News Liste World War 3

World War 3
11.10.24 18:04 Community Announcements

After our last QnA, you sent us more questions about the playtest itself. We decided to answer.

Why is there so much desync in the PTE servers?
You were playing on a PTE server, which is a lot less powerful than the main servers. That’s why the issues occurred. We’re already working on improving the PTE server, and once the update hits the live servers, these problems will be gone.

When will we see a clear game meta?
Our first goal is to bring more players into the game, and then we want to hear your thoughts on the game’s meta. We’ve got a lot of ideas in mind. First, we want to make the meta deep and rewarding; second, we want it to be easy to grasp. Most importantly, we want it to feel truly unique - not just another copycat like many others out there.

What’s being done about the sound problems?
We've been working on this for a while, and some important fixes are almost ready, such as fixes for footsteps and artillery sounds. However, our main focus is on getting the gunfire sounds right, which may take a bit longer.

Can we have a dedicated Discord channel for PTE discussions?
Yes, we already have one called “PTE”.

Can we get more time for testing in the future?
We hear you! We'll be dedicating more time to playtesting in the future. Our plan is to run a PTE playtest before every update, change or improvement.

What are you doing about cheaters?
We’re actively working on this issue and will have more updates to share soon.

Why couldn't my friends and I join the same party in PTE?
We mentioned in the PTE announcement that Party Service would be disabled. We’ll try to keep it enabled in future tests to avoid this issue.

How are you planning to keep the community engaged with new content?
We've been working on new content for a while now, and we'll be sharing the details soon. Stay tuned!

Are you planning to promote the game more?
Yes, marketing is a crucial part of our strategy, which we’re discussing right now. As soon as we address most of the game’s technical issues, we’ll resume our marketing and advertising efforts.

Why do we have to use a separate launcher?
Previously, the game was published by MY.GAMES using their internal tools. Our current goal is to take full ownership of the game. This means replacing everything they've had with our own tools.
Once that's done, we'll have full control over the game. That's why we moved to our own launcher first, the next step will be getting rid of it step by step.

Can you focus more on infantry combat and small-scale modes? Tanks are frustrating!
We’re already looking into the game modes, including infantry combat. We’ll likely bring this up for discussion with the community as well.

Are you considering adding a battle royale mode?
We've received a lot of feedback on this. We're currently looking into the possibility of adding this mode, but we want to hear what players think first. It will be a monumental task for us to create it, so we definitely need your input on this.

Will you balance the drones and other player-controlled vehicles?
This is one of the major areas we plan to review first. The process will be gradual and iterative, and you’ll be the first to hear about any changes we start making.
Logo for World War 3
Release:19.10.2018 Genre: Multiplayer-Shooter Entwickler: The Farm 51 Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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