The Withering Update is now live!
Hello everybody! With this update I am expanding the item database again with new weapons and crafting recipes accordingly. The Legendary grades of the new weapons are available from Faction traders in the HUB. Additionally, several fixes for various mechanics are a part of this update.
Update Notes
* AI behavior adjusted
* Player controller adjusted
* Camp upgrades recipes adjusted
* Loot items adjusted
* Trinket items stats adjusted
* Inventory system extended for upcoming changes
* AI capabilities extended for upcoming changes
Bandit AI behavior was adjusted to fight better while using cover. Additionally, overall AI system was expanded to support the upcoming changes in the next update. Player controller hit processing was adjusted for better, more stable behavior. Camp upgrades recipes were adjusted. Some camp upgrades now cost less materials to produce. Loot commodities items selling prices were reduced. Trinkets now yield better stats to assist players in camp management missions.
An inventory system was expanded for the upcoming assembly functionality coming with the next update. As well as new AI system changes were made to support the upcoming new features.
Work in Progress
I am currently working on a new game mode that will allow players to engage in objective based missions with tougher enemies and higher grade rewards. The new objectives will have players hunt down high threat targets, recover loot caches, and more.
I will be posting a more detailed development update and screenshots soon.
Please leave your thoughts, feedback and ideas in the following thread:
Please feel free to ask questions in that thread as well.
Thank you!