Got a short update for you about the new island.
So far we’ve been mainly working on standalone concepts.
Now we’re taking them and putting them together like puzzle pieces to make sure it's all connected as we imagined.
And so, here's a sneak peak at one such puzzle piece with a bit of lore as well...
The Imperial Rose
The Imperial Rose was once the pinnacle of luxury and status for the upper-class citizens of Adranos, offering an unparalleled vacation experience. The cruise ship frequently sailed around the island, boasting its own private harbor, where the elite would gather to come aboard. Its reputation was bolstered by posters plastered everywhere across Adranos, inviting the wealthy to indulge in the ship's luxurious cabins, lavish bars, and exclusive amenities.
But its golden age came to a tragic end during the catastrophic first eruption.
As the volcano unleashed its fury, the crew of the Imperial Rose sprang into action, offering refuge to desperate islanders trying to escape. Despite their heroic efforts and the many lives they managed to get onboard, their mission was abruptly cut short. Showers of volcanic rock rained down from the sky, severely damaging the ship before it could make a safe escape.
The once-magnificent vessel found itself stranded in shallow waters, rendered immobile and beyond repair. With the lifeboats insufficient to evacuate everyone, chaos ensued as passengers scrambled for survival. Many had no choice but to abandon their belongings, leaving them aboard the wrecked ship or scattered along the nearby shore.
Adding to the ship's mystique is a long-standing rumor that a treasure is hidden somewhere inside its cabins, waiting to be discovered.
To this day, the Imperial Rose remains a haunting sight, stuck in the shallows—a decaying monument to the sudden, terrifying transformation from luxury to horror.
It stands as a reminder of nature's unforgiving power.
Let me know if you like this format of having a quick look at each landmark with a bit of lore.
Next would be: The Orchard Harbour
Other than that, here's a bird's eye look at all the 'puzzle pieces' in the first area of the new Adranos.
This is the area you will get to explore once the first chapter drops.

Out of all the areas, this one will be the least destroyed visually.
But it will definitely have its fair share of surprises and challenges for you to overcome.
And unlike the current island, there’s going to be a lot more variety, not just slightly different village layouts with more or less the same buildings.
Unique lore elements, loot, and easter eggs will be scatered all around to make sure exploring feels rewarding.
Also, the connectivity, especially through the underground network, is going to be on another level.
No more waiting in a cramped 5x5 square basement for the eruption to pass.
Instead, you’ll be able to use all kinds of tunnels and cave systems to move around the island without having to stick your head out.

As for non-island related news, the last non-island related update is right around the corner.
Watch out for the trailer dropping soon!