News Liste Terraformers

Terraformers: New Frontiers DLC out now!
25.01.24 18:02 Community Announcements
Dear Terraformers,

The time has finally come. Our first DLC, New Frontiers, is now available! ????


  • Expeditions - Decide which celestial bodies should be explored by your astronauts.
  • Settle - Establish outposts in up to 8 different locations across the solar system and develop them into large settlements that can send resources and unique technologies back to Mars.
  • Trade - Identify system-wide resource shortages and export these for extra benefit.
  • Events - Decide the fate of these new locations with 8 new events.
  • Leaders - Lead your Martian society in different ways with 3 new leaders.
  • Projects - Focus on interplanetary development with 5 new space projects, 2 new city buildings, 3 regional building and a technology.
  • Scenario - Take on the challenge of a new longer scenario.
  • Music - Accomplish all of this while listening to a new music track.


We hope you will enjoy this DLC! If you do, please consider leaving a positive review as it helps us a lot! ♥

If you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to join our Discord server. We look forward to seeing you there! ????‍????


[expand type=details]

Bugs & improvements

  • Fixed an exploit that allowed duplicating buildings by relocating a building and using the shortcut to switch between cities before placing it.
  • Fixed WASD or arrow keys not working to rotate the planet when “keyboard navigation” is unchecked in the settings. This is useful to play with keyboard and mouse at the same time
  • Fixed "end turn" and "revert" shortcut actions prompts not showing when holding ctrl/cmd if keyboard navigation is off
  • Allowed confirming the found city popup by pressing return even when keyboard navigation is off
  • Fixed a bug in how some cards are rejected with certain game conditions (this resulted in less robots being proposed if the ocean was not high enough)
  • Fixed a bug in how cards are tracked to be offered in the background (too many were added, flooding certain “decks”).
  • Fixed a bug where the max hand size could change for 1 turn due to a skill
  • Fixed a bug where the repair cost of a damaged regional building would be wrongly displayed in planet view
  • Fixed an exploit with the Tourism leader specialization
  • Fixed a bug where randomly generated leaders would have a wrong skill
  • Improved verification and warnings in case potential “lose” action
  • Added that gamepad can cycle zooms in both directions now (using right stick/left stick clicks)
  • Fixed that asteroids should not appear in the tutorial
  • Fixed the food Monitoring Office bonus
  • Fixed Open Science Database tech bonus (could start in the negative)
  • Fixed how the Gene Vault bonus was rounded
  • Fixed that adjacency bonus from university was also worked during relocation
  • Fixed that Mars Enthusiasm would trigger when relocating a city
  • Fixed that the wrong difficulty icon for a challenge would be displayed in game
  • Fixed hand ordering
  • Fixed a gameplay data loading bug (float parsing)
  • Fixed that 2 identical modifiers could appear in the challenge mode
  • Fixed a bug where the map generation could fail and still continue with launching the game (apparent in the last 2023 challenge in particular)
  • Improved map generation logic so will be faster
  • Fixed a bug where resource locations could still appear on city locations in challenges where they shouldn’t
  • Major performance optimization in many parts of the game
  • Fixed multiple tooltip typos
  • Fixed multiple small bugs with some bonus displays

Balance changes:

Ocean projects now get proposed earlier if you have progressed towards oceans.

  • Changed cost Local Culture Center from 12 water and 12 power to 11 water and 11 power.
  • Let the Smelter and Thermal Updraft Tower be proposed a little later.
  • Reduced cost of Urban Planning Center from 12 science to 11 science.
  • Reduced cost of Coffeeshop from 9 nitrates to 8 nitrates.
  • Reduced the cost of Exhaust Processor from 12 power to 11 power.
  • Reduced the cost of Igloos from 30 food and 3 water to 30 food and 2 water.
  • Reduced the cost of Botany and Forestry Center from 20 nitrates and 5 water to 15 nitrates and 5 water.
  • Reduced the cost of the Mohole from 20 power and 30 titanium to 20 power and 25 titanium.
  • Changed the cost of Heliostat Powerplant from 12 silicates and 12 science to 10 silicates and 15 science.
  • Reduced the cost of the Agricultural Complex (Rich soil upgrade) from 26 to 24 water.
  • Reduced the cost of the Touring Company from 13 power to 10 power.
  • Reduced the cost of Courthouse from 10 food and 4 titanium to 10 food and 3 titanium.
  • Reduced the cost of Automated Robotic Workforce from 3 science to 2 science.
  • Reduced the cost of the Food Monitoring Office from 7 science to 6 science.
  • Increased the support per turn from Self-driving Taxis from 16 to 18.
  • Reduced the cost of the Shipwright from 5 power and 5 tritium to 4 power and 4 tritium.
  • Reduced the cost of Marslink from 9 science and 10 silicates to 9 science and 9 silicates.
  • Increased the cost of the Spaceport from 11 power and 15 tritium to 12 power and 15 tritium.
  • Increased the cost of the Landing Pad from 3 titanium to 4 titanium.
  • Increased the cost of the Orbital Ring from 22 tritium to 23 tritium.

  • Increased the effect of advanced city planning: Cities can now have 6 more maximum buildings instead of 3.
  • Decreased the effect of Space flight conditions: it now only provides +1 support per turn per new trade route instead of 2. Decreased its cost from 20 science to 10 science.

  • Increased the oxygen and atmosphere produced by the Boreal Rainforest from 1 to 2. Reduced its prestige from 18 to 12. Reduced its local support provided from 8 to 6.
  • Increased spread duration of Cyanophyta from 12 to 14 turns.
  • Increased spread duration of Methanogenium from 11 to 13 turns.
  • Increased spread duration of Deinococcus from 8 to 9 turns.
  • Increased spread duration of Radiodurans from 8 to 9 turns.
  • Increased spread duration of Plankton from 13 to 15 turns.
  • Reduced local support provided by Tundra forest from 5 to 4.
  • Reduced local support provided by Alpine Pine forest from 5 to 4.
  • Reduced local support provided by Mediterranean shrubs forest from 5 to 4.
  • Reduced local support provided by Temperate forest from 8 to 6.
  • Reduced local support provided by Temperate rainforest from 8 to 6. Reduced its prestige from 32 to 30.
  • Reduced local support provided by Palm trees from 12 to 10. Reduced its prestige from 32 to 30.
  • Increased the spread duration of Arctic Hares from 5 to 6 turns. Increased their local support production from 3 to 4.

Landmark upgrades:
  • Reduced the cost of the Viewpoint Tower landmark upgrade from 3 titanium to 2 titanium.
  • Reduced the cost of the Spa landmark upgrade from 6 water to 4 water.

  • Jan van Dijk’s Linked Nitrogen Factory now also produces 1 atmosphere per turn (besides the 1 atmosphere per adjacent linked nitrogen factory).
  • Jan van Dijk’s Power Breathing Center now also produces 1 support per turn.
  • Yolanda Madiba’s specialization now provides a 50% discount to landmark upgrades that provide support or comfort of living (instead of 25%).
  • Léna Kertész’ Local Art Gallery now also provides 2 support per turn per location that the city owns that provides support or comfort of living.
  • Léna Kertesz’ Cultural Festivals skill now costs 5 water and generates 75 support instead of costing 10 water and generating 110 support.
  • Hope O’Malley’s Cultural Festivals skill now costs 10 water and generates 125 support instead of costing 20 water and generating 170 support.
  • Henry Carnegie’s Mine Venting skill now generates -30 support per mined resource instead of -25.
  • Aishe Jäger’s specialization now provides a 50% discount to animal spreaders instead of a 40% discount.
  • Tariq Fayed’s Police station now provides 3 support per turn instead of 1 comfort of living.
  • Pekai Ayad’s Inter-Class Dialog Center now provides 1 comfort of living and 1 support to adjacent populations instead of a flat 3 support per turn.
  • Beatrix Barbier’s Radiation Treatment Center now only costs 1 science instead of 2.
  • Mustafa Orbay’s specialization now only requires 10 projects to be trashed instead of 15.
  • Jorge Dromedo’s specialization now gives a 10% discount to regional projects instead of 15%.
  • Jorge Dromedo’s Modular Apartments now provide 5 support if there’s at least 1 other Modular Apartments adjacent instead of 3 support.
  • Tsvetan Ivanov’s Marllywood Studio now provides 1 more support per turn per landmark upgrade that provides comfort of living or support.

Starting situations:
  • Growth: Increased nitrates from 22 to 25.
  • Expansive: reduced titanium from 20 to 15. Reduced tritium from 12 to 10.
  • Utopian: reduced titanium from 15 to 5.
  • Terraforming: reduced water from 18 to 17.

Overall difficulty:
    Lowered the expectation rise frequency by a tiny bit to accommodate for the balance changes above.


-Asteroid Lab & Goblinz Publishing

Logo for Terraformers
Release:21.04.2022 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Asteroid Lab Vertrieb: Goblinz Publishing Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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