News Liste Brawlhalla

Challenges Preview Update, Bubble Bomb, Balance, and More! – Patch 9.02
15.01.25 16:30 Community Announcements

Step back into the dojo and train to become the ultimate Brawler! Patch 9.02 gives the Challenges Preview a fresh coat of paint and an exciting look at the future of Challenges. Learn from Lin Fei herself in lessons tailored for each Weapon, unarmed combos, and tutorials for Brawlers of all skill levels! 

We’re also graduating the Bubble Bomb from Test Features and introducing a whole bunch of cool new cosmetics in Mallhalla including the “Mirage’s Fury” KO Effect, “Snowboarding" Emote, 2 Sidekicks, Avatar, and the Hardlight Weapon Set.

Congrats to Team Naughty for claiming victory in our first-ever Skirmish, but a new battle is just on the horizon; which starchy-sweet syrup breakfast food will reign supreme? The next Skirmish coming January 22nd will be Pancakes vs Waffles!

To catch the latest Brawlhalla news and content, be sure to follow us on Twitch, TikTok, Discord, YouTube, X (Twitter), Instagram, and Facebook!

Learn from Lin Fei to become the ultimate Brawler in over 30 Challenges in this substantial update to the Challenges Preview.

We’ve replaced the branching UI with a scrollable menu with Challenges immediately unlocked and playable. They are separated as tutorials for game mechanics, Unarmed combos & strings, and individual Weapon combos and strings. The Challenges also cover a wide variety of difficulties so that brawlers of all skill levels can find something new to learn! 

The Challenges preview can be accessed in the Offline Play menu underneath the Tutorials button.

The Bubble Bomb is now available in all queues! 

Throw a Bubble Bomb at an opponent to trap them in a pink bubble similar to those in the Bubble Tag mode. 

If trapped, the opponent will float with limited movement & abilities for a few seconds until the bubble pops

Try landing another attack on a bubbled opponent to deal extra damage.

Use the Dodge button to move if you are bubbled. You'll be trapped if you throw it too close to yourself!

KO Effect

Mirage’s Fury – “A storm of sands like no one has ever seen before.”


Snowboarding – “Ready to take on a triple black diamond!”


Paloma – “Aw, it brought a little gift!”

Sardines – “Yep. Just some sardines.”


Masked Rivalry – “The Jaguar vs. The Mysterious Stranger”

Weapon Skins

Hardlight Weapon Set – “Forged by the Sons of Ivaldi for a worthy battle.”
    Available for all 14 Weapon types!

Now that Team Naughty has claimed victory from our first Skirmish and is proudly showing off their shiny animated Avatar, we’re getting ready to host a new one next week on January 22nd! 

Which starchy-sweet syrup breakfast food will reign supreme? Choose your Faction, Pancakes or Waffles, and get ready for two weeks of another brawl of epic proportions!

  • Choose your Faction based on your personal preference. There is no wrong choice![/*] [*]Factions compete against each other by playing online matchmaking games.[/*] [*]When you play any Game Mode online, you earn Influence for your Faction.[/*] [*]The Faction with the most Influence when the Skirmish ends is the winner.[/*] [*]Special “Skirmish Battles” take place when you get matched with a member of the opposing Faction in Ranked. A random Influence multiplier is applied to a Skirmish Battle, which can be seen on the loading screen before the match.[/*] [*]Some rewards are granted when you choose your Faction, and extra rewards are granted when the Skirmish ends.
    • Faction Title awarded based on your total personal contribution to your Faction at the end of the Skirmish.[list]
    • Adept – 5,000 Influence[/*]
    [/*] [*]Hero – 30,000 Influence[/*] [*]Legend – 100,000 Influence[/*][/list][/*] [*]Each member of the winning Faction will earn an animated version of their Faction’s Avatar. Additionally, any Titles that have been earned from your personal contribution to your Faction’s Influence will be yellow.[/*] [*]Titles that have been earned by members of the losing Faction will be white.[/*] [*]You can check the status of the ongoing Skirmish, including when the Skirmish ends, in the notifications tab of the Player Menu.

  • The Pancakes vs. Waffles Skirmish begins on January 22, 2025 at 5am ET and runs until February 5, 2025 at 5:00am ET. Immediately after the Skirmish ends, Titles will be awarded to everyone who earned them, and the animated Avatar will be given to the members of the winning Faction.

    We’ve done a quality of life pass on all 1v1 & 2v2 Tournament Maps. This includes:
    • Higher vantage points won't have high floating spawns. 
    • Standardized the weapon spawn zone and the amount of distance between each spawn. 
    • Team Initial spawns are now guaranteed to be contrasting compared to similar Maps’ initial team spawns.
    The following changes have been made to the pools.
    • Mos Eisley Spaceport has been added to the 1v1 and 2v2 Tournament Map Pool.
    • Apocalypse has been removed from the 1v1 and 2v2 Tournament Map Pool.


    • Added an option to select 1 or more "favorite" cosmetic items. Having more than 1 favorite will give you a random one from your selected options.
    • Gadgets are now available in the Image Render Tool!
    • Added a popup screen warning Brawlers attempting to get a refund for an item that is either: Part of a seasonal event that is not currently active, or a Crossover item that is no longer available for purchase.


    • Fixed a long-standing bug so now Progression Skin & Podium level-up missions from past Battle Pass seasons will properly display on the post-match Battle Pass screen after the match where you finished them.
    • Fixed several bugs preventing certain letters from being input in the several text fields including Clan Name, and 1v1/2v2 Tournament Name.

    Art & Animation

    • Fixed animation issues when equipping the High Five Emote with the Brioche and Sekhar, Star Collapser sidekicks.
    • Fixed an issue with the Image Render Tool where frames could not be chosen for animated Podiums.


      Fixed a bug where the audio wouldn’t play for the “Bubbles” Emote in Mallhalla.

    This patch contains a number of changes that provide more appropriate risk to certain key attacks in team gameplay and improvements to underutilized Signature attacks on some underperforming Legends.


    The Axe Neutral Air was an overly safe option during team games that could retreat too quickly from an opponent after striking that opponent's teammate. We have reduced the amount of allowed acceleration on hit to provide a wider opportunity to retaliate in this situation.
      Axe Neutral Air: Decreased the amount of allowed backwards acceleration on hit.

    Battle Boots

    The Battle Boots Ground Pound now has less threat coverage and the hurtbox has been adjusted to allow more attacks to reliably contest this Ground Pound from in front and below.
      Battle Boots Ground Pound: Slightly decreased threat coverage towards the front and bottom of the attack; Slightly shifted hurtbox downward during the kick.


    We have increased the Cooldown time on miss and hit for the Cannon Down Light, as repeat use of this attack could block attempts at retaliation from an opponent's teammate too easily. The Cannon Down Air now has greater Recover time on miss for the ground version to grant a wider opportunity to punish reckless use of this attack.
    • Cannon Down Light: Increased Cooldown time on miss from 16 to 17; Increased Cooldown time on hit from 12 to 15.
    • Cannon Down Air: Increased total Recover time on miss for the ground version from 3 Fixed/20 Variable to 5 Fixed/20 Variable.


    The Gauntlets Neutral Air now has greater Recover time on miss to grant a wider opportunity to return to stage between Gauntlet attacks during an edgeguard, and to more easily retaliate against this quick attack.
      Gauntlets Neutral Air: Increased total Recover time from 5 Fixed/20 Variable to 7 Fixed/20 Variable.

    Rocket Lance

    The Rocket Lance Neutral Air now has less allowed backwards acceleration on hit to grant a wider opportunity for opposing teammates to retaliate against this attack in team games.
      Rocket Lance Neutral Air: Decreased the amount of allowed backwards acceleration on hit.


    We have increased the Cooldown time on miss for the Orb Side Air to allow a wider opportunity to retaliate against or maneuver around repeat use of this attack in the neutral game.
      Orb Side Air: Increased Cooldown time on miss from 12 to 15.


    The Scythe Side Air and Down Air could rotate into other attacks too quickly for their coverage and potential reward, so we have increased their Recover time on miss to bring their risk in line with other similar options.
    • Scythe Side Air: Increased total Recover time on miss from 2 Fixed/25 Variable to 4 Fixed/25 Variable.
    • Scythe Down Air: Increased total Recover time on miss from 2 Fixed/24 Variable to 4 Fixed/24 Variable.



    The Sword Side Light now has increased Stun and decreased Force to allow for more consistent follow-up attacks. To account for this consistency, we have also increased the maximum angle of Directional Influence for this attack when struck by duplicate attacks in a single combo. The Sword Recovery attack now has less Force to better match its high degree of utility and ease of use.
    • Sword Side Light: Increased Stun from 14 to 15; Decreased Force of the final hit from 78 Fixed/4 Variable to 61 Fixed/1 Variable; Increased maximum angle of Directional Influence when being struck by duplicate attacks in a single combo.
    • Sword Recovery: Decreased Force from 55 Fixed/42 Variable to 55 Fixed/40 Variable.


    Azoth's Down Bow now has much greater Force to better match its relatively small threat coverage and straightforward nature.
      Azoth Down Bow: Increased Force from 65 Fixed/51 Variable to 65 Fixed/54 Variable.


    We have increased the Time to Hit and decreased the threat coverage for the first hit of Imugi's Side Axe to provide a wider avenue to maneuver around this powerful attack. We have also increased the Recover time on miss of Imugi's Down Axe to allow players to more reliably punish reckless use of this Signature.
    • Imugi Side Axe: Increased Time to Hit from 17 to 19; Decreased threat coverage at the extreme edges of the first hit.
    • Imugi Down Axe: Increased total Recover time on miss from 16 to 20.


    The aerial version of Kor's Down Hammer now has greater Force to better match its lengthy total commitment time.

      Kor Down Hammer: Increased Force of the air version from 54 Fixed/52 Variable to 57 Fixed/54 Variable.


    Reno's Down Blasters and Neutral Orb have received increases to their Damage to bring their reward closer in line with their considerable risk.
    • Reno Down Blasters: Increased Damage from 25 to 28.
    • Reno Neutral Orb: Increased Damage from 23 to 26.

    Sir Roland

    Sir Roland's Neutral Rocket Lance now has greater Force to better match its lengthy Time to Hit and relatively slow travel speed. Sir Roland's Side Rocket Lance now has greater travel speed to better fit the current pace of movement and overall gameplay.
    • Sir Roland Neutral Rocket Lance: Increased Force from 71 Fixed/53 Variable to 71 Fixed/55 Variable.
    • Sir Roland Side Rocket Lance: Increased travel speed during the first hit.

    Wu Shang


    We have decreased the Force of Wu Shang's Neutral Spear to better fit its high degree of utility and sizable threat coverage.
      Wu Shang Neutral Spear: Decreased Force from 60 Fixed/50 Variable to 60 Fixed/48 Variable.

    Track down the score of a lifetime in this timed, 200% FFA mode. The first person to get a KO becomes the Bounty and will take 2x Damage until they are KO-ed. Whoever KOs the Bounty scores more points and becomes the new Bounty. Score the most points in 3 minutes to win!
    • Bounty Game mode
    • 3-minutes, FFA
    • 4 Players
    • 200% Damage
    • Score the most points to win!

    The free-to-play Legend rotation for this week features: Teros, Cross, Lucien, Thor, Arcadia, Thea, Jiro, Sidra, and Munin.
    • Teros – This Minotaur is indifferent to the rules or intent of the Tournament. Instead, he takes savage joy in all the battles while crushing his opponents with Axe and Hammer.
    • Cross – For years he has owned New York City, but can he do the same in Valhalla? This charismatic mobster steps into Valhalla with Blasters and Gauntlets.
    • Lucien – This mysterious highwayman is always scheming for gold, and now has come to Valhalla to take part in the tournament wielding Katars and Blasters!
    • Thor – Finally entering the ring, Thor, God of Thunder, makes his appearance in the Grand Tournament with his trusty Hammer, Mjölnir, and his powerful Orb.
    • Arcadia – The humble beetle farmer turned Glorious Queen of the Faefolk. Arcadia, the great champion of the Fangwild, fights in the Grand Tournament with Orma - the singing Greatsword, her Eldritch Thorn Spear, and trusty beetle companion Domo.
    • Thea – You’ll usually find Thea kicking Asgard with her Battle Boots & Rocket Lance in Thundergard Stadium. She’s second to none in Brawlball, Dodgebomb, and all of Valhalla’s Eternal Sports tournaments.
    • Jiro – Trained as a child by a powerful and secret shinobi family, Jiro comes into the arena with not only Scythe and Sword but shadow clones as well!
    • Sidra – Known for her legendary and fearless raids, the Corsair Queen is prepared to fight with her Sword and Cannon!
    • Munin – Rocking out to the sweet sounds of her Scythe and Bow, she’s ready to brawl in the Grand Tournament and finish her next Ravenqueen concert!

    Logo for Brawlhalla
    Release:17.10.2017 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: Blue Mammoth Games Vertrieb: Ubisoft Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
    Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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