Admin system
- Fixed some missing cases when it comes to banning clients.
- Added "Menu.SetBack(bool state)" and "Menu.SetNext(bool state)" methods.
- Fixed "CZP_Player.AmmoBank(AmmoBankSet eAmmoSet, AmmoBankSetValue eAmmoSetValue, int &in iAmount)" crashes when manipulating barricades.
- Fixed "CZP_Player.AmmoBank(AmmoBankSet eAmmoSet, AmmoBankSetValue eAmmoSetValue, int &in iAmount)" not updating the selected ammo type.
- Fixed "Engine.EmitSoundEntity(CBaseEntity@ pEntity, const string &in strSoundFile)" always following the world instead of "pEntity".
- Fixed "Engine.Ent_Fire(const string &in strName, const string &in strAction, const string &in strValue, const string &in strDelay)" not being able to manipulate entities by their classname. Do note that this will impact ALL instances, not a single one!
- Fixed "Carrier spotted a Survivor" VO not being played correctly.
- Fixed missing teeth texture on Paul Survivor model.
- Fixed rigging on Marcus Zombie model.
- Fixed walking animations being used when ducking.
- Removed duplicate "Carrier spotted a Survivor" entry in Carrier's sound script
- Reworked the spawning behavior of barricade piles when they still have the obsolete "halfpile" property and/or an invalid board count. Instead of deleting the barricade pile, it spawn with a default value. A warning in the console is printed to remind level designers to update their map accordingly.
Game rules
- Fixed some server crashes involving Carrier, random infection and Hardcore.
- Removed the uncrouch restriction when being on ladders.
- Reworked some AFK checker logic in an attempt to fix clients not being teleported back to lobby.
- Added gibs for more prop models.
- Fixed LCD screen props not having the "allowstatic" key/value pair in them.
- Fixed some missing cases of "nextlevel" and "sm_nextmap" not syncing themselves (for servers running SourceMod).
User Interface
- Fixed minimal and flip view models options not being saved through ZP Options.
- Removed the final extra space in the chat message when requesting ammo.
- [Crowbar] Reduced a tiny bit the delay between swings.
- [Magnum] Made the deploy slightly faster
- [PPK & USP] Made the non-empty reload slightly faster.
- [Remington 870] Made the pumping and reload looping sequences slightly faster.
- [Winchester] Made the reload ending sequence slightly faster.