Hello everyone!
Now that we have been back from our holidays for a while, we thought it would be a good idea to revisit our plans for the upcoming storage changes. As we wrote in June, we wanted to get feedback on the proposed changes to the storage system – and that is definitely what we got, so thank you for all the comments! We have now had time to go through all the feedback and adjust our plans a bit.
Most importantly, the storage container item will not be removed. We read about the many inventive and novel ways in which this item is being used, beyond simply boosting raw storage space in cabinets. Such creative applications of game items are always interesting for us to see and we don’t want to discourage them, so even after the update, you will still be able to use storage containers to store personal collections, or carry loot from a wreck, for example.
We are, however, still going to restrict storage container placement inside cabinets. Let’s take a look at the currently planned storage changes in a nutshell:
- Material stacks in cabinets will go from 8 to 32. This includes items such as: minerals, medical items, ammo, consumables and genetic materials.
- Overall, cabinet storage slots have been increased by one full row.
- All cabinets will receive extra slots, which can be used to house storage containers. The number of these slots depends on the size of the cabinet. Storage containers can only be placed in these slots, not in the other slots of a cabinet.
- Cabinets will have two handy buttons, one for automatically merging incomplete stacks, and another to sort all the items alphabetically.
- Oxygen, welding fuel and oxygenite tanks no longer stack in character inventories. They have increased duration to compensate, so you don’t need to swap them so often, and they stack normally inside cabinets.
In addition to the storage changes, the next update will also introduce new content and improvements. We’ll write more about those in the coming weeks; look forward to things like a fully overhauled traitor mode, with new missions and mechanics, as well as various quality-of-life changes, tweaks and touch-ups.
You can test the newest storage changes and most of the upcoming content in the Unstable version of the game now, and we will continue to monitor the feedback leading up to the update’s release later this autumn. For more sneak peeks at what’s to come, check out our blog!