• The Church in the Darkness: Screen zum Spiel The Church in the Darkness.
  • The Church in the Darkness: Screen zum Spiel The Church in the Darkness.
  • The Church in the Darkness: Screen zum Spiel The Church in the Darkness.
  • The Church in the Darkness: Screen zum Spiel The Church in the Darkness.
  • The Church in the Darkness: Screen zum Spiel The Church in the Darkness.
  • The Church in the Darkness: Screen zum Spiel The Church in the Darkness.
  • The Church in the Darkness: Screen zum Spiel The Church in the Darkness.
  • The Church in the Darkness: Screen zum Spiel The Church in the Darkness.
  • The Church in the Darkness: Screen zum Spiel The Church in the Darkness.
  • The Church in the Darkness: Screen zum Spiel The Church in the Darkness.
  • The Church in the Darkness: Screen zum Spiel The Church in the Darkness.
  • The Church in the Darkness: Screen zum Spiel The Church in the Darkness.
  • The Church in the Darkness: Screen zum Spiel The Church in the Darkness.
  • The Church in the Darkness: Screen zum Spiel The Church in the Darkness.
  • The Church in the Darkness: Screen zum Spiel The Church in the Darkness.
  • The Church in the Darkness: Screen zum Spiel The Church in the Darkness.
  • The Church in the Darkness: Screen zum Spiel The Church in the Darkness.
  • The Church in the Darkness: Screen zum Spiel The Church in the Darkness.
  • The Church in the Darkness: Screen zum Spiel The Church in the Darkness.
  • The Church in the Darkness: Screen zum Spiel The Church in the Darkness.
  • The Church in the Darkness: Screen zum Spiel The Church in the Darkness.
  • The Church in the Darkness: Screen zum Spiel The Church in the Darkness.
  • The Church in the Darkness: Screen zum Spiel The Church in the Darkness.
  • The Church in the Darkness: Screen zum Spiel The Church in the Darkness.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 02.08.2019
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Preis Update 29.06.24

Über das Spiel

Niemand wird gezwungen, sich einem Kult anzuschließen. Er versteht dich. Er bietet Sicherheit und seine Worte bedeutet irgendwann mehr als nur die Wahrheit – sie sorgen dafür, dass du dich vollkommen fühlst.

In den späten 70er-Jahren führen Isaac und Rebecca Walker die Collective Justice Mission an. Da sie als radikal gelten und sich von der US-Regierung verfolgt fühlen, führen sie ihre Anhänger zu dem einzigen Ort, den sie für sicher halten, um dort ein sozialistisches Utopia zu gründen: Den Dschungel von Südamerika. Dort errichten sie Freedom Town. Doch die Verwandten der Anhänger machen sich Sorgen: Was genau geht auf dem Gelände im Dschungel vor sich?

Du spielst Vic, einen Ex-Polizisten, der Freedom Town infiltriert hat, um nach seinem Neffen, Alex, zu sehen. Egal ob du dich für eine unauffällige oder gewaltsame Herangehensweise entscheidest, du musst die Gemeinschaft infiltrieren, herausfinden, was dort vor sich geht und deinen Neffen finden, bevor es zu spät ist.

  • Wie wird deine Geschichte enden? Schaffst du es, Alex zu retten, egal, ob er mit dir mitkommen will oder nicht? Wirst du die Anführer des Kults konfrontieren? Oder dich vielleicht sogar dem Kult anschließen?
  • Schalte die Enden jedes Szenarios frei, indem du verschiedenste Spielstile ausprobierst und unterschiedliche Entscheidung triffst.
  • Verschiedene Spielstile: Versuche, völlig unentdeckt zu bleiben, schalte Wachen und Zivilisten mit nichtletalen Mittel aus oder töte jeden, der sich dir in den Weg stellt.
  • Sprich mit den Einwohnern von Freedom Town und suche nach Hinweisen. Dokumente und Briefe, die überall im Lager verteilt sind, geben dir Aufschluss darüber, was wirklich in der Gemeinschaft vor sich geht.
  • Das Spiel ist vollständig vertont. Ellen McLain (als GLaDOS in Portal bekannt) und John Patrick Lowrie (der Sniper aus Team Fortress 2) geben den Kultanführern Rebecca und Issac Walker ihre Stimmen.

Wie gefährlich sind die Walkers? Wie weit wirst du gehen, um die Wahrheit herauszufinden und Alex zu retten? Hätte alles anders ablaufen können?


  • CPU: Dual Core CPU - 2GHz
  • GFX:
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 or later (32 or 64 bit)
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

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53 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
361 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.21 15:19
I only bought this game just because my sis tried to join a cult.
36 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 20:23
It's a pretty good game if you don't have anything else to do or if you just wanna goof off. The OST is pretty god damn good, the voice acting is really good for the leaders and for the rest of the people it's pretty alright. The graphics are pretty avarage but it still looks really pretty. The art is well made and with a really nice artstyle and well designed characters. The story is pretty interesting but can get boring at some points.

Basically it's a simple game when you just feel like playing a quick game or doing something dumb. I'd give it a 7/10.
318 Produkte im Account
84 Reviews
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30 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 21:33
The controls are too hard, it is difficult to navigate the map accurately and swiftly. My left hand was already aching from trying to use WASD while holding shift or CTRL to run or move slow. The key binding options were minimal, so didn't really help alleviate this issue. Even on easy I died constantly
272 Produkte im Account
174 Reviews
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427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 01:50
It is not bad. It is just not very interesting to play. At its best, it is average.
There are multiple ways to end it so, a lot of replayability but in the same time, it becomes quickly repetitive.
It comes with a good idea in an interesting environment but it lacks of development.
On an extremely good sales you can give it a try and finish it once in a couple of hours. At full price, it is definitely a no go.
176 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
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165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.21 10:21
AI = potato. Controls are broken. Stealth game trying to be a dungeon crawler game.
565 Produkte im Account
114 Reviews
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55 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.21 13:39
And I paid for this game? I thought this game will be an infiltration, light-rpg where you could be part of the sect, talk to people, convince them about the true nature of the cult and maybe even become cult leader at one point. And what we got instead?

A visual cone avoidance game with running from guards with a dash of awful controls. The map doesn't change only Alex's location does. Once you know where are all the secret passages between the zones you just rush the game. Replayability is done by throwing different side missions at you that will let you get different endings. It is boring af.

All in all, it can be finished in 20 minutes. You stick to the verges of towns, you run from guards, you find a NPC highlighted in green, you talk to it, you find a letter with the location of Alex, you capture alex, you go back to the starting position. Bravo, 20 minutes.

EDIT: Lol I even got the achievement to finish the game in less than 15 minutes... My first playthrough and I finish the game in less than 15 minutes.

The only thing I really appreciated is the style and the story. That's it.

I wish I could return this game
138 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 21:28
Exploitive cult simulator with sweet PS2 retro graphics.
560 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
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21 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 20:40
I played this game for about 30 minutes...couldn't get into it. The introduction to the story is compelling...but the core gameplay loop kind of sucks. Okay great I'm looking for evidence, I'm knocking people out or shooting them...but there's never this BIG aha moment where things get truly exciting or engaging. The game as a whole just sort of rides on this one-note premise, and the intermittent loudspeaker blurts start to become really annoying after a while. The lack of variety present in the game makes this a hard NO for me personally.
239 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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62 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.20 16:34
Could be so great - but just not very well executed. Just trying to avoid being shot so I can actually progress in the story but it's not fun - even on easy mode.
1092 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
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191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 17:23
If this game worked the way it was supposed to it would be good, but it's glitchy and its control scheme doesn't work correctly.
314 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 23:23
Oh man I really tried to like this game. I've read up on Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple a lot and I find cults and their dynamics fascinating, if also quite terrifying. The premise, therefore, obviously appeals to me a lot. The gameplay is just absolutely appalling though, its beyond redeemable. It's simply not enjoyable in the slightest. The biggest issue is the developers decision to make this an entirely stealth based game and then employ the most basic and lazy stealth mechanics ever.

The decision to make you an covert infiltrator instead of a rogue member is the downfall of this game. If they had based the game around joining the cult as a member and having to follow a schedule while investigating the cult and its leaders while also trying to find your nephew it could've been a truly amazing and unique game. Even the lacklustre stealth mechanics wouldn't be so bad if they were only used sparingly and in specific off limits locations. This would also make getting caught, caged, and released make a lot more sense since the cult would have a reason to give you a second chance after punishing you. It would also make talking to people less illogical, I.E you won't be running away and hiding from LITERALLY everyone bar these few specific randomly talkative people. Why the hell would I walk over to a dude thats armed and firing at targets after being chased and attacked by every other armed person?

The guards have a very basic cone of vision (viewable ingame from a button press depending on difficulty) and anything outside of that is just invisible. You can just murder a dude right next to his friend and provided you run away with the body before he turns around he wont notice a damn thing. Even if you walk right up to the person carrying their lifeless buddy like a sack of trash. The game is just so fucking easy because of this that the developers had to implement one of the most cheap and sadistic save systems in gaming history. There is also very rudimentary outfit system but all that does is reduce the vision cone size. Lazy.

That is the majority of the gameplay, the rest of the game is just running around dodging aforementioned vision cones, finding notes and exploring. I have honestly played flash games with better stealth gameplay.

Now all this is pretty bad right? A stealth game with terrible stealth, what's to like? Well it does have some redeeming aspects. The writing is excellent and anyone familiar with the events of jonestown will see many stark similarities that are (IMO) recreated respectfully and mostly accurately to the real life tragedy. Some of the notes and postcards are almost carbon copies of things found amongst the dead in jonestown. The voice acting is phenomenal and the system of having changing leader personalities is really unique and interesting.

I couldn't enjoy any of that though! I tried, oh how I fucking tried. It's just so boring and somehow manages to be both far too easy and excessively frustrating at the same time. I'm really quite disappointed and I really hate to give this a negative. I know its a small team and they most likely didn't have a huge budget. Still, I've seen cheaper games with more effort put into mechanics.

I think there's some really creative and talented people on this team, I hope I see more from them in the future but I cannot recommend this game. Not without a complete overhaul of the gameplay mechanics. I don't see them putting much more money into this though.
933 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
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32 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 05:59
Interesting story, premise and good quality voice acting. Very rough and unpolished feeling gameplay. It's probably a game hat's more interesting to watch a 'let's play' of (if you can find a good one) than it is to actually play yourself. I'd be interested in seeing this story expressed in a different game, as it has potential in an interactive medium.
153 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
1240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 03:34
Excellent stealth game. Many different ways to play - you can go ninja style and have nobody see you, you can go in guns blazing, or something in between (though the heart of the game is stealth). The cult leaders personalities change with each playthrough and different NPCs that you can interact with appear in each playthrough so there is a good degree of replayability. Multiple endings you can get to depending on how you play. Also, plenty of Steam achievements to acquire. The retail price ($19.99) is a bit steep, but I still recommend it. On sale I highly recommend it.

Sadly, things didn't end well for the real cult this game is based on, but kudos to the developers for not letting that history be lost. In addition to stealth, this is a good addition to historical fiction. This game puts you there before it's too late. Can you avert the tragedy?
130 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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46 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.20 14:35
A touch disappointed. I love everything Ellen McLain and John Patrick Lowrie do to an extreme, and I had been excited to play this game as it features both of their lovely voices. The story idea sounds great, and the concept is wonderful! The game looks nice for the sort of low-poly not-quite-top-down angle it has, but the mechanics are underwhelming.

It takes far too long to complete a take-down, aiming the gun is impossible on a controller, and my save didn't re-load properly. I saved after [spoiler]finding Alex and having him follow me[/spoiler], on the interloper setting where it claims I can reload the save multiple times (even though it was also my first time loading it), and was suddenly jumped back to far before then. If you are caught at the edge of a sight cone, you can walk away incredibly easily -- but if you're too close or expect to walk somewhere you apparently can't, you are guaranteed to be shot [spoiler]until you wake up in a cage[/spoiler]. There was no difference between the actions of yellow, orange, or red sight-cones. You can't walk through trees, which I can accept, but then you also can't walk down the river at all. I was quite excited when I realized there were so many endings and possibilities for the preachers, but I couldn't even finish one playthrough before I got too frustrated with the poorly done mechanics :(
160 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
26 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 00:49
A cool trick this game pulls off is that the cult can have different flavors. Exploring the different moods of the commune is one of the game's chief joys. Great for narrative gaming fans
2374 Produkte im Account
192 Reviews
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133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.20 21:09
Very repetitive gameplay. Once you've played through it once you've seen what there is to see. Playing it again is not different, it's the same identical boring gameplay, and because of that this game isn't worth its price tag at all, not even close to it.

It doesn't live up to any of the expectations.
You're not sneaky, you can run through the entire game if you want. Guards and any other NPC only detect you if you step inside a very small visible circle around them, there's no sneaking or stealth gameplay, and it is definitely not 'roguelite'.

Also the game doesn't make any sense. Why do you find bullets, med-packs, and other vital items in random locations all over the place? This is presented as a story-driven stealth game, so it makes no sense to find this stuff everywhere. It would make sense if it was a dungeon crawler, but it's not.
It doesn't make any sense from the very start, the fact that you're 'sneaking' around this giant cult place, instead you should enter the game as a new, rogue member.

Controls on the keyboard and mouse are clunky, and with a controller they're less clunky and more just outright broken. Some things in the options menu can't be changed with a controller, and random bugs like not being able to shoot happens with the controller.

The world design/world building is incredibly repetitive. It's the same few objects that have been copy/pasted all over the place, barely any uniqueness to anything.

At the end of the day it plays like a very unfinished Early Access game, if you remove all the text, voice acting, etc. it plays like a game that is extremely early in development. A basic idea has been set, and now it's time to build a proper world beyond the copy/pasted assets presented for the product concept, refine the controls and start creating the actual mechanics that are supposed to make the game 'roguelite' and stealthy, not just being able to hide and run through the game which was just there for the product concept while the presenter explained what it would eventually be.
But no, that never happened. This is what the game is like now in its finished, released state with the text+voice acting put on top of it.

It doesn't hold up as a story game, nor does it hold up as anything else.

Curator page

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187 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.19 00:26
I read the reviews and I disagree. The controls work fine. You're able to do what you want to. Just don't expect anything run and gun and you'll be fine.

Stealth is a big part of the game, and it's a quite difficult game, so take your time, think and plan. I've been playing around, trying different approaches, and it's been really interesting and engaging so far.

Buy it.
92 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
127 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.19 14:42
I really enjoyed the setting of this game. I don't normally play stealth games because I find them too picky and one error means you have to start over. However, this gives you a little ability to try things out without having the restart all the time. It also allows for few different types of play style as well.
575 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
95 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.19 10:05
An interesting indie title!

Most of the gameplay is based around sneaking and deception, but you're free to go in with the heavy guns. The most interesting part however is the story and characters - depicting how a cult preys on people with problems.
6328 Produkte im Account
385 Reviews
500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.19 21:56
I've actually been following the development of The Church in the Darkness for a few years now, so I was glad to see it release and snapped up a copy quickly. You can pretty much look at the product page and have a decent grasp for what this game is about, but I'll go into my experience a bit regardless.


You play as Vic, an ex law enforcement agent asked by his sister to sneak into the compound of a cult called Collective Justice Mission, led by Isaac and Rebecca Walker, to check on your nephew Alex who has joined and been living with the cult without outside contact for two years. This is about as far as the story gets without deviating based on a set of different preacher personalities that can have Isaac and/or Rebecca genuinely trying to provide a peaceful life for the cult members to wanting to watch the whole world burn.

Each run will feature some combination of personalities. Sometimes they are both good, sometimes they are both evil, and at other times one will be good while the other is evil. Additionally, your own actions will likewise impact the story. There are nineteen distinct endings, so there is a lot to explore.


The gameplay is mostly isometric stealth. Cultists all have a sight radius and as long as you stay out of that, you will be good, but that is easier said and done given as how you have to pass near many in order to complete your various goals. To that end, you are able to find and use townspeople and guard disguises which restrict enemy sight radius. If you are caught, normal workers will seek out guards, and guards will pursue you and try to capture you (the first time). After you are captured and manage to reclaim your gear though, all bets are off. Should the guards find you, they will beat or shoot you to death if at all possible.

Fortunately you can hide in furniture or simply hoof it far enough away from the enemies to where they give up. As you progress through endings though, guards will start to become more tenacious. Speaking of hiding things, you can knock out or kill people and hide their bodies in furniture as well. One amusing aspect of the game is you can hide while your pursuer is looking right at you lol. No biggie.

Combat is basically twin stick shooter or basher depending on your weapons, of which there is a decent selection of lethal and non lethal to go along with a variety of helpful items used as distractions or utility devices. Should you be spotted, residents will try to sound a camp wide alarm, although you can disable these if you have the right items.

Basically that is the game, although there is also a lot of looting which involves finding aforementioned weapons and devices, food for healing, and various notes, pictures and so on which fill out the game's lore and also serve to drive the plot forward.

There are a few helpful NPC's, including Alex, that you will unlock as you unlock endings, and these NPC's will help you in some way if you help them as well. Generally, helping them means finding some sort of evidence or a personal item important to them.

This is a game where each run is intended to last somewhere in the hour to two hour range depending on what you decide to do before escaping the camp. Once you learn the mechanics of the game, you can cut that time in half easily. The map layout never really changes although NPC locations always do between runs.


The graphics in this one are intentionally grim and almost faded looking. This is a community being developed in the middle of a jungle, so vibrant graphics would seem a bit paradoxical in this case. All in all, while the graphics aren't stunning by any means, they do serve their intended purpose, which is furthering the idea that you are in the middle of a cultist camp in the middle of the jungle. This is further bolstered by some fairly evocative images of a mass grave, people stoning another member, and so on.


The audio tracks for this game is really the highlight. For one, Isaac and Rebecca both broadcast via a loudspeaker system throughout the game, espousing their beliefs, sometimes arguing, and generally letting you know exactly which type of preachers you are getting with each run. This might be the single most important aspect of the game since their personalities and your response to them directly ties into which ending you will get in each run.

Beyond that, the dialogue in general is convincing and the voice actors were largely on top of their games. I thought Alex was as bit annoying, but outside of that, it was by and large perfect.

The ambient sounds and sounds of activity in the camp really do serve to even fill out the atmosphere of the game more.


For me, The Church in the Darkness has been a lot of fun, although after around twelve runs, it starts lacking variety. So, while your mileage may vary, this game is in my opinion well worth playing and well worth the asking price. It's not the greatest game I've ever played, but it is one of more unique experiences I've had and there is no lack for social commentary throughout that I also found quite interesting. Recommended

Code If you found this review helpful and would be interested in supporting my Curator group, it would be appreciated. Cheers.

2582 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.19 23:38
This gives you a unique perspective to see what a religious cult looks from the inside out and its a dozy boys wow. it reminds me a lot of Jim Jones – The People’s Temple cult in the '70s

The Church in the Darkness a great name for an indie game.

The story gives you the perspective look on the life of the religious cult in the jungles of South America and their paranoid cult leaders and their nutty followers from the inside and you will decide if you want to help certain people or kill them or just leave them be it's your choice and that will decide your ending. (Rating 8/10)

The game has 19 endings and that's a lot its defiantly has unique replay value to it (Rating 9/10)

You can play this game in many ways stealthy with or without killing anyone or just shoot at everyone and that will give a different ending each time. (Rating 8/10)

The graphic design of the game gives you the feeling that you are in a 1970 dangerous religious cult it has that feeling to it, this is done very well. (Rating 8/10)

The mechanics are different in how you play this game I used the controller, so if you play stealthy which is my favorite type to do its smooth with no problems at all , but if you want to shoot someone will that is a different issue it sucks big time I could not shoot anyone using the controller as when the enemies notice you, they shoot you 2 to 3 times very fast and you're dead you don't have that much of a time to run or react. (Rating 6/10)

This game gives you 4 difficulties (Easy, Normal, Hard & Hardest) I played it on normal that is always the most enjoyable mod for me but if you need a challenge you will definitely get it in this game, you also choose 2 to 3 items you can start with at the beginning of the game a gun, a mid kit, a shotgun or disguise and there other things you will unluck later (Rating 8/10)

The music & sound effects are okay nothing comes out as unique (Rating 7/10)

It's fully voiced game with great voice acting (Rating 7/10)

I enjoyed this game even with its miner controller shooting problems I will defiantly recommend this game I enjoyed playing it (Final Rating 8/10)

Make sure you never join a cult except for mine

Enjoy your day

P.s Please follow and support Hardcore Gamer Curator page for the latest reviews https://store.steampowered.com/curator/25921212/
445 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
43 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.19 16:55
The narrative elements seem interesting, but this game is mechanically very weak. I would be curious to know more about the characters, underlying plot, different endings/stories, but the foundation for delivering any of the potentially high quality narrative content is just not here at all for me. Very bare-bones world building, poor UI, not immersive at all. The 'background chatter' sound effects are completely immersion breaking for me. Quality narrative in games really requires a believable, immersive world IMO. This game doesn't have that, and it certainly isn't mechanically fun or interesting.

TLDR - I was really excited about this game, purchased day 1, but very disappointed after playing.
602 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
25 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.19 18:26
I had the highest hopes for this game; but now I see it is just an unpolished stealth game. Unpolished because the pc is very hard to control, walks out of rooms, although you didn't intend to do anything, takes forever to enter a building, often he falls down at the side of the stairs - yes, really awful controls! - etc. and the gameplay is about searching clues and hiding, if you want to bring it to the point. Not very interesting at all.

What annoys me very much: there is no deeper logic in why you find the objects where you find them. This game is a story game, not a dungeon crawler. For example: Why the hell do you find important bullets, medpacks etc. even in buildings before the camp? Why would the cult leave something like that there? in the few minutes I played I found so many incoherent elements, it killed my fun immediately. You enter a very secluded community, but most of the time you just can run around enemies, when they notice you, they follow you a few seconds and that's pretty much it. Then: How could a line of trees be a border, you can't go through? Yes they could have slowed you down and you would perhaps made suspicious sounds etc. Why can't you climb over wood with the height of approximately half an meter?

(So, what would I have expected? For example: Clear interactions between the npcs, as they spot you; after all, if you think about it for a little while, it doesn't make sense in any way, that you as an outsider could be able to run and crawl around the heart of a dangerous sect. What would have made sense is that you were accepted as a newbie and the stealth actions circle around the buildiings and locations that aren't open to newbies. There you could have sneaked in, risiking to be punished, or earn their trust through actions.)

The clips I saw some time ago pictured a whole different experience: It looked as there would be an innovative kind of gameplay, more adventure elements, where you could choose between many, many different solutions. But here you run around in pretty similiar looking environments, you can take out enemies or not (it doesn't seem to matter that you killed 5 or more people, not hiding the corpses: no matter what. you are put in a cage, you can break open, with only one guard and this outside the village?); you find something that helps you a little bit, but on the way I already lost interest in why I was there at all and so I request a refund.

What a wasted potencial! So much could have been - and so little was done.
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
61.11% 44 28
Release:02.08.2019 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Paranoid Productions Vertrieb: Fellow Traveller Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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