Hello Paramedics,
We're pushing a new hotfix to resolve more issues in the demo we launched yesterday. Thank you for your patience and support!
Hotfix 2024-12-20
Bug fixes:
- Resolved blood flow efficiency on patients not initializing correctly.
- Fixed the issue of no patients being present during certain callouts.
Gameplay Adjustments:
- Reduced overall traffic density across all settings.
- Default pedestrian and traffic density changed to Medium.
Graphics & Performance Improvements:
- Default game user graphics settings are now set to Medium.
- Updated graphics presets to enhance performance.
- Hardware ray tracing is no longer active by default.
- Adjusted resolution scale options to 66, 71, 87, and 100.
- Added a system requirements popup for user convenience.
Other Improvements:
- Enhanced Nav Mesh performance for smoother gameplay.
- Fixed errors and reduced the long wait time at the end of the introductory shift.
Thank you all for your feedback and bugs report, it help us a lot to improve the demo. Please reach us on our Discord ou on the Steam forums.
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