As part of our Early Access roadmap, our latest update is available now!
We also wanted to say a special thank you to the Thrive community in our Discord who have taken the time to be a part of our save and load build testing this week, and to everyone for your support throughout Early Access so far. Your time, and feedback has been truly invaluable in helping us bring our vision for the game to life.
Now is the perfect time for you and your friends to jump in and defend Nysamor together, and experience the quality of life improvements in Thrive: Heavy Lies the Crown!
- Hired militia units for early-game defense
- Citizen revolts
- Optimizations to the Save/Load system to reduce time taken for each action
- Ability to hover on town to display town name
- New road rendering system for better performance
- Notification when the merchant arrives in town
- Notification for when a player creates a trade route with a different team in multiplayer mode
- The defeat screen allowing players to go back to main menu and can no longer continue the game
- How happiness items are displayed in the UI
- Edicts not activating correctly when loading a save
- Missing translations for ‘progress’ text during construction of buildings
- Benevolent Quarry graphics
- Progress text on Construction module when translated
- Units now face the proper direction when rioting, spread out more and move more as a group
- Removed unreachable resources from territory borders so villagers can farm those resources.
- Baked overworld road pathfinding to have more consistent shorter paths
- Translations on Onboarding ‘One Off’ Item displays
- Translations on Caravans ToolTip
- Texture issues with the building ground decals
- Improvements to overworld road pathfinding
- Building loading system
- Deleting Bridges not updating navigation map
- Military unit names not appearing in tooltip on multi military unit UI
- Military hotkey UI to show the proper hotkeys
- Localisation of narrative event rewards
- Localisation of secondary onboarding objective titles (such as the ones triggered by fires and disease)
- Missing information from Bevevolent/Tyrannical classes in stats panel
- Issues with Tome of Knowledge and Stats panel extending off-screen in 16:10 aspect ratio
- Bug where a storage would display a negative amount
- Caravan farmers no longer stuck at loading 9/10
- 'Caravans' info panel no longer fails to localize in any language in the 'Resource bar' in the top left UI
- Cinematic Audio settings
- Resource flag AOI and highlights
- Z & X keys overriding modified squad controls
- Onboarding objective display cut off in 16:10 aspect ratio
- Caravan hot key buttons
- Crash when host crashes/leaves and a client saves
- Win/loss display, and scoreboard
- Switching language from Chinese to English leaves blank boxes for revolt warning
- Caravan or Military Hotkeys
- 'Ctrl+C' not functioning in-game correctly to deploy the 'Caravan'
- Z & X Hotkeys Conflicting with each other
- Dead units remaining as icons in Barracks
- Thralls not using happiness goods
- Issue when camera pans over mountains above the cloud height locking the camera above the clouds
- Military units no longer get stuck in the center of the map
Revolts and Riots
If the Happiness level of a class of citizens is below a certain threshold for an extended period of time and they do not emigrate or die, the people will find ways to make their voices heard. If 20 or more individuals of the same class are discontent there is now a chance that they may begin to Revolt and eventually Riot.
Revolt Penalties (per citizen class) default: under 45 happiness
- 25% Penalty on Provincial Tax Income (cumulative, per-class)
- Associated jobs of that citizen class are ‘Locked’ (citizen cannot be fired)
- Locked job slots suffer a 50% Production penalty
Riot Penalties default: under 30 happiness
All Revolt penalties plus:
- Citizens of that class will take to the streets in a large crowd, yelling and waving torches and pitchforks
- They will start outside the keep or a random building if there is no keep. After a short gathering period they will move on to start targeting specific buildings
- There will be a chance to set targeted buildings on fire. Mainly production buildings and buildings of higher classes.
- Thralls have a chance to spawn aggressive units(grimrot) that will attack structures.
Stopping a Revolt
To stop a Revolt, the player can complete an event, or raise happiness back up to safe levels through the provision of Needs, structures, and other means. Once the Needs have been met, the raging population will be satisfied and life returns to normal.
Thrall Rebellions
Unlike the other classes, the Thrall class under the heel of a Tyrant are ready and willing to resort to extreme violence to regain their freedom. When this class ends up in a Revolt they will begin to spawn hostile units that will attack structures, as well as your own military units. The only way to quell these groups is through direct force and fulfilling their needs.
Hired Militia
Before a player gains access to more reliable combat units, they have no way to protect themselves in the event of an attack. To tackle this problem, players are now able to temporarily hire citizens into a militia, aimed at dealing with the incursion.
Units will be hired through the keep in groups of “10” except for the scout as an individual. With a limit of 3 contracts out at time. There will be a 1 day delay in re-upping a contract if one is cancelled. Contracts will cost “x” amount of gold initially and will have a continuous fee per day to be active. If you run out of money and can't pay the contracts are cancelled. If units within the “10” die but not the entirety of the group then they will respawn slowly over time. If the group is wiped out completely the contract is cancelled. These units do not require food to sustain life.
Militia Unit Types
Militia Bowman (Sling or Bow)
Capable of weak ranged attacks. They have a slightly lower range than a Bowman, and inflict a paltry amount of damage in comparison.
Militia Spearman (Spear/Pitchfork)
The standard rank-and-file militia, these fighters lack much of the punch of a higher quality spearmen, but should be able to at least hold off attackers for a brief time.
Scout (Knife)
The weakest overall combat unit, the Scout has a simple purpose: Move faster than anyone else, locate potential threats, and get back to safety. See below.
The Scout
The weakest overall combat unit, the Scout has a simple purpose: Move faster than anyone else, locate potential threats, and get back to safety.
We will have more to share in the very near future, so stay tuned for exciting updates. You do not want to miss out! Now is your time. This is your land. Long may you reign, and long may you thrive.
Chat with us on Discord about your own journey as you play through the campaign! If you’d like to stay updated with all future developments, be sure to follow us on:
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