To help us improve World War 3, we'd like to know your opinion about the current state of the game. You can help us by filling out a survey.
We've done a similar one last year and you've told us you want improvements to the game's performance, stability, anti-cheat and matchmaking. We've addressed lots of these in the last 3 patches (Update 0, Patch 0.1, Patch 0.2). And there's still more to do.
But it's been a year since the last survey and we need to make sure we're still on the right track.
Please fill in the new one and tell us what you like and dislike most about the current version of the game, as well as suggesting what you think could be improved.

Each player who completes the survey will be rewarded with 500 UNC. It will be open until the 26th of January at 23:59 CET.
Rewards will be distributed until the 7th of February.
Please note: to receive the reward - you need to provide your SteamID64.
Here's how to get it:
1) From the main Steam window, click on your nickname in the top right corner and select 'Account Details'.

2) On the next screen - copy the SteamID number.

You can also find your SteamID64 on by searching for your Steam nickname.

Or use this link.
We truly appreciate your help!
Fall out Operators!