Our latest build update v1.25 is now live on Steam! This has a number of improvements we've been working on:
- Reworked Alex's follow behavior. In particular this fixes cases where he could box the player into a corner and there would be no way to get out without knocking him out or killing him. Now you have no excuse to not get him out of Freedom Town! Unless you think he should stay in that playthrough... (And if you ever see him blocking you with this new build, please let us know.)
- Per request, on the Graphics Settings menu added custom settings for Shadow Quality, Anti Aliasing Level, and Lighting. To access these go the Settings menu, then look for the Graphics Settings sub-menu.
- Played with some guard behavior modifications to vary up gameplay a bit more. In particular, tuned the "Red Hat" Guard's behavior to be more aggressive - be careful when you try to get past them. And remember to always look at a guard's hat to get an idea how much trouble they're going to give you.
- For controller players, fixed bugs where cancelling out of menus would sometimes lead to a state where no item was selected and you'd have to switch to mouse to progress.
- Fixed bug with Charles' sight cones being the wrong colors if you were using the alternate/color blindness UI settings.
Also, if you've been having issues with your Steam controller and our game, we recently discovered that sometimes gun firing does not work if the controller is on when the game launches. The quick fix to this is cycle the power on/off on your Steam Controller once the game is already launched. Steam Button + Y turns it off, and then Steam Button turns it back on and you should be good to go. Let us know if you see any other issues with the Steam controller.
Of course this new version 1.25 also rolls up all our previous updates, including:
- Camera/Controls Changes - New camera control feels a lot less "floaty". Now when the player stops, the camera stops, which we think feels a lot more tight. But there's also an option on the Settings menu to turn it off if you prefer how it used to play.
- Alternative UI Colors - Also on the Settings menu, this new option lets you change the color on UI elements, specifically the sight cones. This was something we had numerous requests for, as the original colors are particularly hard to read for people with colorblindness.
- Our non-Permadeath mode if you’re playing on the “Interloper”/Easier difficulty level - lets you save the game and load from that save multiple times if things don’t go the way you want, or you want to experiment with getting different endings.
And catch up on all the changes since our launch here:
And as a last thought, when all the world seems mad, let our utopia deep in the jungles become your home. As Preacher Isaac tells us, "Is life worth living if you are not living in truth? We shun the lies of everyday life, the denial, the hypocrisy. There is only one truth, and here it is clear for everyone to see."
We welcome you now, more than ever.
- Richard
Director/Designer/Writer on The Church in the Darkness