News Liste Aion: The Tower of Eternity

Aion: The Tower of Eternity
17.01.24 08:00 Community Announcements

The Lords are showing their benevolence to the Daevas this winter with new magical crafting recipes. There are four available, including Yustiel and Lumiel’s transformations!

Running: 17th January to 7th February

Ultimate Transformations

Pick up great rewards during this event such as the [Rune] Grand Frostcast Transformation Contract (29 types) and [Rune] Ultimate Frostcast Transformation Contract: Yustiel/Lumiel!

Crafting Materials

The magical crafting materials for the transformation contracts can be found in the following packs in the AION Shop:
  • Premium Frostcast Pack[/*]
  • Large Frostcast Pack (max 2x per account with a level 80+ character)[/*]
  • Snowflake Transformation Pack[/*]

Magical Crafting Recipes

The following recipes are available for all players during the event. Combine the material items in the amounts listed to receive the desired item.

Material Item 1 Material Item 2 Result
1x [Rune] Snowflake Transformation Fragment - 1x [Rune] Major Frostcast Transformation Contract (50 types)
6x [Rune] Snowflake Transformation Fragment - Random: 1x [Rune] Premium Frostcast Transformation Contract Bundle or 1x [Rune] Grand Frostcast Transformation Contract (29 types)
15x [Rune] Snowflake Transformation Fragment 3x [Rune] Grand Frostcast Transformation Contract (29 types) Random: 1x [Rune] Grand Frostcast Transformation Contract Bundle or 1x [Rune] Ultimate Transformation Contract (4 types)
40x [Rune] Snowflake Transformation Fragment 1x [Rune] Ultimate Transformation Contract (4 types) Random: 1x [Rune] Ultimate Transformation Contract (4 types) or 1x [Rune] Ultimate Frostcast Transformation Contract: Yustiel/Lumiel

Frostcast Icicle

When using the Grand/Premium Frostcast Transformation Contract Bundles, there is a chance to loot [Rune] Frostcast Icicles. If you merge 6 of these together you’ll receive a [Rune] Snowflake Transformation Fragment Bundle (6 pieces).


The [Rune] Snowflake Transformation Fragment, [Rune] Snowflake Transformation Fragment Bundle (6 pieces) and [Rune] Frostcast Icicle items will be removed from the game after the event is over.
Logo for Aion: The Tower of Eternity
Release:25.09.2009 Genre: Massively Multiplayer Online Entwickler: NCsoft Vertrieb: Gameforge Engine: CryEngine Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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