Wild Terra 2: New Lands
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Über das Spiel

Huge selection of crafts. Attention to details
Become the best builder, blacksmith, fisherman, healer, alchemist, baker, sailor, tanner, trader, farmer, jeweler and anything else. But getting the Master's Mark requires perseverance and knowledge. In Wild Terra, you cannot create equipment in one click.
Catch, tame and grow rare species of animals. As they level up, pets receive random bonuses. It will take luck or hard work to put together the perfect combination.
Raids and Solo play
Join groups, create guilds, or play solo. Hunt huge bosses and explore dark dungeons! Build, evolve and travel to PvP and PvE zones. Or you can challenge and go to mysterious continents with a variety of biomes, inhabitants and conditions, for example, to an Plague Island.
Leveling and combat system
Whatever you use, the skill level of that increases. The game has many non-combat and battle skills, a variety of melee and ranged weapons, each with its own active and passive abilities. There are no pre-selected classes in Wild Terra. What you have in your hands determines your role in combat. And thanks to the non-target combat system, your skill is as important as your equipment.
Only your choice
You decide whether to risk your loot or stay in safe zones. Also, in any dungeon, you can choose the difficulty from Easy to Nightmare. The rewards justify the risk, but the decision is yours!
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i5 or AMD Phenom II X4 with at least 2,5 GHz
- GFX: GeForce 460/Radeon HD 5850/Intel HD 4600 with at least 1024 MB video RAM
- Software: Windows 7, 10 (64 bit)
- HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- LANG: Englisch, Russisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Spanisch – Spanien, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch, Polnisch, Italienisch, Ukrainisch, Japanisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Türkisch, Koreanisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i7 or AMD Phenom II X6 with at least 3,5 GHz
- GFX: GeForce 660/Radeon HD 6970
- Software: Windows 7, 10 (64 bit)
- HD: 2 GB available space
- DX: Version 11
- INET: Broadband Internet connection
- LANG: Englisch, Russisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Spanisch – Spanien, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch, Polnisch, Italienisch, Ukrainisch, Japanisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Türkisch, Koreanisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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28426 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.23 17:07
Ich habe deshalb so viele Spielstunden, weil ich zum eInen "Genre-Fan" bin, zum anderen dauert es Ewigkeiten Skills zu leveln egal ob Crafting oder Kampf, also nicht wundern. ;)
Die Grafik ist müll. Die Spielwelt ist winzig... Und um an höhere Ressourcen dran zu kommen, muss man durch PvP Gebiete wo Lowies gegankt werden, naja eher wurden... Jetzt nicht mehr so oft, weil die Server schlichtweg tot sind... ;)
Die deutsche Übersetzung ist nur halbfertig und das Ewigkeiten nach Release. Nicht einmal nachgebessert wurde da, nix...
Kurz um, das Spiel ist Schrott!
Es ist eine Frechheit(!) für das Spiel 34,99€ zu nehmen... Es ist sicher keine 10,- wert.
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37818 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.23 01:04
The few where still plays, are harassed by some very toxic "Pixel Heroes".
They love to team up, hunt and terrorize new/lower Players, the Devs dont care a shit.
The Game is designed to reward such behaviour. Behaviour of weakness and noob, spiced up with a huge portion of poison.
Even the world map self is designed to reward such behaviour, pvp zones have almost tiny entrances wich a very little group of high level can easily camp and gank, wich they do very often and you need ressources in these zones to reach midgame tier.
Overall the Game is pretty oldschool fashioned and could have potential, if the Devs would care a little, but they dont.
Better wait for upcoming similiar Games, there come a lot in 2023!
Only reasons i still login, a few friendly people i met there and i wait for more interesting, hopefully better designed similiar games.
351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 22:38
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5666 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.21 19:36
Was mich an diesem Teil auch stark stört ist, das Spielgebiet ist viel zu klein, alles ist zugebaut somit ressourcen farmen kaum mehr möglich. Will man z.B. Eisen bedeutet dies PVP und das Sammelgebiet ist nochmals unglaublich klein und man wird ständig nach dem Sammeln abgefarmt.
Schade ich mag das Spielprinzip, aber leider wird hier mehr auf Cashmaking gesetzt, als auf alles andere.
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51144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 15:05
PvP game with no lvl restrictions. At least 1000 hours of play time necessary to be able to defend yourself.
8952 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 23:24
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7759 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 09:54
I dont recomend this game, the things u can buy are to expecive, for what u get from it,
The game starts easy chilling and nice, ends in PK and no space to build a housing cuz everywere other players settled up, even in Recurce Regions, wich leads to the next problem, recurces become rare, a thing i personaly dislike ist if a pker in a pkregion kills u he can strip everything u have wich u had worked for weeks to get it in a few min... without the high price and the pk zones i would give a thumbs up but not for this, and even a thumb up wold be for the comunity besides the PK Griefer Rich Gold sweating People.
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1312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 14:54
Leider muss ich feststellen, dass ich das Game derzeit nicht empfehlen kann. Und ich würde es wirklich gerne empfehlen. Aber warum denn nicht? Darum:
Ich weiß nicht, was ich erwartet habe. Habe ich die Komplexität von Ultima Online erwartet? Dann wurde ich enttäuscht. Habe ich auf wenngleich nicht absturzfreie, so doch auf relativ lagfreie Server gehofft? Dann treffe ich wieder auf Enttäuschung. Habe ich ein Auge auf ein eigenes Stück Land geworfen auf dem sich eine Gemeinschaft bilden kann? Dann bekomme ich leider nicht den Kleingärtnerverein hiermit.
Derzeit macht es wirklich den Eindruck eines heruntergekommenen Ein-Personen-Lagers neben dem nächsten. Da die Spielwelt viel zu klein ist stehen sich alle gegenseitig auf den Füßen. Vier Personen im Spiel wollen gleichzeitig Kupfer? Schon sind alle Respawns abgegrast, weil vier Spieler genügen, die komplette Spielwelt abzugrasen. Gut, vielleicht mögen es auch 10 oder 15 sein, aber man spürt sofort ein beengtes Gefühl und hat niemals das Gefühl sich in einer echten Spielwelt zu bewegen. Es scheint unmöglich auch nur einen Frame auf die Augen zu bekommen auf dem kein Spieler, seine Hinterlassenschaften oder sein Lager zu sehen sind. Man hat das Gefühl mitten im Wald auf der Kreuzung einer Großstadt zu stehen. Wie gesagt, einfach weil die Spielwelt massiv zu klein ist.
Ich hoffe auf die Zukunft und darauf, dass sich die Investition in dieses Game nicht als Fehlkauf heraus stellt. Aber eben das ist es. Hoffen.
8328 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.21 00:16
Ihr seid Sandbox MMO Fan, aber inzwischen genervt von den ganzen Indie Bastelbuden, die meinen Sandbox ist gleich free for all PvP überall mit full loot? Kauft euch Wild Terra 2 und spielt eine fantastische MMO Sandbox!
Moment mal, Revilo, was erzählst du uns denn hier? Juvty Worlds ist doch auch ein Indie Studio mit nur 4 Entwicklern (richtig!) und WT2 ist doch FFA PvP mit full loot (falsch, prüft eure Quellen!). Was dieses kleine russische Entwicklerstudio mit WT2 als "echtes" Sandbox MMO auf die Beine gestellt hat, verdient schon Respekt und hat mal so nebenher mein o. g. "Bastelbuden Theorem" zumindest ins Wanken gebracht! :)
Ja, auch WT2 hat/hatte mit Lags, Rubberbanding und Bugs zu kämpfen beim (Head-)Start, aber das Problem kennt jeder MMO Fan sogar von Triple A Studios mit einem 100 Mio. plus Budget! Die Devs sind aber dran, arbeiten selbst an den Wochenenden und versuchen die Dinge zu fixen! Es war und ist auch nicht unspielbar, zumindest nie in Gänze!
Jetzt zum Thema PvP (wichtig!) ein paar Fakten:
Man kann überall ohnmächtig geschlagen werden, verliert dabei aber nichts und steht einfach wieder nach einer kurzen Zeit auf (kommt nur äußerst selten vor, da es halt nicht viel bringt!). Dann gibt es PvP Zonen wie am Anfang den Friedhof, wo man von jedem Spieler gekillt werden kann und auch seinen Loot im Inventar (!) komplett droppt!
Pets, die ihr angelegt/gerufen habt können gekillt werden, lassen sich aber nach einem CD von 4 Minuten wieder rufen. Liegen sie im Inventar (was zum Taming skillen z. B. sinnvoll ist) werden sie gedroppt (Pets ab LvL 10 aber nicht mehr).
Ausrüstung inkl. Waffen und alles weitere was ihr am Char angelegt habe (sichtbar unter U) wird komplett NICHT gedroppt, egal was oder wer euch getötet hat! Was heißt das? Ihr bekommt auf der Hauptinsel am Anfang Quests für den Friedhof. Dann könnt ihr eine Waffe anlegen, Rüstung etc. und verliert von all diesen Items nichts, selbst wenn ihr gekillt werdet! Man kann also durchaus voll ausgerüstet auch in PvP Zonen Quests machen, skillen und farmen OHNE Verlustrisiko (natürlich mit der Einschränkung, dass man das gefarmte im INVENTAR verliert, wenn man in einer PvP Zone getötet wird!).
Außerdem gibt es Dungeons wie die Kirche, die als Instanz nur für eure Gruppe laufen, sehr guten Loot bieten (z. b. den blutigen Bären als Mount!) und aufgrund der Instanzierung und dem Non PvP Gebiet davor null Risiko haben!
Ich habe jedenfalls mit unserer Gilde großen Spaß in WT2 (habe nicht umsonst in der kurzen Zeit über 60 Std. gespielt!) wie schon lange nicht mehr in einem Sandbox MMO! Und ich mag auch kein FFA PvP mit full loot, ich habe nicht nur ein Sandbox MMO augrund dessen sterben sehen in den letzten Jahren und Jahrzehnten! Aber genau hier macht WT2 erstaunlicherweise einiges besser, auch wenn selbst dieses PvP System genauso wie Sandboxen allgemein natürlich nicht für jeden was sind!
Aber als Sandbox Fan solltet ihr euch WT2 auf jeden Fall anschauen, denn sowas gibt es so schnell von keinem Triple A Studio, die machen lieber den x-ten EQ-/WoW-Klon Themepark, der dann auch oft genug scheitert!
4484 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 16:13
Natürlich gibt es die üblichen Early Access Probleme, Serverengpässe und so weiter.
Aber was dieses kleine Entwicklerteam hier schon abliefert verdient Respekt und Unterstützung!
(*seufz* ja, ich weiß, das bedeutet heutzutage ja nichts mehr, schaut doch trotzdem mal rein)
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628 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 12:36
Bug fixes kamen sehr schnell und die anfänglichen Lags sind auch Geschichte.
Das Crafting System sieht sehr vielversprechend und vielseitig aus und auf der 2. Insel ist auch genug Platz für alle und ausreichend Ressourcen.
Auf der Hauptinsel ist das PvE Kontent, wo man gegen Skelette kämpfen kann mit PvP verknüpft.
Heißt im Klartext: Man geht in diese Gefahrenzonen hinein und jeder andere Spieler kann einen sofort angreifen und töten, sodass man all seine Sachen im Inventar fallen lässt (die der andere Aufheben kann) und man an seinem Haus respawnt.
Da die zahlenden Spieler alle ein schnelles Reittier haben, können die so mal eben die ganzen Noobs wie mich abfarmen.
Wieso gibt es kein PvP an/aus Button oder man macht PvP und PvE getrennt? Ansonsten haben Anfänger Null Chance mal alleine gegen ein paar Mobs zu kämpfen.
Außerhalb dieser Zonen bietet das Spiel nur Ressourcen sammeln und craften an...
11006 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 08:02
Habe Das game 48h vor steam Release gespielt.
Jeder der wild terra online, life is feudal, albion online, usw. gespielt hat, kann ich das spiel nur ans herz legen.
1. Tag : starter Insel wurde von Spielern überrannt, erschlagen wegen einem Stück Holz xD
2. Tag: Server overload, Server oft abgeschmiert, extremes rubberbanding, dennoch geschafft aufs Festland über zu setzen
3.tag : neue Server, Bug fixes, Updates, auf dem Festland gibt es mehr als genug Mats. Auch noch genug Bauplätze vorhanden (wobei die Karte zu klein ist, für die Fülle an Spieler, aber soll ja erweitert werden) rubberbanding, lags noch vorhanden, aber spürbar weniger.
Für meinen Geschmack, ein Zeichen, dass die devs am Ball sind und nicht erst in 2 Wochen tonus patches bringen. Es kommen tgl. Verbesserungen.
Ich bereue den Kauf nicht, spiele es gerne und bin gespannt was noch alles im Spiel implementiert wird.
Edit: 2.02.21 durch die Fülle an Spielern, sind die Server ziemlich überfüllt, mitunter starkes rubberbanding, pvp kaum möglich. Steam ea kiddies sollten evtl sich das Spiel nicht holen. Es ist zurzeit seine 30euro nicht wert.
Warum ich dennoch positiv bewerte? Auf meinem mittleren Dominion als Koch und Landwirt bin ich genug ausgelastet, zumal innerhalb meines claims ich keine lags habe xD
Edit: 18.02..2021: Rubberbanding ist fast vollständig verschwunden. Lags spürbar weniger.
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2059 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.23 01:19
A World of Potential, Held Back: 2.5/5
Wild Terra 2 introduces players to a vast open world ripe for exploration and adventure. The potential for engaging quests, resource gathering, and crafting systems is evident, yet it fails to reach the heights it aspires to. While the idea of building, fortifying, and surviving in a medieval landscape is intriguing, the execution falls short of fully realizing the game's grand ambitions.
Unpolished Gameplay Mechanics: 2.3/5
The core gameplay mechanics in Wild Terra 2 feel unpolished and lack the depth needed to keep players engaged for extended periods. The survival elements, while present, fail to create a truly immersive experience. The combat system lacks the finesse and excitement of more refined MMORPGs, leaving battles feeling lackluster and repetitive.
Uninspired Progression and Exploration:
The progression and exploration aspects of the game fail to evoke a sense of wonder or accomplishment. While the prospect of discovering new lands and resources is enticing, the execution lacks the excitement and rewards that motivate players to venture further.
Lackluster Community Interaction: 2.4/5
Wild Terra 2's community interaction is hindered by the game's lukewarm gameplay mechanics. The lack of depth in activities and interactions creates a barrier to forming meaningful connections with other players. The sense of camaraderie and collaboration that often defines MMORPGs is sadly lacking, making the online experience feel isolating.
Technical Hurdles and Performance: 2.2/5
The game's technical performance leaves much to be desired. Frequent glitches, bugs, and server issues detract from the overall experience, causing frustration and hindering players' ability to fully immerse themselves in the world. These technical hurdles dampen the potential enjoyment and contribute to a sense of disappointment.
Conclusion: 2.3/5
Wild Terra 2: New Lands presents a world of potential that's sadly held back by unpolished gameplay mechanics, uninspired progression, and technical challenges. While the concept of a medieval sandbox MMORPG is intriguing, the execution falls short of delivering a truly captivating experience. If you're seeking an adventure that immerses you in a dynamic world of survival and exploration, Wild Terra 2 might offer some fleeting moments of enjoyment, but it ultimately fails to rise above the realm of mediocrity.
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336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.23 12:09
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3833 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 22:42
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31130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 17:58
There is one active server left with a few players.
If you try to play on the active server you will be griefed from the moment you log on to the moment you log off and will be unable to do anything. One player in particular is gatekeeping the server and preventing anyone new from joining it.
If you join any other server you will be completely alone. All of the other servers are ghost towns. Don't know how much motivation you can muster in a game as grindy as this with absolutely no community. The dungeons are also going to require teamwork to initially clear. Once you get the drops from them you'll be able to solo them. Makes it seemingly impossible to progress if the server is completely dead.
Maybe one day the last remaining server will not be blocked to new players. Until then I can't recommend anyone play this.
My experience:
Returned to server 1 with my character I invested 500 hours into. I had nothing except buildings because I gave everything away before I left. I was immediately ganked and blocked from doing anything. They followed me around everywhere I went and would push into me and attack me to make sure I could do absolutely nothing. They did this for 2 hours. After 2 hours I uninstalled.
I reinstalled the game later and tried another server. Grinded for 26 hours over 1.5 days. I did not see a single other person. I completely lost motivation since the server was completely dead and uninstalled again.
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750 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.22 03:13
1393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.22 07:06
37738 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 14:34
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170818 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 19:07
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295682 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 10:17
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149793 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 06:07
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19595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 02:13
To resume:
Servers goes off for 7 hours almost EVERYDAY and devs does nothing to fix it and prefers to sleep.
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5595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.21 13:58
3906 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.21 10:43
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☑ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
---{ Gameplay }---
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☑ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
---{ Audience }---
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Grandma
---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{ Grind }---
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☑ You'll need a second live for grinding
---{ Story }---
☑ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life
---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☑ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☐ Worth the price
☑ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
---{ Bugs }---
☐ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☑ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☑ 7
☐ 8
☐ 9
☐ 10
16895 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.21 03:21
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820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 19:14
Seriously. I don't mind a grind, but the grind in this game is something on another level I've experienced.
The pure frustration of grinding resources in itself as like dragging your testicles through a belt grinder.
I admit, the crafting system is interesting, quite complex but I feel like it really needs a definitive solution to properly explain some of it's processes on how certain materials are crafted without needing to use the Wiki.
I should be able to learn this all in the game, not through a third party source.
In some areas, such as fishing, simplicity would go a long way. Throw your bait out and catch a fish, and depending on your fishing level and bait, is what you catch [ Runescape ]. Not the current system of bashing a key button in hope you hit the right combo and catch, again, referring to the Wiki for my answer because the game just wouldn't detail it enough for you to grasp.
And trying to build a crucible 5 times in a row, even with a solid percentage of chance, only for it to fail and have to gather all the resources again, and then fail is demoralising, but you need to because the quest is telling you, and you only wish to progress.
And why is the game telling me to go to restless gorge almost right off the starting island, with weak-PVE gear, not considering the level 40 dwarves and level 35 wolves? I understand a challenge, but at least progress me to gear up for it? Why even offer me such a quest that's gonna take me 1 week in grinding to even achieve.
I can't be bothered to explain anymore, I've wasted enough time on the game. All the best, I hope the devs work wonders on it, but it's not for me, or my partner. We'll be moving on.
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183327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.21 15:25
3000 hours in and, though most of them were afk, I certainly played a lot, since the Alpha (before EA). And I also had some nice time of fun, but...
I have lost confidence that the devs will make it a good game, one that, as an MMORPG, is expected to offer fun for many months. You probably can still have some fun for a week or 2 though, as the early game feels very nice. Ok, some examples:
- Crafting was a very nice feature in the game. Though many hours of grinding were required, it felt very nice when you finally could hit that level and upgrade your gear. Now, unless you are the top crafter across all servers, you don't get rewarded for upgrading your crafting skills, because no one will buy your low-quality gear as everyone (including you) can just buy it, with much less grinding, in the cross-server Auction House.
- Fishing is notably (including by the devs) one of the worst features in the game and people have been botting a lot at that. What did the devs do? They made fishing mandatory for obtaining some of the end-game items. Quite hard to understand that decision.
- Heavy armor has been much superior to light armor, specially in late-game; it is so imbalanced, most people use heavy armor all the time, even for DPS roles. What do the devs do? They make light armor even worse by virtually taking away your main protection when you are mounted: your dodge chance is now divided by 4. While for heavy armor, you don't lose quite as much protection.
I am not to say they haven't made some good decisions as well, but these examples show they are not minding the consequences of their design decisions, making the overall game experience degrade over time. Sometimes it looks as though they are just throwing random stuff around.
So now they go ahead with more and more imbalanced gameplay, a faulty economy, close-to-irrelevant crafting and a 30% monthly reduction on an already small player base with the illusion that more content will make the game better. Some people think more content will be a game-changer, I don't. Maybe you'd better wait and see, but don't expect those basic problems to be corrected anytime soon, as devs seem oblivious to them, even when presented with strong evidence on some bad choices.
I don't think the game is beyond salvation, as it has some really interesting premises, but I don't see it getting good anytime in the next one or two years, unless the devs start thinking hard about their decisions and their consequences. And I wish they do, this game could become awesome.
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2038 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 23:22
7417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.21 15:44
There to appears to be very little content until you realise it takes around 20 hours to reach of the 4 tiers of 'tech'. Dev's are still busy on it and the community, well on EU2 at least, are very friendly.
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17987 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.21 09:34
That aside the current content is laughable for an MMO. If you can call it MMO with 90 players online.
The hours i have played are due to the extreme grind this game puts you through before you realize there is no end game, not even a mid game, just the grind.
12731 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.21 00:59
If you don't like working for your stuff, this game isn't for you. Go play World of Warcraft. This is for hardcore grinders that enjoy the grind.
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585 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 08:23
The key problem with it, is that it is just dull.
Negatives :
Combat is ok, but completely useless except to add to grind. PVP is about what I would expect if Minesweeper had a PVP mode Its just annoying and unbalanced with no realistic expectation of using it for anything but to annoy players.
Grinding mats is .... mind numbingly bad.... MIND NUMBINGLY BAD.
Inventory management is up there with Hydroneer as one of the worst available.
Graphics are similar to early 2000 games like Arcunum but with 100% worse targeting. A rung below Sacred while it was in Alpha test.
Movement feels forced and rickety like my grandmas knees.
The hunger system needs to be massively rebalanced.
The crafting system is not overwhelming, but whoever developed the crafting system should join ISIS.... just saying because there are no systems in place to tell you how to craft items. You literally have to google things to figure out how they work.
Its not even a hard game, its just a $35 regret purchase.
Its meant to be a guild/multiplayer team environment... I get that. ... But its like a game that is terrible because of the grind but had nice ish graphics, but with worse graphics.
Worth a look for <$10. Current price makes people think it is more than a 50% finished school project.
Hint : its not.
Positives :
Its only a small download.
4352 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 11:58
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611 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 07:41
Good features, good gameplay, horrible world map/world. Too bad it took me 10hrs to figure it out, no refund for me now.
179834 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.21 19:33
38698 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 15:12
If you love a slow but rewarding profession grind this is the game for you!
I love the relaxing grind this game has its a perfect casual game for me, the grind basically never ends there is so many skills and proffessions to lvl up that it will keep you going for ages.
Its for sure not for everyone but if you looking for a relaxing grind game that will keep you going for a months and more and more content being added this could be for you.
I atleast think its worth trying the game out!
Pros and cons:
+ Relaxing
+ Friendly community (atleast on EU 1)
+ The crafting with RNG % feels really rewarding when you get that max % on a gear piece
+ The dungeons are faily fun both solo and with friends
- Sadly verry low population, hopefully grows!
- Combat can feel a bit clunky and delayed.
- Not to much group play but thanks to the nice community on eu1 we still get a bit fun out of that.
- A bit lack of content but fully understand that it takes time to add content.
I really recommend this game but its for sure not for everyone!
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842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.21 20:34
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295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 16:15
came out broken, had a few bugs and an exploit.
not worth the price.
I couldn't even kill a deer because the lag was so bad.
Thanks for coming out to my mischief. ???? ????????????????
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45638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.21 14:02
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4192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 06:51
Then I come to find out that Wild Terra 2 took all of the worst things from Wild Terra 1 and left out all of the amazing parts of Wild Terra 1.
The PVP was quite a bit of fun, the survival, the crafting in Wild Terra 1 was done very well. The PVP in Wild Terra 2 is dead. Sure there are pvp zones but most people are smart and don't carry anything they can lose. You keep all of your worn gear, you can make a secret bag to keep even more stuff.
I quickly gave up on the game and decided to give it another go much farther down the development path. Here I am more than a year later and the game has barely changed.
And to all of the people complaining about the mods/staff especially Kirtis. They are not wrong. Kirtis is an absolute child. He had mod privileges in discord and will give people he likes special treatment and go out of his way to torment those he doesn't like (which is quite a few people). He will delete your chats that don't break any rules, he will take away your channel privileges because he finds you annoying.
They also have real money trading problems, no in game moderator support to stop it. They have pay 2 win mechanics with mounts that give you greater speed than what you can normally get in game.
The servers are mostly dead. Do not buy this game, turn around, run away very fast.
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7522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 23:52
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2999 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 23:47
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40640 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 23:28
Game was a great run up until 03/19/2021. Devs have a test server and rather than utilize it, they release a patch to live that has an anti pvp mechanic that is easily abused. PvP was fine in the game but needed tweeking and the new system needed to be tested. Yet here we are alt fest pvp. Alt gets low hp runs in while you're swinging in pve because other players can mount in before they load on your screen and you kill them and you get instant criminal and their friends come in and kill you consequence free.. GJ
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23759 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 19:04
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6077 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 20:46
+90% Speed Mount bought for $$
Bag which doesn't drop items on death bought for $$
Imagine this for a Survival PvP game...
Do not buy this, i regret my kickstarter pack now.
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15185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 00:50
when our group confronted the devs they called us liars, the mods banned us from the discord for posting pictures of the person. The person is still out there preying on people and theyll do nothing about it. so today was my last day playing this game. GOLDGATE
19747 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 04:10
I've been having lots of fun playing everyday, and so far the devs seem pretty competitive at what they are doing (I didn't feel the same way in LoA). The lag issue that everyone complained in the reviews is non-existent.
10978 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 09:50
5602 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 14:29
Is it worth $35? Idk, the sweet spot to get players into the game to try would probably be $20 honestly. I haven't seen any P2W BS but, there are certain packages that are either meh or the ultimate $300,000 package (yes, for real) that makes you a literal God in the game. If you played Life is Feudal:Your Own and didn't find it grindy enough, this has you covered. Like Albion with deeper crafting, better graphics, meh combat, and less players, check it out. WARNING: The game has almost no tooltips, a barren wiki, almost empty Reddit, and a b*tc*y discussion board on Steam. The only way to figure out what to do is to either follow the uneventful bland questline or ask in global chat and hope someone isn't too busy commiting hate crimes to answer your pathetic newb level conundrum. Hopefully the devs continue to polish the game and it will be great. As it stands, probably a 6.5 out of 11.
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17751 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 23:28
Massively Multiplayer Online
Juvty Worlds Ltd.
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