The Withering Update is now live!
Hello everybody!
We are happy to announce that CM Softworks is resuming the development of The Withering and preparing for a transition from Early Access to Full Release. With this update we are introducing a lot of gameplay bug fixes and optimization of different game mechanics and components.
Update Notes
Fixed Camp Control Interface issues:
* Workshop interface did not display properly sometimes
* Marketplace reward items were inaccessible sometimes
* Status window would not display properly sometimes
* Diplomacy interface would not display properly sometimes
* Reward counters would sometimes not work properly
* Mission interface would sometimes not show properly
* Mission reward items sometimes were inaccessible
* Camp upgrades would sometimes not register
* AI Navigation algorithms were improved
* Navigation matrix for Scavenging map was optimized
* Navigation matrix for Exploration map was optimized
* AI targeting was improved
* AI Pathfinding was optimized
* Loot items adjusted
* Inventory was system extended for upcoming changes
* AI capabilities extended to support new type of enemy
* Player controller was extended in preparation for a new survivor mechanic
* Overall AI system was expanded to support the upcoming new enemy type.
Work in Progress
We are currently working on introducing a new heavy enemy type that will carry a powerful weapon and yield better loot when killed. Additionally, a new survivor communication mechanic will be introduced in one of the upcoming updates. New items will be added that will accommodate the stats for the new mechanics.
Please leave your thoughts, feedback and ideas in the following thread:
Please feel free to ask questions in that thread as well.
Thank you!