News Liste Wildfire

Patch v1.03 and 30% off in Steam Remote Play Together Sale
26.03.21 05:06 Community Announcements
Wildfire's third major update, Patch v1.03, is now live! A huge feature of this patch is some significant performance improvements, along with some crash fixes, responses to player feedback, and more. Plus, we're thrilled to participate in the Steam Remote Play Together Sale, with a 30% discount on Wildfire for the duration - our biggest discount yet!

We're not kidding about those performance improvements - we've spent the last three months rebuilding the entire collision system, and remaking every single level, to perform more efficiently. If you previously weren't getting 60 frames-per-second, now you should - even in the largest levels, and on lower-end systems!

Patch v.103

The patch notes for v1.03 are below, and you can also read them combined with the previous updates here:

> Read the full patch notes here <

Crash Fixes
  • Fixed a crash which occurred after collecting all Kickstarter lockets and starting New Game+
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when Heavy Knights attempted to free one another from a Vine Trap
  • Fixed a crash caused when a crucible was bubbled out of the water in Mountains 5: Medo Subpeak
  • Fixed a crash caused by embracing a vine that was longer than 32 pieces

Graphics and Performance
  • Made significant performance improvements and optimisations across all levels
  • Fixed a visual glitch that caused heat and water haze shader effects to render incorrectly offset from their source
  • An issue which caused the dripping animation to not follow wet guards has been fixed
  • Water fountains no longer display a red outline when water can be embraced from them
  • Fixed a terrain sprite glitch in Forest 7: Mouth of Uahm
  • Fixed a visual error in which a small gap displayed on the map screen's coat of arms
  • Removed erroneous text from the credits screen
  • Fixed a graphical error that caused crucibles to appear floating in doorways in Mountains 5: Medo Subpeak
  • Fixed an issue that caused some text in readable notes to overflow in certain languages
  • Enemies holding lanterns will now have those lanterns smoothly move along with the enemy
  • Minor adjustments made to on-screen control prompts
  • Fixed a tiling error in certain terrain sprites
  • Fixed a graphical error in the lighting effects in City 1: Trade District
  • Bobcats’ shadows will now properly update when they are alerted
  • Enabling or disabling co-op while in a level will now correctly display that level's loading screen during the transition

Gameplay Fixes
  • Fixed a bug which caused co-op players to be unable to progress past the whistle tutorial in Forest 6: Dubra Trench
  • Fixed Forest 6: Dubra Trench optional objective not appearing, and Whistle tutorial popups sticking around too long
  • Fixed the speedrun target and achievement not showing or being unlocked for City 4: Tower Prison
  • Fixed an issue that caused archer's arrows in flight to not pause when picking up a meteor shard
  • Fixed an issue that made villagers wait too long to enter checkpoints or open exit doors
  • Fixed playable bobcat level snapping co-op players to the right of the exit if they avoid triggering the cage one by one.
  • Prevented the objective popup from appearing in village tutorial when attempting to return through cave
  • Fixed an issue that caused bobcats to be unable to mantle up certain ledges after running up a wall
  • Fixed an issue that caused the player to be stuck under terrain when attacked near a crawlspace
  • Prevented the archer from interrupting the player reading the poem in the Vine Trap Spirit Trial if Advanced Enemy Patrols are enabled
  • Fixed enemies clipping into the floor if walking onto terrain after standing on a dead body in spikes
  • Fixed an issue that caused cameras in certain cutscenes not to be positioned correctly
  • Corrected an error that allowed players to slide through wooden boxes
  • Prevented elevators from incorrectly passing through closed trap doors
  • Fixed an issue that caused the player to be unable to pull themselves up onto a ledge while against a wall
  • Fixed an incorrect value being displayed in the Earth Bond upgrade screen
  • Bobcats will now properly back off of ledges when the player is approaching them while holding a fireball
  • Enemies now get stunned if standing under a falling elevator

Steam Remote Play Together Sale: 30% Off

Along with Patch v1.03's release, we're proud to participate in Steam's Remote Play Together Sale, to celebrate the fact that the entirety of Wildfire can be played in two-player co-op! Without Steam, this would be limited to local co-op with two players on the same PC. However, Steam Remote Play allows you to play online with a friend, as though you were in the same room. And now, with the new Remote Play Together functionality, that friend doesn't even need their own Steam account to play with you.

If you've already played through Wildfire by yourself, consider having another run through with a friend. It's an entirely different experience, more akin to a chaotic party than a slower singleplayer stealth game, and there are even some achievements that encourage you to explore the different ways you can experiment with Wildfire's elemental mechanics in co-op.

Social Links

For now, that's all from us! We hope you all enjoy the update, and we'd love to hear any feedback you have over at the Discussion Forum. You can also be a part of the community:

> Join The Sneaky Bastards Discord <
> Follow us on Twitter @WildfireGame <