Two high-risk events and powerful rewards await: Beat the challenge in the Rift of Oblivion and reclaim Atreia’s Lost Treasures!
Event 1: The Rift of Oblivion
Battle through the instance, defeat the boss and earn rewards! Prove that you’ve got the tactical skills necessary to survive the Rift of Oblivion. Use the power of nature to clear your path all the way to the final boss.
If you leave the battle victorious, you can expect fantastic rewards like the Luxurious Suit, [Event] Ancient Transformation Contract Selection Box, Ultimate Fragment of Memory and much more!
Running: 7th May (9 AM) to 11th June (8:59 AM CEST)
Enter the Rift
The entrance to the instance is located in the fortresses in Gelkmaros and Inggison. You can enter the Rift of Oblivion once per day.
Defeat the Shadow of Oblivion
Fight your way through the instance and defeat the final enemy: the Shadow of Oblivion! Your rank depends on the number of points you score and how much time is left. The better your rank, the higher your reward will be:
- 21,200 points and 18 minutes left → 4x Sealed Memory Bundle[/*]
- 17,700 points and 16 minutes left → 3x Sealed Memory Bundle[/*]
- 14,100 points and 10 minutes left → 2x Sealed Memory Bundle[/*]
- 9,400 points and 1 minute left → 1x Sealed Memory Bundle[/*]
Instance Tips
Take our tips to heart and you’ll complete the Rift of Oblivion with flying colours:
- There are three Teleport Stones along the way through the instance which are activated when you approach them. If you fail and die, you can continue from the last Teleport Stone you activated.[/*]
- Recovering Drakan can be found throughout the instance. After you defeat one, there’s a chance that a Drakan will reappear which can score you a lot of points.[/*]
- The three Commander Gegares you’ll come across in the rift grant you massive amounts of experience, but they don’t earn you any points. So pick the right moment to fight them.[/*]
- The Shadow of Oblivion transforms when its health is low. Adapt quickly or it will win the upper hand.[/*]
Some monsters are of certain type which is weak against particular Old High Daevas:
- The Incarnation of Fire is strong against mage type enemies.[/*]
- The Incarnation of Water is strong against special type enemies.[/*]
- The Incarnation of Earth is strong against assassin type enemies.[/*]
- The Incarnation of Wind is strong against warrior type enemies.[/*]
The [Event] Sealed Memory Bundle contains [Event] Combat Experience Extractors, as well as one of the following items at random:
- Luxurious Suit[/*]
- Summer Suit[/*]
- Luxurious Felt Hat[/*]
- Atreia Ruin Relic (Level 1)[/*]
- [Event] Ancient Transformation Contract Selection Box[/*]
- [Rune] Major Rune Fragment Chest[/*]
- [Event] Class S Minionite Bundle[/*]
- [Event] Lodas’ Greater Golden Star[/*]
- [Event] Lodas’ Greater Silver Star[/*]
- Ultimate Fragment of Memory[/*]
- Box of Ancient Fragments of Memory[/*]
- Legendary Fragment of Memory[/*]
- [Event] Class A Minionite Bundle[/*]
Please note
The item [Event] Sealed Memory Bundle will be removed from the game at the end of the event.
Event 2: Atreia’s Lost Treasures
The famous archaeologist Indiana Jonshunerk is currently travelling all over Atreia in search of various relics from a long forgotten age. He wants to concentrate on his work and avoid any conflict in the process, so he’s hiring brave Daevas like you! According to the rumours though, some monsters have gone on a rampage around the excavation site and stolen lots of ancient items. Help Indiana Jonshunerk to retrieve the relics and grab yourself lots of valuable rewards!
Running: 7th May (9 AM) to 11th June (8:59 AM CEST)
The Ruin Relics
The lost treasures that you need to recover for Indiana Joshunerk come in 7 different levels. In archaeologist jargon, they’re called ‘Atreia Ruin Relics’. These relics contain even more treasure: the Atreia Ruin Relic (Level 1), for example, contains either the Atreia Ruin Relic (Level 2), an Atreia Ruin Relic Fragment or another item. The rewards you can receive increase with each level.
If you collect 10 Atreia Ruin Relic Fragments, you can combine these into an Atreia Ruin Relic (Level 1). You can get Atreia Ruin Relics from the AION Shop.
You can get the following rewards from the relics:
Item | Possible Contents (Random) | Quantity | [/tr]
Atreia Ruin Relic (Level 1) | Atreia Ruin Relic (Level 2) | 1 | [/tr]
Atreia Ruin Relic Fragment | 1 | [/tr]|
Yasba’s Grace – Valid 1 Time | 1 | [/tr]|
Atreia Ruin Relic (Level 2) | Atreia Ruin Relic (Level 3) | 1 | [/tr]
Atreia Ruin Relic Fragment | 2 | [/tr]|
[Event] Engraved Legendary Manastone Selection Box | 1 | [/tr]|
Master Essence | 3 | [/tr]|
Atreia Ruin Relic (Level 3) | Atreia Ruin Relic (Level 4) | 1 | [/tr]
Pledge Tablet | 1 | [/tr]|
Ultimate Extreme Enchantment Stone | 1 | [/tr]|
[Rune] Engraved Ultimate Manastone Selection Box | 1 | [/tr]|
[Rune] Nabaru’s Giant Fruit | 1 | [/tr]|
Atreia Ruin Relic (Level 4) | Atreia Ruin Relic (Level 5) | 1 | [/tr]
Ancient Polishing Stone | 1 | [/tr]|
Ancient Purifier | 1 | [/tr]|
[Rune] Mysterious Transformation Potion Selection Box | 1 | [/tr]|
Master Essence | 10 | [/tr]|
Atreia Ruin Relic (Level 5) | Atreia Ruin Relic (Level 6) | 1 | [/tr]
[Rune] Jorgoth’s Half-Weapons Chest | 1 | [/tr]|
Class A Minionite | 150 | [/tr]|
Class S Minionite | 50 | [/tr]|
[Rune] Special Snow Fox Transformation Contract (68 types) | 2 | [/tr]|
Atreia Ruin Relic (Level 6) | Atreia Ruin Relic (Level 7) | 1 | [/tr]
Jorgoth’s Ranged Weapon Selection Box | 1 | [/tr]|
Jorgoth’s Melee Weapon Selection Box | 1 | [/tr]|
Powerful Rune Chest | 1 | [/tr]|
Glowing Odian Chest | 1 | [/tr]|
Ultimate Extreme Enchantment Stone | 2 | [/tr]|
[Rune] Ancient to Legendary Transformation Contract (28 types) | 1 | [/tr]|
[Event] Extreme Weapon Selection Box | 1 | [/tr]|
[Event] Extreme Armour Selection Box | 1 | [/tr]|
+5 Extreme Weapon Selection Box | 1 | [/tr]|
+5 Extreme Armour Selection Box | 1 | [/tr]|
Atreia Ruin Relic (Level 7) | +11 Extreme Weapon Selection Box | 1 | [/tr]
+11 Extreme Armour Selection Box | 1 | [/tr]|
+9 Extreme Weapon Selection Box | 1 | [/tr]|
+9 Extreme Armour Selection Box | 1 | [/tr]|
+10 Glowing Odian Selection Box | 1 | [/tr]|
+10 Powerful Rune Selection Box | 1 | [/tr]|
Ultimate Extreme Enchantment Stone | 3 | [/tr]|
[Event] Pledge Tablet | 1 | [/tr]|
[Rune] Daevanion Essence | 1 | [/tr]|
Daevanion Trait Skill Book Box (10 types) | 1 | [/tr]|
Class S Minion Contract Selection Box (10 types) | 1 | [/tr]|
[Rune] Ultimate Transformation Random Box (6 types) | 1 | [/tr]|
[Rune] Ultimate Transformation Contract: Yustiel/Lumiel | 1 | [/tr]|
Ultimate Transformation Contract Selection Box: Ariel/Azphel | 1 | [/tr]
Please note
The items Atreia Ruin Relic (Level 1 to 7) and Atreia Ruin Relic Fragments will be removed from the game after the event is over.