This update introduces Coachmans, which will help players instantly travel to desired locations (for example, to settle in the Ancestors Valley in Southern Iteria). The inventory size has been increased, new Agriculture abilities have been added, swords and Witchcraft abilities have been strengthened.
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Changelog for Update 2.2.379
What's New:
- Coachmans have been added near the tavern, in the City, and at the Port, allowing players to be transported to their desired location for a small fee. The stablehand no longer handles this.
- A Coachman has also been added in the Desert on the PvE server. Remember, you can build and set up dominiums in the Ancestors Valley in the desert, and the Coach will make this even more convenient.
- The cost of relocation for small and medium dominiums has been reduced by 10 times.
- The inventory size has been increased by 5 slots.
- Four new passive Agriculture abilities have been added.
- Leather Belt and Hardened Leather Belt now provide 1 extra slot, allowing for 5 additional quick access slots in the early stages of the game.
- You can now hang a Christmas wreath on Marble and Castle gates.
- The attack power and critical hit chance of Witcher swords have been increased.
- Battle Thirst is no longer interrupted by damage taken. Health consumption is reduced by half.
- Fire Blast is no longer interrupted by damage taken. Self-ignition duration has been reduced from 5 seconds to 2 seconds. Cooldown has been decreased from 30 to 25 seconds. Base damage has increased by 15%.
- Weakness: base casting speed has been reduced from 3 seconds to 2 seconds.
- Spawn rates for nests and ores in the plains and forests of Iteria have been increased.
- To reduce server load, the density of insignificant spawns and instant respawns has been optimized.
- The number of daily quests given by the fisherman has been reduced from 3 to 2.
- The monetary rewards for daily quests from the fisherman have been decreased, but resource rewards have been increased.
- For the active ability Gatherer’s Experience, a casting time of 4 seconds (with the option to interrupt) has been added, and the cooldown has been increased to 90 seconds.
- The progression of characteristics for the first tiers of the Miner’s Backpack is now smoother (more slots and less slowdown).
- The icon of the scroll above loading screen hints has been changed.
- Fixed invisible walls in the Echo Cave.
- Fixed an issue with an invisible wall in the swamps.
- Fixed a bug with passing through walls in the city.