Gunslingers, get ready for a hog-killin' time! This is our biggest update so far - A bag filled to the brim with new features, balancing updates and bug fixes. Without further ado, let me introduce;
The Bone Orchard Update
Gameplay Features:
- Locking rooms added - all enemies must be killed to exit.
- Dynamite Barrels - added to the Crypt, Hunt, Mine, Canyon, Battlefield, Town and Church
- Plague Barrels - added to the Bayou, Plains, Churchyard and Church
- Freeze Barrels - added to the Hunt, Mine, Battlefield, Churchyard and Church
- Heal Barrels - added to the Bayou, Canyon, Plains, Town and Church
- New Shrines - Limited choice shrines added to branches
- New Shrine appearance - the shrines show skulls for each available choice
Balance - Difficulty
- Overall difficulty reduced
- Enemy health and damage rebalanced
- Enemy composition rebalanced
- Final Boss rebalanced
- 4 different Difficulty Settings added
- Status Effects now increase in damage with level - this used to be duration
- Gravedigger attack reworked
- Damage over time effects base damage rebalanced
- Preacher and Outlaw difficulty rebalanced
- Level Layouts refined
- Fewer pickups per level
- Lost Soul Burden is now 3x damage instead of Instant Death
- Weapon/Ability Unlock order changed
- Unlock Sin Costs significantly reduced
- Amount of Iron found in levels has been reduced
- Remnant drop rate increased. This is even higher in more difficult levels.
- Wendigo Boss moved to the mid-point of The Hunt - you can no longer avoid him!
Balance - Weapons
- Sniper Rifle - Longer aim time, higher damage.
- Escalator Rifle - Less initial damage, much greater subsequent damage.
- Wrack & Ruin Revolver - Accuracy tweaks.
- Clockwork Shotgun - Higher rate of fire, slower reload.
- Eradicator - much higher damage, longer charge time, can shoot through multiple targets.
- Hellraiser - accuracy tweaks.
- Double Barreled Pistol - Lower base damage.
- Freeze Pistol - Lower base damage.
- Maverick Pistol - Lower base damage, higher critical damage.
- Deadshot Revolver - Higher critical damage.
- Traitor’s Revolver - Higher critical damage.
- Defender Shotgun - Lower damage.
- Killspree Shotgun - Lower damage.
- Stalker Shotgun - Speed buff duration increased.
- Gunslinger Revolver - Rate of Fire buff after dodging has been increased.
GUI Changes:
- Weapon and Ability GUI panels now shows more details:
- DoT effects
- Critical Damage
- Escalator Shot Damage
- Ammo display corrected for Hellraiser and Wrack & Ruin
- Ability Cooldowns now rounded to 1 decimal place.
- Charms added to the pause menu.
- Charm GUI panels now shows more details:
- Buff multipliers
- Buff durations
- HP recovery per action
- Maximum possible HP recovery
Teleporters / Runes:
- All Rune Obstacles now prompt you if you don’t have the required Rune.
- End of Level teleporters now tell you which level they lead to.
- Teleporters now only ignite if you have the teleport Rune.
- Shortcut teleporters activate but are a different colour and tell you that they require a Rune.
Onboarding and Game flow:
- New Tutorial layout
- Tutorial Prompts changed
- Chasm warnings added
- Movement prompt removed
- Saving disabled in the Tutorial
- Death now starts a New Run, rather than taking you to the Start Menu
- Saving/Quitting has been re-enabled in the Saloon
- Hint & Tips Fortune Cards added to the Saloon
- GUI text to tell the player when Purgatory is Shifting (level layouts changing)
- New Rune Unlock objects in the Armoury - examining these gives a description of their use and where their shortcut is.
Cosmetic Changes:
- Changes to the Start Screen theme - floating purgatory objects in the distance
- Sawn-off shotgun now fired one-handed
- Locking doors are now more visible
- Start Menu Options now split between system Options and Game Options
Bug Fixes:
- Barman’s charm now works correctly.
- Seer’s charm now works correctly.
- Prospectors charm now works correctly.
- Thrown abilities (molotov, dynamite etc.) should no longer bounce off horizontal surfaces (like the cover in the Preacher fight).
- Lost Soul / Righteous Soul bugs fixed
- Unlock menu typo fixed
- Weapon tutorial info panel bug fixed
- Plague damage scales with item/weapon level and character stats when spread.
- The Preacher no longer shoots through cover (issue with the Splitter rifle fixed)
- Targeting bugs fixed
- Issues with the locking door in the Haven have been fixed
- The Butcher no longer misses with his ranged attack
- Issue with Indestructible Rune Barricades has been fixed
- An issue causing The Hunt level to not generate has been fixed.
- The pause menu map should now track properly
- Outlaw/Preacher AI bug fixes
- Heal effects fixed for enemies