The non-permadeath mode (permalife mode?) is available if you play the game in the easiest difficulty - Interloper. The way this works is simple - when you play the game on the Interloper difficulty you will be able to save the game and continue playing. If you then die or decide to quit, you can load up that save again.
We've had several requests for something like this - though we thought permadeath was important to the higher difficulties, we knew players who found the game hard enough could really benefit form giving a second (or third, or fourth...) chance. It can also be helpful if you want to explore some different endings without having to replay a whole game.
But keep in mind this only works if you use those Save game options on the pause menu. If you play and die without saving your progress at any point, you'll be starting a fresh game just like before. You are still limited to just one save file, and if you start a new game at a higher difficulty it will wipe your old save (as it always has). Note this is just referring to saved games, not saved settings: your unlocks and endings progress which will be preserved as they always have.
We are currently marking this feature as experimental. We have tested it and don't know of any issues, but with save game files there can always be surprises. Please let us know if you find anything and we can fix it in our next patch.
Some other items included in this update:
- Steam cloud saves are now working and will automatically backup your save files and transfer them to other places you may use Steam.
- Fixed a few existing bugs with save games that is also a bit of a performance boost in some situations.
- A little adjustment to the controls, working toward a more extensive refinement in our next build.
As always, let us know what you think in the comments. For those of who want it, the jungle just became a little more forgiving - and for the rest of you, have you finished a game on the higher difficulties yet?
- Richard