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Alpha 11 Released
The Last Starship
30.08.24 13:57 Community Announcements

Work continues on the all new Story Episode system! We have added new story chapters, and completely revamped the opening of the game. Special episodes are now discovered on the sector map as mysterious distress calls, rather than found in the contracts list. And on top of that, the placeholder HUD for the game has been completely replaced.

Here is our YouTube video showing the latest features:

The placeholder HUD has been revamped and almost completely replaced with a new design.
  • Critical resources are now shown bottom left of the screen.
  • The toolbar is replaced with a set of icons.
  • The different views are now a vertical stack of buttons in the bottom right of the screen.
  • A new indicator top left shows the ship name, author, Hull status, Atmosphere status, and Power status.
  • Shipyard services now appear at the top of the screen. (Repair ship, Buy ship, Sell ship, Fabricate ship)

Note: The old HUD is still used temporarily in two areas that are unfinished:
  • Construction popup
  • Fleet orders popup

= Story Episodes changes:
  • Completely revamped introduction (much shorter), with a new ship and a new tutorial.
  • The Stargate industry introduction has been removed. It will return as a story episode soon.
  • All story episodes are now "discovered" on the sector map, rather than the Contracts screen.
  • New gold highlights and tooltips for all special episode locations on the sector map.
  • "Black Hole Sun"
  • [list]
  • Part 3 Hidden until Julian calls you when he is ready to rescue his brother. The episode is then automatically accepted.
  • The Black Hole Sun 3 'Short Hop' system is no longer a large distance away across the map.
  • Fix Julian's ship from Black Hole Sun 3 being able to jump to any system.
  • Fix any ship being able to rescue Marcus in Black Hole Sun 3, and not just Julian.

  • "The trouble with Tiddlets" has returned, and is now a playable episode (Part 1 only, for now).
  • [/list]

    • NPC ships will now order critical supplies when in a trading location (Fuel, Oxygen, Water, Crew, Spacesuits) when required.
    • When highlighting any piece of equipment, the extra tooltip information will only show when the ship is one of your fleet.
    • Allow to transfer/cancel transfer entire stack by ctrl clicking.
    • You can now freely select text in an input field by holding 'SHIFT'.
    • You can now select all text in an input field by pressing 'CTRL+A'.
    • Selected text is preserved when the input field is deselected.
    • Ship Editor: Destroying cells now destroys any equipment in those cells.
    • FTL drives on the selected ship are now preferred when choosing a drive for a hyperspace jump.
    • The camera is now attached to the ship when in TACTICAL view, the same as normal view.
    • Clicking a Location Link in the Missions Window or Missions Summary now also sets that system as an FTL destination.
    • Location Links for mission objectives will no longer appear in the Missions Summary after that objective has been completed.
    • You can now collapse mission summaries the same way as rating, by right-clicking to close and left-clicking to open.
    • You can now filter search in all tabs of the trade window.
    • The trade window now defaults to 'all items' instead of being blank.
    • Change the end of the introduction tutorial to fit with new episode discovery.
    • Galaxy map now has special indicators for episodes:
    • [list]
    • Episode starting systems are now gold.
    • Regular systems you need to visit as part of an episode have a gold outline.
    • Any system with a Location Link to it as part of an episode now has a tooltip on the map to see what you need to do there.

  • The 'STARGATE' location now has a normal location name - NG0.
  • Drones now treat actual salvage as higher priority over raw materials.
  • When you start a New Game your ship is now 'inside' a shipyard.
  • Save files are now filtered when saving a game.
  • [/list]

    = BUG FIXES:
    • Issue #217: Fleet Logistics still makes drones faff when preparing to jump.
    • Issue #283: Short Robot Arm won't unload Black Box Recorder from Drone Bay onto Track.
    • Issue #293: Hydroponic garden won't grow.
    • Issue #292: Cargo items stacking to silly sizes.
    • Crash when removing a piece of track that was in a loop.
    • Fix crash in Main Menu when viewing long file lists.
    • Fix crash in Tiddlet fire.
    • Fix cargo being moved around unnecessarily. If a job exists to move cargo to a storage zone, and you place a new storage zone that is at least as good under it, the job to move it is now cancelled.
    • Fix storage window not placing any storage when it is first opened.
    • Fix A Wolf in Sheeps Clothing Part 3 not being playable after completing Part 2.
    • Fix A Wolf in Sheeps Clothing Part 3 pirate attacking you in another mission's system.
    • Fix shuttle leaving on reload.
    • Only the FTL drive responsible for jumping will light up during a jump.
    • Only the FTL drive responsible for jumping will consume the contents of its FTL charge.
    • [list]
    • This caused the FTL resource counter to be off-by-one when you have multiple FTL drives on a ship.

  • Fix Audio bug after the opening text when starting a new game.
  • Fix objects remaining silent when you switch system and should hear them again.
  • Fix some objects, such as engines, not pausing correctly when the main menu is open.
  • You can no longer sell Julian's ship from Black Hole Sun at a Shipyard.
  • Fix FTL window saying 'NO FTL FOUND' when you have no ship selected to travel.
  • Fix Trade window telling you you cannot afford a trade when it is for the exact amount of cash you have.
  • Fix Black Hole Sun 3 game crash when trying to take control of Julian's ship outside of the Black Hole system.
  • Fix Mouse clicks from game world being detected on the sector map.
  • Fix ships undocking from each other when they are all FTL jumping in survival and creative mode.
  • Fix the tutorial window blocking input to the game world after the tutorial is over.
  • Fix it looking like you have placed a storage zone in the output of a docking port. Instead, the visual is cancelled immediately.
  • Fix bug where you cannot interact with the tutorial window while the map is open.
  • Fix bug where the tutorial window highlight for the FTL button is the wrong color.
  • [/list]

    = New community ships added to the base game - thank you!
    • JOHNNY STRUGGLES - Improved Industrious
    • Omega Naval Station
    • Belfast Shipyard
    Logo for The Last Starship
    Release:15.02.2023 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Introversion Software Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
    Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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