Shiver me timbers! Cap’n Grogget, Commander of the Shulack Pirates, is back. The captain of perhaps the most notorious ship in all of Atreia, the Steel Rake, is seeking his revenge upon the Daevas! He has locked away some Shugos in the Steel Rake Fortress and it is now your job to free them. But be warned: you’ll need all the courage you can muster to survive this adventure.
It will be worth the effort for more than just the Shugos. Scoop up some amazing items during the event, including the [Rune] Major Rune Fragment Chest, [Rune] Special Transformation Contract: Little Lamb Hanbok (70 types), Pirate Captain’s Clothes and more!
Running: 11th June (9 AM) to 10th July (8:59 AM CEST)
Entering the Instance
If you have reached level 80, you can enter the Steel Rake Fortress solo instance with each character once per day. Talk to Wasseronerk in the Inggison Fortress or Hatanerk in the Gelkmaros Fortress – they will grant you access to the instance. Entry will be reset every day at 9:00 AM (CEST).
Steel Rake Fortress
Collect keys when storming the fortress to receive rewards. The more successful you are in the following tasks, the more keys you’ll get and the richer your rewards:
Sales NPCs
You will also meet two sales NPCs in the fortresses of Inggison and Gelkmaros: Yeoruming and Kikirinerk.
Yeoruming will offer you [Event] Steel Rake Fortress Entry Coins and [Event] Noble Treasure Chest Keys for a certain amount of Kinah. The [Event] Noble Treasure Chest Keys are required for a particular chest which will appear on the solitary island in the Steel Rake Fortress after defeating Cap’n Grogget, and which contain the [Event] Freeze Frame in reward.
The [Event] Freeze Frames can be exchanged for many precious items from Kikirinerk, also available in the Inggison Illusion Fortress (Elyos) and Gelkmaros Fortress (Asmodians).
Please note
The event items [Event] Freeze Frame Bundle, [Event] Noble Treasure Chest Key, [Event] Steel Rake Fortress Entry Coin and [Event] Freeze Frame will be removed from the game after the event is over.