In search of summer decorations in a storeroom, a couple of Shugos stumbled upon a box with Summer Cubes printed on it. They found mysterious, glowing summer ice cubes inside. These cubes are imbued with a marvellous energy which bestow their owners with precious items, including the [Rune] Special Snow Fox Transformation Contract (68 types), Daevanion Trait Skill Book Box (10 types) and the +11 Extreme Equipment Selection Box!
Running: 7th August (9 AM) to 11th September (8:59 AM CEST)
Collect the Summer Cubes
How to get the Summer Cubes:
- In the AION Shop you can pick up 3x [Rune] Summer Cubes (Level 1) 1x weekly per account for free.[/*]
- The Summer Cubes are also available individually or in bundles. The Ice Cold Summer Cube Box contains 25x Summer Cubes (Level 1) and 5x Summer Cubes (Level 3).[/*]
Improve the Summer Cubes
If you click on a cube, it will either be upgraded or you’ll receive a reward. Cubes come in levels 1 to 7. The items a cube bestows improve with each upgrade level. For example: the [Rune] Summer Cube (Level 1) contains either [Event] Lodas’ Greater Golden Star or the [Rune] Summer Cube (Level 2).
Potential Rewards
Cube | Cube Rewards | Amount | [/tr]
[Rune] Summer Cube (Level 1) | [Rune] Special Snow Fox Transformation Contract (68 types) | 2 | [/tr]
[Event] Lodas’ Greater Golden Star | 3 | [/tr]|
[Rune] Summer Cube (Level 2) | 1 | [/tr]|
[Rune] Summer Cube (Level 2) | [Rune] Special Snow Fox Transformation Contract (68 types) | 3 | [/tr]
[Event] Bright Abyss Treasure | 3 | [/tr]|
[Rune] Summer Cube (Level 3) | 1 | [/tr]|
[Rune] Summer Cube (Level 3) | [Rune] Special Snow Fox Transformation Contract (68 types) | 4 | [/tr]
Improved Ultimate Manastone Selection Box | 1 | [/tr]|
[Rune] Summer Cube (Level 4) | 1 | [/tr]|
[Rune] Summer Cube (Level 4) | [Rune] Special Snow Fox Transformation Contract (68 types) | 5 | [/tr]
Ultimate Extreme Enchantment Stone Bundle | 1 | [/tr]|
[Rune] Summer Cube (Level 5) | 1 | [/tr]|
[Rune] Summer Cube (Level 5) | [Rune] Special Snow Fox Transformation Contract (68 types) | 6 | [/tr]
[Rune] Daevanion Skill Selection Box (10 types) | 1 | [/tr]|
+4 Extreme Equipment Chest/Enchantment Stone | 1 | [/tr]|
[Rune] Summer Cube (Level 6) | 1 | [/tr]|
[Rune] Summer Cube (Level 6) | [Rune] Special Snow Fox Transformation Contract (68 types) | 10 | [/tr]
[Rune] DP Daevanion Skill Selection Box | 1 | [/tr]|
Daevanion Trait Skill Book Box (10 types) | 1 | [/tr]|
+6 Extreme Equipment Chest/Enchantment Stone | 1 | [/tr]|
[Rune] Summer Cube (Level 7) | 1 | [/tr]|
[Rune] Summer Cube (Level 7) | [Rune] Snow Fox Transformation Contract (2 types) | 1 | [/tr]
[Rune] Legendary Apostle Transformation Contract Selection Box (12 types) | 1 | [/tr]|
Ultimate Transformation Contract Selection Box: Ariel/Azphel | 1 | [/tr]|
[Rune] Daevanion Essence | 2 | [/tr]|
+7 Extreme Equipment Chest/Enchantment Stone | 1 | [/tr]|
+8 Extreme Equipment Chest/Enchantment Stone | 1 | [/tr]|
+11 Extreme Equipment Selection Box | 1 | [/tr]

The items [Rune] Summer Cubes (Levels 1 to 7) will be removed from the game after the event is over.