for testing!

  • Built-In Ships: [list]
  • Added 1 new Monolith combat ship: Degenbrecher
  • Added 2 new Cabal combat ships: Pherkad and Sadalsuud
  • Added 1 new Imperium combat ship: Sesostris
  • Added 2 new Fringe combat ships: Pugachev and Tarakanova
  • Miscellaneous updates to existing ships.

  • Balance:
    • All thrusters larger than smalls (and boost thrusters in boost mode) now have a "ramp down" time, meaning they can no longer reduce their thrust instantly. The larger the thruster, the longer its ramp-down time.
    • Doubled storage capacity for Steel, Coils, Hypercoils, and Tristeel from 20 per tile to 40 per tile.
    • Increased Flak Array (formerly Flak Battery) ammo capacity from 52 to 92.
    • Decreased Tractor Beam force by 20%.
    • Reduced EMP launch cooldown from 6 seconds to 2 seconds.

  • Ship & Crew A.I.:
    • Ship A.I. has been updated to account for the new thruster "ramp down" times and is now more accurately able to determine the optimal time at which to start decelerating in order to come to a stop at the desired destination.
    • Ships (especially ships with diagonal flight directions) should now strafe more intelligently and be less likely to overshoot their destination.
    • Crew should now waste less time shuffling resources around when emptying factories into undesignated storage tiles.

  • Career:
    • If you find yourself in an unwinnable fight, you can now often surrender to the A.I. by paying them credits. Try hailing them. In some cases the A.I. may even hail you to demand your surrender. And in some cases the A.I. will simply never let you surrender.
    • Similarly, A.I.s will now sometimes be willing to surrender to you and will offer you credits in exchange for you sparing their lives. The A.I. may hail you to offer a surrender, but you can also try hailing them. And in some cases, the A.I. may prefer death over the dishonor of surrendering.
    • Breaking a surrender truce will cause you to lose fame and prevent other A.I. ships in the same star system from surrenduring to you.
    • The crew limit will now only be increased in batches when your fame levels up. (Instead of gradually increasing one crew at a time.) We think this is more intuitive for new players and feels better as an actual reward for leveling up fame.
    • Stations now have more rare resources, and the amount of rare resources will now scale with the size of the station.
    • When player-constructed parts are destroyed, they now drop 85% of their original construction resources (up from 50%). This drop rate is now unaffected by the chosen economic difficulty.
    • In the starting star system, a bounty is now guaranteed to spawn very close to the player's starting location.

  • User Interface:
    • Floating resources that you haven't collected will now stay visible in the fog of war as little dots. Common resources will be dark gray, and rarer resources will be light yellow. (Career mode only.)
    • The icons for rare asteroids (carbon, gold, tritanium, and uranium) now have a yellow tint to indicate their increased value.
    • The icon for hyperium asteroids and storage tiles is now an "Hy" symbol to be consistent with the other asteroid icons.
    • Using the salvage tool and clicking (without dragging a box) on a junked ship or asteroid will now mark the whole ship or asteroid for salvaging and automatically move to be nearby it. Multiple such commands can be queued up by holding shift. Once salvaging and resource collection for each is complete, the ship will move on to the next.
    • Added a "Strip Mine/Salvage" toggle when right-clicking the pick-axe tool. When enabled, a whole asteroid or ship will be mined/salvaged even if some of its parts don't contain desirable resources.
    • Holding Shift to queue a ship command will no longer summon all crew and cancel all exterior jobs.
    • Salvages queued while a ship is "following" a junk ship or asteroid will no longer be automatically canceled when issuing another ship command.
    • Adjusting the game speed or paused state now takes effect instantly. (Except for audio pitch, which still changes over a fraction of a second.)
    • Arrows indicating the speed and direction at which a ship is traveling or rotating can now be turned on in the settings. By default they are only displayed when in Direct Control Mode, but they also can be turned on for all selected ships or turned off altogether.
    • When adjusting a crew's name or appearance, it will now be automatically favorited. This can be disabled in the settings.
    • Hovering over a favorited crew will now display their name. (Even when not on the crew management screen.) This can be disabled in the settings.
    • Whenever a favorited crew dies or is abandoned, a message will now be displayed in the upper-left corner. This can be disabled in the settings.
    • Using the "Load Ship (Replace Existing)" feature and checking "Also Load Resource Assignments" will now clear all existing storage tile designations and supply assignments.
    • When a thruster is selected or hovered, a bar will now be displayed under the health bar that indicates the thruster's current thrust level.
    • Added a setting to disable flashing of invalid/damaged parts in the ship editor.
    • Ship breadcrumb trails in Career are now a bit easier to see inside clouds.
    • Renamed the "Oval" part/decal shape to "Ellipse".
    • Renamed the Flak Battery to "Flak Array".

  • Tutorials:
    • Added an initial "Welcome" popup that is automatically displayed and tells the new player how to read the tutorials.
    • The first camera tutorial now mentions that W.A.S.D. keys are an option for controlling the camera.
    • The initial combat tutorial will no longer be shown if an enemy is detected while the player is near a station.
    • Added a tutorial that briefly explains clouds and storms.
    • The repairs tutorial will now only be shown while the player is near a station.
    • The "Gathering & Salvaging Materials" and "Mining Asteroids" tutorials now mention the new whole-ship/asteroid salvage command.

  • Tech:
    • Upgraded to Microsoft .NET 8. This may slightly improve overall performance. (We had previously upgraded to .NET 8 but had to roll back to 7 due to a bug. That bug has now been fixed.)

  • Bug Fixes:
    • Crash in multiplayer Career if the "Add More Crew" dialog is open while jumping to a new star system.
    • Crash in Build & Battle if the "Add More Crew" dialog is open when returning to the build phase.
    • It is no longer possible to end the current game (or load or start a new game) while jumping to a new star sytem. (Doing so could cause crashes.)
    • Ships that were under construction were being unintentionally ignored by collision avoidance.
    • Ships that were rotating at high speed could sometimes "clip" through or into other ships or objects.
    • The rails of non-operational Railguns weren't using their proper damaged sprites.
    • If any crew outside a ship were at "warning" distance and thus showing a red line and circle, then some or all of the circles around any closer crew would also be red.
    • he sensor array's dish rotation should no longer slowly desync from its audio beeps. (Or if it still does, it should now desync much more slowly.)
    • Log files were logging the default settings instead of the user's custom settings upon initial startup.

  • Modding:
    • Added a built-in mod that increases the maximum number of players in co-op Career from 4 to 8.
    • Thruster components now support a 'SoftOperationalToggle' that when disabled will force the thruster to ramp-down to zero but not immediately stop all thrust.
    • Resources can now be given a 'Rarity'. If omitted, "common" will be assumed.
    • Part toggles now support an 'OnAlertSwitch' style.
    • Improved error messages when rules references are invalid.
    • InitHitLengthResetDelay had a bug allowing BeamEmitters to fire without consuming resources.
    • ValueTween should now work properly when its OnValue is less than its OffValue.
    • If a buffable value specifies a MinValue or MaxValue but isn't actually being buffed, then its default BaseValue will now still be clamped to within the range allowed by MinValue and MaxValue.
    • The number of decal layers can now be changed by mods. (See /DecalLayers)
    • Ship angular damping can now be made dynamic depending on the ship's linear speed. (This is not currently/yet used in vanilla.)

    Logo for Cosmoteer: Raumschiffarchitekt & Kommandant
    Release:03.10.2022 Genre: Simulation Entwickler: Walternate Realities Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
    Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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