Ulgrim and the Dwarves of Ivaldi have been working to reforge all damaged weapons and armor in preparation for another Ranked Season! Season 35 began the moment Season 34 ended, because in Valhalla, Legends need no rest in their quest for eternal glory. ???? ⚔️
Speaking of Glory, all Ranked enthusiasts should have been well-rewarded for their efforts, get ready for a shopping spree in the Ranked tab of Mallhalla!
This season features an all new Seasonal Ranked Queue with a gauntlet of 3v3 modes that changes each month, and the Valhallan rank opens in two weeks, on January 22nd!
To catch the latest Brawlhalla news and content, be sure to follow us on Twitch, TikTok, Discord, YouTube, Reddit, X (Twitter), Instagram, and Facebook!
If you’re new to Seasons, here’s some information you should know. You’re going to have a soft Elo reset and will also receive “Glory”, a currency that can only be earned by playing Ranked games. You can use it in the Ranked section of Malhalla to get special items to show your dedication to your favorite Legend. We hope you enjoy your rewards and enjoy the New Season!
Soft Elo Reset Formula
Soft Elo Reset is based on your current Elo at the end of the season.
1v1 and 2v2 Personal Rating
- Under 1400: New Elo = Old Elo
- Over 1400: New Elo = 1400 + (Old Elo – 1400) / (3 – (3000 – Old Elo) / 800)
2v2 Team and Legend Rating
- 2v2 Team & Legend Ratings have been brought closer to 750.
- Under 2000: Elo = (Elo + 375) / 1.5
- Over 2000, we aggressively brought you back down as a way of resetting the top tiers. Diamond level players will be reset to high gold or low platinum.
Glory Earnings Calculation
Glory earned is based on a combination of your Highest Peak Rating (highest 1v1, 2v2, team, or Legend rating/Elo) and total Wins. This was designed in order to reward both skill and dedication for those who pursue Glory.
You gain 20 Glory per win up to 150 wins, which gets you 3000 Glory. After 150 wins, each subsequent win gives you slightly less.
Note: There is a minimum requirement of 10 games played to be eligible for Glory based on your rating.
For help estimating your Glory Gained or New Elo after the reset go to: https://cms.brawlhalla.com/glory-calculator/

Ranked Borders from Season 34
If you placed in Gold or better in your best rating, you are given a ranked border that people will see in the match preview screen. There are Ranked borders for Gold, Platinum, and Diamond tiers. These will last for one season and will be updated again after the new season comes to a close.
Your border from any previous season does not carry over or have any impact on your current border reward.
Ranked Avatars from Season 34
Ranked Avatars include prestigious versions for those who’ve placed in high ranks during previous seasons. For example, if you placed in Platinum last season and Gold this season, you’ll receive the upgraded versions of the Competitor’s Badge and Gold Emblem. You will still have your original Platinum Emblem avatar from previous seasons.
You must play a minimum of 10 games to receive ranked avatars / borders at ANY rank.
- Competitor’s Badge: Awarded to anyone who plays 10 Ranked Games or more.
- Gold Emblem: Awarded to players who finish at Gold or above.
- Platinum Emblem: Awarded to players who finish at Platinum or above.
- Diamond Emblem: Awarded to players who finish at Diamond.
Upgraded versions of Ranked Avatars are awarded to those who have earned the same Avatar in any previous seasons.
5th & 6th Tier Ranked Avatar Upgrade Information
For players who have reached the 5th Tier of an avatar by reaching a certain rank or higher for five total seasons: the 5th Tier of that avatar will stay in your inventory permanently! Congratulations on your achievements!
The 6th Tier Avatar, for those who have reached a certain rank or higher for six total seasons, will take on a brand new look! These avatars will grow more and more prestigious with each subsequent seasonal repeat up to Tier 10, at which point the Tier 10 avatar will remain in your inventory permanently.
In short, every 5 Tiers of avatars, you’ll keep the most awesome, most decked out version permanently, and then start work on a new version for subsequent tiers for 6-10, 11-15, and so on.
Exclusive Ranked Rewards – Skyforged & Goldforged!
Beyond glory there is immortality! Check out new Skyforged and Goldforged Colors for Imugi alongside the full gallery of purchasable rewards in Mallhalla under the “Ranked” tab.
Spend your hard-earned Glory on those or other Skyforged Colors, Weapons, Nameplates, and Emotes. Skyforged Colors are only usable on Legends that have reached level 5 or greater.
Players can also purchase the Goldforged Colors, Weapons, Nameplates, and Emotes with Glory. Goldforged requires the Skyforged version of that item to have already been purchased. Show your strength with these exclusive Ranked items!

Placement Matches
Players beginning their Ranked climb have 10 placement matches to better determine their skill level and starting Elo.
Each season, for Ranked 1v1 and Ranked 2v2, your first 10 matches will serve as placement matches that will have a greater effect on your rating than normal games. Your rating will be hidden until after you have completed your placement matches for that queue.
Valhallan Rank
Valhallan Rank will open on January 22nd at 5am ET/9am GMT.
To become Valhallan, players must be Ranked in Diamond, have at least 100 wins during the Ranked season, and attain a rating among the top players in their region.
Each region has a limited number of Valhallan positions:
- US-E / EU – Top 150
- SA – Top 100
- SEA / US-W – Top 50
- AUS / JPN – Top 25
- SAF – Top 15
- ME – Top 25
These numbers are based on each region’s population and will be considered for adjustment on a seasonal basis.
Unique Valhallan Rewards
After ranking up, players will immediately receive the Valhallan Avatar, Loading Frame, and Season Title Reward.
Valhallan Loading Frame:
Unlike other Ranked Loading Frames, the Valhallan Loading Frame can only be used while the player is currently in the Valhallan rank. Players are granted it immediately upon achieving Valhallan, and if they are pushed out of Valhallan rank, the Loading Frame will be revoked when the daily reset occurs (9am UTC/5am ET/2am PT).
Valhallan Title Reward:
Players are awarded a Title immediately upon achieving Valhallan. Each season will have a unique Valhallan Title Reward. The Title is never revoked, regardless of rank.
Valhallan Avatar:
Instead of an Avatar that upgrades at the end of each season, the Valhallan Avatar is awarded immediately upon achieving Valhallan.
The Valhallan Avatar has two states: active and inactive. The active Avatar is rewarded immediately upon achieving the Valhallan rank but can be downgraded to the inactive “Fallen” state if players fall out of Valhallan rank when the daily reset occurs.
To reactivate the Avatar, players need to reach the Valhallan rank again. Players will retain ownership of the Avatar between seasons, but it will be in the “Fallen” state at the start of every season.

Seasonal Ranked Queue:
Season 35 features a new lineup of Ranked Game Modes in the Seasonal Ranked Queue! Each Game Mode will reset at 5am ET on the date indicated.
1/8: Ranked 3v3 Brawlball
Get the team together for this 3v3 game! Don't have a team? Fear not, we'll find one for you! Hit the Coliseum, snag the ball, juke or pass past your opponents, and hold it in their goal to score! No team damage, and you can go through walls the same color as you. First team to 3 scores wins!
- 3v3 Brawlball
- 5 minutes
- Queue up solo or with a team!
2/5: Ranked 3v3 Crew Battles
Get ready for the ultimate Crew Battle for the Glory! Get the team together for a totally epic 3v3 battle at 200% damage. When you lose a stock, the next team member in your crew spawns in, ready to fight. Be the first team to come out on top!
- Crew Battle Game Mode
- 3v3
- 200% Damage
- When a player loses a stock, the next team member in your crew spawns in!
- Last team standing wins!
3/5: Ranked 3v3
Queue solo or as a team for some 3v3 brawlin’ action!- Team 3v3 with stocks!
- Each player has 3 stocks!
- Queue alone or with friends!
- Last team standing wins!

Celebrate the holidays and get your Snowbrawl on at 150% damage! Face off against 3 other Legends in this 3 minute FFA. Score 1 point for hitting someone with a snowball, 3 points for getting a KO, and lose 1 point for being KO'd. Most points at the end wins!
- FFA Snowbrawl
- Unlimited Stocks
- 150% Damage
- 3 minutes

The free-to-play Legend rotation for this week features: Nix, Reno, Tezca, Volkov, Lin Fei, Yumiko, Mako, Koji, and Orion.
- Nix – Led by a thousand year hunt, this reaper, armed with both Blasters and Scythe, has found herself a new bounty in Valhalla.
- Reno – Four arms, compound eyes, fearlessness, and an added dose of genius make this Chitnoid Gunslinger the greatest bounty hunter this side of the Pecosid asteroid belt. He’ll take on any job with his trusty Blasters, and loyal Orb companion.
- Tezca – The greatest luchador in the world who also became an ancient god. Tezca makes his own rules in the ring with his Gauntlets & Battle Boots!
- Volkov – The Vampire King of Batavia has unexpectedly found Valhalla and has brought his Scythe and Axe to battle.
- Lin Fei – A defender of the innocent and teacher of the lost ways. She is a great teacher who has developed her own fighting style, the ‘Way of the Iron Dragon,’ which utilizes her Cannon, Katars and an ancestral dragon-spirit.
- Yumiko – Holding the appearance of a blind seamstress, this centuries old fox spirit has been brought into battle wielding her Magical Hammer and Bow!
- Mako – The ultimate apex predator from The Sea, Mako, with her Greatsword and Katars, aims to make fish meat out of her opponents in the Grand Tournament.
- Koji – Armed with his ancestral katana, Koji slices his way through the battlefield with Sword and Bow!
- Orion – A revered warrior and champion, the mysterious armored knight uses Rocket Lance and Spear to battle his foes in the halls of Valhalla!