Are you ready for the hottest summer festival this side of Asgard? As announced during Sunday’s Stream of the Spring Royale – Brawlhalla Fest begins on May 29th. ????
This will be the first of a new kind of seasonal event to celebrate our awesome community!
It brings new timed missions and exclusive rewards like out the highly-requested iridescent color scheme: Bifrost, and an Emoji teasing an upcoming Epic Skin: Void Zenith Artemis ????
AND THAT’S NOT ALL! For two weeks, we’re featuring all 62 Legends on the free rotation, giving everyone a chance to complete the Bifrost Colors Timed Event Mission for All-Legends - present and future. All players will receive the Title “The Headliner” as a free reward for logging in during the festival. ????
Bifrost Color Scheme
Win matchmade games to earn this exclusive iridescent Color Scheme for the Legend you played as. Win with all 62 Legends to unlock the Color Scheme for all future Legends! The only way to earn the Bifrost Color Scheme is to participate in this Timed Event Mission.
This Timed Event mission runs for three weeks, from May 29th through June 18th
Void Zenith 1 More Emoji Skin
Earn 10,000 XP by playing matchmade games in Brawlhalla to earn this Emoji Skin inspired by a soon to be available Artemis Epic Skin. The only way to earn the Void Zenith 1 More Emoji Skin is to participate in the Timed Event Mission.
This Timed Event mission runs for three weeks, from May 29th through June 18th.
Headlining Featured Acts
For the first two weeks of the festival, we’re featuring all 62 Legends on the free rotation. Leap into battle with Legends who are new to you, and see if you can unlock the Bifrost Color Scheme for all Legends in less than two weeks!
We’re also hosting “Brawl of the Day”, which means a new Game Mode and daily reset of the Gold Victory Bonus from May 29th through June 11th.
Brawlhalla Fest also features daily THEMED rotating sales for the first two weeks.
See below for the list of the featured modes and items for the first 2 Weeks.
May 29:
Brawl of the Day (BOTD): 3v3 Skirmish!
Queue solo or as a team for some 3v3 brawlin’ action!
- Team 3v3 with stocks!
- Each player has 3 stocks!
- Queue alone or with friends!
- Last team standing wins!
Sale – The Headliners:
- Vraxx the King
- Streetwear Vivi
- DJ Ada
- Starlet Munin
- Chel
- Guitar Solo (Emote)
May 30:
BOTD: Platform King!
Who is the platform king? 4 Players face off on a map with 6 platforms. Stay on the red platform to score points. Stun your opponents to keep them from scoring. Watch out, the platform switches around the map! The Player with the most points at the end of 2 minutes wins!
- 4 Player FFA
- 2 minutes
- Stay on the platform to gain points
- Most points at the end wins!
Sale – Imperial:
- Shin Sekai Koji (Epic Skin)
- Wanderer Seven
- Shogun Jiro
- Kabuto Orion
- Kuinoichi Val
- Nightblade Hattori
May 31:
BOTD: Ghost Brawl
Ghost Brawl is back! Quickly go invisible when you don’t use any powers in this tense game mode. If you stay invisible too long or use any power (including dodge), then you’ll be visible once more! (Pro Tip: dust clouds from jumps and dashes are still visible even when an opponent is not.)
- 1v1
- 3 Stocks
- 200% Damage
- 8 Minute Timer
Sale – Legacy
- Beardvar
- Masked Hero Cassidy
- Dark Age Orion
- Vraxx the Viking
- Team Spirit Gnash
- Gothic Warhammer (Weapon Skin)
June 1:
BOTD: Betrayal!
Three is the magic number for Betrayal! Queue up against 2 other Players in a 3 minute FFA game. Score 2 points for KOing an enemy, lose 1 point for being KO'd. Can you survive the ever shifting alliances and score the most points at the end to win?
- 3 Player FFA!
- Most points at the end wins!
Sale – Felines & Friends
- Feline Fait
- Gra Mestra Batista
- Baron Axoth
- Lynx Asuri
- Dander (Sidekick)
- Butterscotch (Sidekick)
June 2:
BOTD: Strikeout Mania!
Pick your best 5 Legends and face off against your opponents best 5 Legends in this intense 300% damage battle! When you lose a stock the next Legend in your list spawns in ready to fight. Damage KO your opponent 5 times to win!
- 1v1 Strikeout
- 5 Stocks
- 300% Damage
- Legend changes after each stock!
Sale – High Elysians
- Archangel Zariel
- Celestial Ragnir
- Celestial Mordex
- Eclipse Artemis
- Seraph's Message (Scythe Weapon Skin)
- Flaming Oath (Axe Weapon Skin)
June 3:
BOTD: Bounty Hunting
Track down the score of a lifetime in this timed, 200% FFA mode. The first person to get a KO becomes the Bounty and will take 2x Damage until they are KO-ed. Whoever KOs the Bounty scores more points and becomes the new Bounty. Score the most points in 3 minutes to win!
- 3-minutes, FFA
- 4 Players
- 200% Damage
- KO first to become the Bounty.
- The Bounty takes 2x damage.
- KO-ing the Bounty scores more points and makes the player become the Bounty.
- Score the most points to win!
Sale – Mad Science
- Mad Genius Scarlet (Epic Skin Bundle)
- THNX Researcher Loki
- Shark Heart Barraza
- Nightmare Scythe (Weapon Skin)
- Nightmare Slicers (Katars Weapon Skin)
- Sniffles (Sidekick)
June 4:
BOTD: Gamemaster’s Doom
Be prepared for anything in this 3 minute, 4 player Free-for-All match! Withstand the dangerous, random conditions set by the Gamemaster’s dice roll as you work to KO your opponents from all sides. Score 2 points for KOing an enemy, lose 1 point for being KO'd. Score the most points to win!
- Dice & Destruction Game Mode
- 4 Player FFA
- 3 Minutes
- Most points at the end wins!
Sale – Spiritual
- Inari Yumiko (Epic Skin)
- Perfect Wu Shang
- Dragon's Fury (Greatsword Weapon Skin)
- Divine Dragoneers (Battle Boots Weapon Skin)
- Onisan (Sidekick)
- Nian Shou (Sidekick)
All Legends available in the Free Rotation
- Wednesday, May 29th – Tuesday, June 11th
Upcoming Epic Skin: Void Zenith Artemis
Born of the edge of the universe, you’ve never seen or heard an answer like this! ????
- Custom Signature FX
- Animated Weapon Skins
- Custom lock-in animation
- Announcer VO
- Roster icon
- Coming to Mallhalla June 12th!
Upcoming: Double XP & Gold Weekends
Earn twice the amount of XP and Gold for playing matchmade games during the following weekends
- Friday, June 14 – Sunday, June 16
- Friday, June 21 – Sunday, June 23
Brawlhalla Fest also includes:
- Discounts on the All Legends Pack and more beginning on June 12th
- Free “The Headliner” for logging in.
- +250 Daily Bonus Gold at Login.
- Special UI Takeover with a preview of Void Zenith Artemis.
Keep an eye out on brawlhalla.com and all our official social media pages for even more news about the inaugural Brawlhalla Fest!
To catch the latest Brawlhalla news and content, be sure to follow us on Twitch, TikTok, Discord, YouTube, Reddit, X, Instagram, and Facebook!