The most shocking update yet is here!
Bringing you tesla guns, turrets, explosives, and more!
Thanks everyone for the support during the lead up for this update! Hopefully everyone managed to survive my endless barage of puns.
For those that haven't pulled the trigger yet, Volcanoids is also 30% OFF right now.
And now let's take a closer look at everything that's been shown in the trailer:

Tesla Cannon
The new update brings two new guns to your arsenal.
Now, their strenght isn't in doing a lot of damage but in complimenting your other guns with their abilities.
The first one being the Tesla Cannon that shoots electric beams at multiple targets at once dealing continous damage to all of them.

The cannon can also be used for shooting down projectiles (like mortars).

And if you right-click, an energy shield will be deployed to protect you from incoming fire.

Upgrade needed for Tesla Cannon: Upgrade Advanced Production

Tesla Rifle
The second gun is a Tesla Rifle that shoots quick zaps that will stun smaller enemies like the small drones or humanoid COGs.

This is perfect in combination with something like the shotgun for finishing off the stunned enemies.
And it can also zap projectiles in the air, but it's much harder to pull off than with the cannon.
Upgrade needed for Tesla Rifle: Upgrade Basic Production

Extra pro tip: The tesla ammo batteries that are used by both the cannon and rifle can be replenished by using the armor station.
Tesla Turrets
Prepare to make some space for two more turrets on your drillship.
Placable on the roof or the sides, Tesla Turrets are going to make a world of difference when it comes to defending your drillship.

Similarly to the tesla rifle, the Tier 1 will shoot quick zaps at enemies stunning the smaller ones for a few seconds.
And as you've probably guessed, the bigger Tier 2 will shoot beams at multiple enemies at once.
Most importantly, both of them can shoot down explosives too!

And again, while they are great for defense, don't rely on them exclusively. Combine them with some of the regular turrets for best results.
Upgrade needed for T1 Tesla Turret: Upgrade Basic Production

Upgrade needed for T2 Tesla Turret: Upgrade Advanced Production

Tesla Turret Drones
Saw a lot of people asking if you'll be able to to put tesla weapons in the drones we added in the previous update.
Hope this part of the trailer answered it.

The support drone wasn't left out either. It now has a tiny tesla turret on top of it that can zap projectiles.

Mini Tesla Turrets
For the first time ever, you'll be able to set up some defenses inside the drillship as well!
These small tesla turrets can be placed on the ground or even in the wall sockets where you'd normally put something like a light (inside and outside).
So now, any intruders that somehow sneaked their way past the turrets outside will get a shocking welcome!

Upgrade needed for interior tesla turrets: Upgrade Starter Production

EMP Grenades and Mortars
The update also brings some upgrades in the explosives department.
Both the EMP grenade and mortar shells can disable enemies of all sizes and even modules.
Perfect for disabling tanks and hiting them in a weakspot or for disabling turrets during a raid.

Upgrade needed for EMP grenades: Simple Explosive Schematic

Upgrade needed for EMP mortars: Upgrade Basic Production

Tesla Enemies (and how to deal with them)
As you could see in the trailer, you are not the only one that will have tesla tech available to them.
Which means you'll have to be more methodical with your attacks.
So if you encounter a tank with a tesla turret...
Or a drillship with a tesla turret.
That's because otherwise, they will destroy your explosvies in the air just like you can destroy theirs.

"But what do I use if I can't use explosives?"
Enter the...
Anti-material Sniper Ammo
We added a new type of ammo for the scoped sniper rifle (not Marshal) exactly for this purpose.
As the name suggest, it will deal increased amount of damage against tanks and modules.
So use it to pick off those pesky tesla turrets on drillships (or tanks) and then you can go nuts with your explosives.

Upgrade needed for Anti-material Ammo: Advanced Exposives Schematic

This update also brings 3 new achievements:

Additional Patch Notes
Now, let's address the dredded "turrets not shooting" bug first. We've been able to fix it and have been testing it nonstop to make sure it doesn't happen anymore. However, if it still SOMEHOW happens to some of you, let me know asap.
Ok, now we can continue with the list.
- Fixed turrets being stuck and not shooting
- Fixed turret shaking when tracking moving target
- Fixed turrets in caves not rotating for multiplayer clients
- Fixed quests taking into account inventories of sleeping players
- Fixed grenade being thrown from the belly position
- Fixed drillship paint on Helper drone modules
- Fixed Mine coal achievemens not obtainable by multiplayer clients
- Fixed Cogs killed achievements not obtainable by multiplayer clients
- Fixed weapon reload animations for Revolver, Machine Pistol, Shotgun and Mortar
- Fixed Cogs hidden inside soil around drillship
- Fixed Helper drones cannot be repaired
- Fixed Helper drone visibility issues and object poping
- Fixed Pickaxe showing gatling ammo
- Fixed blinking of drillship modules
- Fixed excessive tank honking sounds
- Fixed icon visibility and ordering in the map and travel window
- Fixed minor grammar issues in descriptions
- Added particle effect when enemies fall into lava
- Added particle effect when bullets hit lava
- Added new achievements: Hot Tub, Funko COG, Grounded
- Drillship walls no longer need to be fully repaired to place new modules
- Improved performance when Wrench is equipped
- Improved audio of Gatling, Mortar and Grenades
- Turret low ammo notification now includes the type of ammo which is low
- Changed Multitasking achievement icon to show HUBs
- 2D kill confirmation sounds are now played only for distant kills
Sample Mod Fixes
- Fixed player getting stuck in COG lava extractor
If you got any questions, drop them below and I'll continually update this section.
- Rich
Q: Why is my tesla gun not shooting?
A: Make sure you also crafted the tesla battery ammo for it.