Update v1.2
After our quick beta test, we've completed our bug fixing/polishing and our update to Version 1.2 has been posted for all to play as the Steam main build. Here's what you can find:
- Camera/Controls Changes - New camera control feels a lot less "floaty". Now when the player stops, the camera stops, which we think feels a lot more tight.
- Update to the Swing Camera - We also updated the "camera swing" feature - which you use to look farther around your character and access with the arrow keys (by default) or the right stick. This now feels a lot more "under control" as well and doesn't automatically swing back over your character until you start moving.
- Control Options - The above camera features are on by default. However, if you want the camera back the way it was before, we have that covered too. Go to the Settings menu and you can tick the "Re-Center Camera After Moving" and "Swing Camera Re-Centers" options and it will feel the same as it did previously. You can mix and match which of the features feels best to you.

- Alternative UI Colors - Also on the Settings menu, this new option lets you change the color on UI elements, specifically the sight cones. This was something we had numerous requests for, as the original colors are particularly hard to read for people with colorblindness. Here the default is still the same, but we've added three different alternate color schemes that hopefully provide an option that works for you. But if not please let us know and we can keep refining them in a future update.
Of course this new version 1.2 also rolls up all our previous updates, including:
- Our non-Permadeath mode if you're playing on the "Interloper"/Easier difficulty level - lets you save the game and load from that save multiple times if things don't go the way you want, or you want to experiment with getting different endings.
- Steam Cloud Saves now enabled as well as various fixes to our save games.
And catch up on all the changes since our launch here: https://churchinthedarkness.tumblr.com/post/188049292174/the-church-in-the-darkness-v11-now-available
Winter Sale
Also, as the year ends now would be a good time to pick up the game, or tell someone else to pick up the game, or make it a festive New Year's gift, because we are on sale in Steam's magnificent Winter Sale.

Come everyone - our compound in the jungle may be inexplicably and impossibly surrounded by snow, but inside we are warm. Gather close and we will tell you the greatest truth, that now is the time to come to our light. Or gift us to a friend to have them join our community shining through this winter darkness.
- Richard
Director/Designer/Writer on The Church in the Darkness