Get ready for tons of celebrations in honour of Daeva Day! Loads of anniversary packs in the shop will kit you out with valuable gear and handy event items which you can exchange with Robo Shugo in Balaurea!
Running: 13th September to 11th October
Anniversary Shop Packs
Get ready to party! Head over to the shop and pick up these anniversary packs:
14th Daeva Day Pack
This pack is available 20x per account and contains the following items:
- 10x [Rune] Ultimate/Extreme Enchantment Stone Selection Box[/*]
- 10x [Rune] Polishing Stone/Purifier Box[/*]
- 2x [Rune] Premium Transformation Contract (32 types)[/*]
- 1x [Rune] 14th Anniversary Coin[/*]
[Rune] Transformation Breath Bag
This pack is available 1x per account and can be collected in the AION Shop for free. You can choose between three different Transformation Breath items:
- Ultimate Transformation Breath[/*]
- [Rune] Legendary Transformation Breath Bundle (contains either 1x Legendary Transformation Breath or 20x Legendary Fragment of Memory)[/*]
- [Rune] Ancient Transformation Breath Bundle (contains either 1x Ancient Transformation Breath or 250x Ancient Fragment of Memory)[/*]
Exchange Anniversary Coins
Visit Robo Shugo in the Inggison Illusion Fortress (Elyos) or the Gelkmaros Fortress (Asmodians) to exchange the [Rune] 14th Anniversary Coins for the [Rune] Ultimate Gold Key Box, [Rune] Glowing Odian Selection Box and other items.
The [Rune] 14th Anniversary Coins will be removed from the game at the end of the event.