Hello everyone!
Let’s have another sneak peek at our upcoming spring update.
Diving suit rebalance
We always intended diving suits to be used only for acute pressure protection: during hull breaches and while swimming. However, there are not many actual downsides to wearing a suit all the time, so a lot of people do just that… which has effectively eliminated water pressure as a threat. We wanted to change that by encouraging you to take your suit off when you don’t need it. Here’s what we’re changing:
- Slowed flooding speed to give the crew more time to suit up during a hull breach. Hulls will fill with water more slowly, so the pressure will not become lethal as quickly.
- Added new animations to diving suits and made walking and running in a suit slower. Swimming speed has not been reduced.
- Obstructed vision while wearing a diving suit slightly more.
- Reduced the armor effects of diving suits, particularly the Regular Diving Suit.
- Rebalanced all the different suit types and level generation to create stronger progression and clearer use cases for different suits in different environments.
- Capped the crush depth resistance of the strongest suits to the same depth as a fully upgraded submarine hull. (Before, the Abyss suit could handle more pressure than a fully upgraded submarine.)
Animation variations
Besides the new diving suit animations, we’ve also added a few entirely new animations which are triggered by specific afflictions and talents. Expect to see drunken people walking drunkenly, for example!
Modders can find out more about these animation variations in our official modding documentation under “Status Effects > TriggerAnimation”.
Old monsters, new dangers
Lastly, we’ve improved the abilities of the largest monsters in the game to make them better at targeting individual characters inside the submarine, as well as the whole sub. We hope you enjoy this new feature and look forward to hearing your feedback!
You can read more about all these changes on our blog now. The spring update is planned to release in late April, and we have more sneak peeks coming your way in the following weeks, so stay tuned!