A week has passed since the beginning of our crusade. With every day that passes more of the pests that plague the Astral Sea are eradicated. Our journey continues tirelessly as we respond to the increasing reports from occupied Realms. Included you will find an overview of the bugs that have been squashed under the boot of the Commonwealth Remnants.
May your Pantheons Thrive
Game Version:

- Additional Optimizations for Combat Encounters involving many units
- Fixed issue where the free city AI would target a city that was already occupied by an ally while trying to attack a army
- Fixed issue where the AI would target a domain that was already occupied or under siege by a player
- Fixed an issue where Cape textures would be broken with Angelize
- Fixed Serpent Movement Animations
- Fixed Move Speeds for Giants
- Fixed incorrect Animation links for Two-Handed Axe/Hammer
- Fixed Zephyr Archer Knee gaps for several forms
- Fixed Eyes popping out of their sockets for certain Forms
- Fixed the Basic Bow Hero item resulting in missing Weapon Models and incorrect Animations
- Fixed a Vertex Expansion issue when using the Wand of Lightning Strike
- Fixed issue where after X turns in combat the attacker would rout but was not flagged as routed resulting in armies staying alive
- Fixed an issue where Magelock Cannons were not interacting with obstacles properly
- Fixed an issue where Declarations would sometimes not be canceled if they could not be afforded if the player had declarations with different payment resources (Gold and War Spoils).
- Fixed an issue where the Difficulty Settings would block War Coordination.
- Blocked the Severing Mount from being rewarded through the Quality Breeding event.
- Enabled world labels when building a special province improvement.
- Fixed issue with the AI personality picker on non-16:9 resolutions.
- Fixed an issue in the keybinding system where modifier keys would not be properly taken into account.
- Fixed an issue where Observe Mode would toggle off when switching between certain Full Screen interfaces (e.g. Empire Skills and Diplomacy).
- Fixed After Combat Recruitment screen not closing when multiple battles were won outside your turn.
- Fixed an issue where the Prospecting Pin wouldn’t update when entering new prospectable provinces
- Fixed an issue where Disenchanting Items that were both in the Inventory and Equipped would remove the Equipped Item
- Fixed Dragons not being positioned correctly in the Diplomacy Interface
Item Forge
- Disabled Army Climber Infusion as it is causing issues with AI pathfinding.
- Fixed Item Forge Trinkets being not equip-able by Dragon Rulers.
- Fixed Magelock Physical Damage Infusion being 4 too low for every tier.
- Fixed mixed Damage Channel Staffs having incorrect damage values after Tier 1.
- Fixed the Item Forge Magical Focus not providing a 3D Weapon Model
- Fixed an Out of Sync that could occur when switching Ammo Types on the Ironclad
- Fixed an Crash that could occur during reload/rejoining a session
Story Realms
- Sehiran Oasis:[list]
- Ensured Seal defenders can actually defend their seals
- Ensured Meandor, Arachna and Melenis can not be picked as playable rulers in Sehiran Oasis
- Fixed an issue where Noctus and/or Karissa would break the alliance with the player when the player meets Edward due to calls-to-war being triggered at the wrong time.
- Fixed that the Gold Golem couldn’t retaliate
World Map
- Fixed Abyssal Flames, Flash Freeze and Restore the Land being able to target Digable Earth.
- Fixed After Combat Recruitment not working on water.
- Fixed recruited Ancient Wonder Defenders not receiving XP after battles.
- Fixed resurrected Rulers that died in Naval Combat remaining embarked.
- Fixed an issue with Regenerating Infestations where it could target provinces with Ocean or Lava themes.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when the Hit Points would refresh while a unit was dead
- Fixed a DLC dependent spawnset in the Wellspring Ancient Wonder
- Fixed an issue where Lure of Chaos could give unintended unit rewards from low tier infestations.
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