News Liste Wildfire

Patch v1.04 and 40% off in Steam Summer Sale
26.06.21 01:54 Community Announcements
Wildfire's fourth major update, Patch v1.04, is now live on Steam! Some small but significant gameplay rebalancing, along with fixing minor issues lingering from the last patch, are the stars of this update. Many of these changes were made after taking player feedback into account. We have also added Steam Cloud support for Wildfire's save files, so you can now have your game progress follow you between PCs.

We're also thrilled to offer a 40% discount on the game throughout the Steam Summer Sale! If the game has been sitting on your wishlist, now is the time to dip in to the stealthy elemental mischief contained within.

The patch notes for v1.04 are below, and you can also read them combined with previous updates here:

> Read the full patch notes here <

Crash Fixes
  • Fixed a crash related to crucibles being caught in bubbles while underwater
  • Fixed a crash caused when very long vines are created on a single wall
  • Fixed a crash caused when Vine Traps where thrown in certain positions

Balance Changes
  • Rebalanced the Ice ability to make it no longer possible to put guards to sleep with a single instance of freezing them
  • Rejuvenate will now heal players back to full health, rather than only revive them when dead
  • Changed some enemy attacks in the final encounter to prevent the player getting stunlocked or stuck in corners
  • When disguised, enemies will no longer slowly detect the player in their line of sight, as long as the player acts like a patrolling guard
  • Bobcats can no longer be drowned by holding them at bay with a fireball while they swim

Graphics and Performance
  • Bobcat shadows update more consistently when they are alerted
  • Rejuvenate will no longer incorrectly draw sprites to restore if the player is aiming while their water is set to Ice mode
  • Rejuvenating vines now correctly restores their sprite from grey to green
  • Aiming wildfires while holding Ice will no longer indicate those fires will be put out
  • When grass is placed near meltable snow, the grass sprite will no longer extend into the air after the snow is melted
  • When all meteor shards are collected and New Game+2 begins, Forest 2: Brevis Pass will no longer show an uncollected meteor shard objective on the map
  • Camera pan arrows no longer render over objectives text
  • The player will no longer incorrectly flash white when stunned while One Hit Kills is enabled
  • The player's current HP will now be displayed after unpausing while in a level
  • Fixed a terrain sprite error in Forest 7: Mouth of Uahm
  • Icon indicators in the final encounter no longer incorrectly display while the camera is zoomed in
  • The warning prompt informing the player they are unable to mantle into a crawlspace while holding something now correctly displays
  • Moving gates will no longer warn players they cannot crouch while carrying something
  • Typo fixed in City 2: Crematorium note
  • Fluid dynamics effects now correctly collide with certain walls
  • Fixed an issue that caused the player to animate faster than usual when exiting a crawlspace
  • Ezra is no longer missing his dialogue box name tag in certain levels
  • Barrels now correctly display a white interaction highlight
  • Villagers’ speech bubble icons now correctly hide when an interaction prompt appears
  • The Character Outlines video option now correctly saves between sessions
  • In Mountains 5: Medo Subpeak, the switch controlling the statue’s arm now highlights the bell height indicator when ready to be interacted with
  • Fixed an issue that caused villagers’ sprites to sometimes disappear when thrown
  • Bridge ropes now render in front of enemies correctly
  • Objective text on the pause menu will now indicate already achieved secondary objectives with a white tick

Gameplay Fixes
  • Bobcats will no longer sometimes incorrectly move toward the player when backing up over a ledge
  • A unique enemy encounter will no longer result on them running on the spot if the One Free Fright meteor shard is equipped
  • The player can no longer take fall damage after completing the final encounter
  • It is no longer possible to rescue a dead villager by carrying them to the exit door
  • Fixed an issue that caused villagers to get stuck in walls
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to be unable to mantle up certain terrain tiles when carrying something
  • The Heretic's Demise meteor shard will now correctly kill players if they burn to death in a crawlspace
  • Grass can now correctly be placed on top of snow
  • Grass placed on snow can now be correctly ignited with a fireball
  • Added additional checks to prevent the enemy in the final encounter from getting stuck in walls
  • Rigel will no longer be detected if he is hiding in grass or snow
  • The objective scripting in Forest 7: Mouth of Uahm will no longer complete the mission if the barrels are detonated after the player has died, but before they have reloaded a checkpoint
  • In Forest 7: Mouth of Uahm, the first two guards will now correctly longer initiate a conversation after a checkpoint reload
  • When throwing an element a short distance, the player will no longer prematurely catch it before allowing it to hit the ground
  • Players will no longer sometimes clip into the ground when attaching to a low-hanging vine
  • Frozen characters now correctly align to the movement grid
  • It is now easier to aim out of water while swimming in water
  • Fixed an issue that caused vines grown on top of one another to be unable to be climbed
  • Villagers' oxygen meters now replenish at the correct rate
  • Rejuvenate will now correctly heal Captain Caira without her needing to be dead
  • Fixed an issue in the final encounter that prevented the player from embracing earth
  • Fixed an issue that caused fire to propagate over bridges when the player attempted to put it out with water
  • Prevented enemies from clipping through terrain if they deflect a fireball while mantling
  • Prevented enemies from getting stuck in walls after they travel through a doorway
  • Fixed an issue that caused vines to not reappear after reloading a checkpoint
  • Fixed issues caused by the player picking up their disguise while carrying something in City 3: Chateau Caira
  • Closing a gate will now crush any ice under the door
  • Rigel the bobcat now more reliably climbs walls when thrown at them
  • Creeping Vines no longer spread across snow piles
  • Enemies frozen by ice will no longer be hidden in grass unless the ice has shattered
  • Ice blocks created on crawlspace terrain tiles are now correctly aligned
  • Barrels will no longer sometimes clip through terrain when thrown at villagers
  • Fixed an issue which caused music in the Caves environment to play twice over itself
  • New Game Plus is no longer able to be activated again if quitting to the menu after beginning New Game Plus in the same session
  • Fixed an issue that caused co-op players to be stuck in an animation after reloading a checkpoint
  • Burning Vine Traps now correctly remove their fires after a checkpoint reload

Social Links

For now, that's all from us! We hope you all enjoy the update, and we'd love to hear any feedback you have over at the Discussion Forum. You can also be a part of the community:

> Join The Sneaky Bastards Discord <
> Follow us on Twitter @WildfireGame <