Hello everyone!
The year is almost at its end, and we’ve one more update left to release before that. This Winter Patch will be focusing more on quality-of-life changes, balancing, bugfixes and optimizations, with a sprinkling of new content as well. See some of the highlights below, and read more on our blog.
Rotatable structures in the sub editor, opening up a whole world of possibilities for all of you mad scientist sub editors out there.
Option to buy items straight to your inventory. No more need to wait for the next round to get your items, or rush to the cargo bay to beat your crewmates to the goods.
Outpost security is better at catching thieves. Security will perform random checks for stolen items in your inventory, and they will do a better job noticing acts of thievery aboard stations.
Revised skill EXP gains. We’ve made gaining skills faster towards the beginning and more intuitive on the whole: for instance, practical jobs like welding will give more experience, while fabricating items now increases skills less than before.
A bunch of other additions, changes and improvements, such as:
- Five new talents for the Assistant.
- More traitor events, including new multi-traitor events.
- Options for hiding and/or reporting inappropriate servers from the server list.
- Multiple fixes to lighting, such as lights shining through obstacles, turret lights disappearing, and lighting artifacts in rooms with intersecting walls.
- Adjustments to level layouts.
- A long list of optimizations, and a large assortment of bugfixes.
The update is planned for release next week, and you can already access all of it in the Unstable version as always.