☀️ Grab a cold lemonade because the 2024 Heatwave Event is here! Lakeside Loki and Alepisaurus Mako join the seasonal Heatwave crew alongside the adorable Ocean Messenger Sidekick, three new summery Emoji and more! Log-in during the event to claim your free “Vacation Mode” Title ????We’re days away from an Esports weekend! The Midseason Championship begins Friday ???? We can’t wait to see y’all in Daytona Beach ????️To catch the latest Brawlhalla news and content, be sure to follow us on Twitch, TikTok, Discord, YouTube, Reddit, X, Instagram, and Facebook!

Tank Tops and water blasters aren’t a requirement but they are encouraged! Heatwave brings a barrel full of seasonal items and a spattering of new items. Heatwave enthusiasts will be able to purchase Heatwave Colors for Loki, Seven, and Vivi!
New Heatwave Skins
Lakeside Loki - The cooler uncle
- Caught a Big One! (Scythe)[/*]
- Sharpoons (Katars)[/*]
- Carved Lancet Teeth (Katars)[/*]
- Great Bone Matau (Greatsword)[/*]
New Heatwave Sidekick
Ocean Messenger - Bringing tidings of fair weather for your voyage.
New Heatwave Emojis
Dog Days Sweat - I'm only sweating because it's hot!
Beachside Lookin’ Good - *snaps* yes.
New Heatwave Podium
Heatwave 2024 - No, Polly doesn't want a cracker. Lock in already.
Heatwave Colors
If you’ve been Heatwave Brawling for years, it’s time to unlock Heatwave Colors for Loki, Seven, and Vivi!

Time for a Beachbrawl party! What better way to beat the heat than throwing water balloons at beach balls to score goals in a 3v3 Summer throw down? Get 1 point for each beach ball you get past the opposing team's goal. Most points at the end of 2 minutes wins!
- 3v3[/*]
- Queue alone or with a friend![/*]
- 2 minutes[/*]
- Most points at the end wins![/*]

We’re almost halfway to BCX 2024! The Midseason Championship takes place this weekend in sunny Daytona Beach Florida. Competitors and spectators from all over the world are traveling to what will be a historic event. With $100,000 on the line you don’t want to miss a moment of this action. Tune into the highest level of Brawlhalla over the weekend on our Twitch Channel. You’ll also earn Viewership Rewards while watching! To learn more about this event head over to http://Start.gg/CEO

The free-to-play Legend rotation for this week features: Orion, Scarlet, Caspian, Rayman, Dusk, Mako, Munin, and Red Raptor!
- Orion – A revered warrior and champion, the mysterious armored knight uses Rocket Lance and Spear to battle his foes in the halls of Valhalla![/*]
- Scarlet – A former women’s boxing champion from England and head of the Royal Airship Navy, Scarlet used her ingenuity and knowledge of steam powered machines to build her own Rocket Lance and Hammer to take into battle.[/*]
- Caspian – Led by his showmanship and thirst for danger, he has come to Valhalla armed with Katars and Gauntlets to put on a show![/*]
- Rayman – The Champion of the Glade of Dreams, wielding his Gauntlets and Axe, has found his way into Valhalla on a mission to save his home.[/*]
- Dusk – Wielding his Spear and a powerful Orb carved from stone and magic, Dusk seeks to spread chaos throughout Valhalla.[/*]
- Mako – The ultimate apex predator from The Sea, Mako, with her Greatsword and Katars, aims to make fish meat out of her opponents in the Grand Tournament.[/*]
- Munin – Rocking out to the sweet sounds of her Scythe and Bow, she’s ready to brawl in the Grand Tournament and finish her next Ravenqueen concert![/*]
- Red Raptor – Armed with Garuda’s Core Orb and Squadron Strikers Battle Boots, The Last Sentai fights in the Grand Tournament, but hopes for a chance to save the souls of his lost teammates.[/*]
- Sidra – Known for her legendary and fearless raids, the Corsair Queen is prepared to fight with her Sword and Cannon! [/*]