News Liste Terraformers

???? Gamepad and small screen support, new events and more!
12.06.23 17:26 Community Announcements
Dear Terraformers,

As we already annouced in our latest devlog, our first free update is here and features gamepad and small screen support, 4 new events, balancing, quality of life improvements and bug fixes.

⚠️ We've been working hard on gamepad and small screen support, but are aware there's more work to be done in order to polish them. Therefore, we need your feedback to improve them as much as possible.
To do so, please join our Discord server.

We hope you will enjoy this update! ????


[expand type=showmore]In this patch we’ve added quite some bugfixes, quality of life improvements and some balancing updates. The most notable balance change is that bacteria spreaders and plant spreaders have become a little bit more expensive. We’ve done this based on your feedback and our own tests, where we noticed that rushing for bacteria plant spreaders was a considerably stronger strategy than alternatives. With this change, all other strategies (going for industry/resources/space/technologies..) becomes more viable, which should lead to more interesting decisions and more varied games where different strategies can be pursued viably.

We’ve also lowered the amount of expansions received from the “Urban Planning” technology from 2 to 1 (and reduced its science cost from 25 to 15), but lowered the cost of 2 other technologies. Hereby we think that technologies will be better balanced and that there will be less of an “obvious choice” in this regard, allowing for more diverse strategies.

As these changes make the game a little more difficult, especially for those making use of these strategies, we’ve lowered the overall expectation rise frequency by a tiny bit to accommodate and not make the game harder overall. Please let us know what you think!

New stuff:

  • Gamepad support Beta
  • Small screen support Beta
  • Added a “card counter” to clearly display the current maximum number of cards which can be kept.
  • Added “previous/next city” buttons so you don’t have to leave the city view to switch between cities.
  • Added 4 new events (2 new projects are linked to these events).
  • Added 1 new hidden achievement (linked to a new event).


  • Split the population and robots information in the overview popup.
  • Allowed buildings that increase the maximum number of buildings to be constructed in a city which is currently at the maximum number of buildings.
  • Added warnings for when the player will perform an action that will lose them the game.
  • Added warnings icons next to the ocean parameter to indicate that buildings or lifeforms will be destroyed when raising the ocean.
  • Increased maximum victory points which can be set in custom mode to 2000.
  • Improved how the cards are spread out in the hand and made the hovered card fall over the others for better visibility.
  • Improved the lifeform selection detection area.
  • Made the event popup collapse or expand from the bottom right for better clarity.
  • Scenario difficulty icon is now displayed while playing above the victory conditions bar.
  • Terraforming projects will not be proposed when a parameter is at maximum.
  • Added an explanation tooltip to the card draw popup.
  • Guaranteed certain low-probability events to be proposed after reaching certain mastery levels if the player did not encounter that event yet.
  • Improved the settings menu.
  • Lots and lots of small improvements and performance optimisation all around.


  • Fixed how the mastery level is counted (not-existing entries of scenarios were counted previously).
  • Going temporarily below zero support will be correctly counted now.
  • When losing a lifeform and thereby a prestige level, you now lose the amount of support that you’ve gotten from prestige from that lifeform before.
  • Fixed multiple bugs and an exploit related to the Expansion Hub.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes there were not enough projects proposed.
  • Fixed a bug where the weekly challenge streak was not properly calculated.
  • Fixed a bug with the cooperative academy producing too much science.
  • Fixed a bug with sandstorms appearing on the moons sometimes.
  • Fixed a glitch when switching overview panels.
  • Fixed a bug when the “almost won” music did not trigger.
  • Fixed a bug where the technology timer would be set to infinite.
  • Fixed a bug with how population buildings were checked before replacing or destroying them.

Balance changes:


  • Reduced cost of Brine Electrolyser from 12 to 10 titanium.
  • Increased cost of Spaceport from 10 power and 15 tritium to 11 power and 15 tritium.
  • Reduced cost of Domed Park from 10 nitrates and 20 silicates to 8 nitrates and 20 silicates.
  • Increased support income from Self-driving taxis from 15 to 16.
  • Reduced cost of Marslink from 10 science and 10 silicates to 9 science and 10 silicates.
  • Reduced cost of Miner’s Cottage from 7 power and 30 food to 6 power and 30 food.
  • Reduced cost of School from 4 science and 10 silicates to 3 science and 10 silicates.
  • Reduced cost of Viewpoint Tower from 4 titanium to 3 titanium.
  • Reduced cost of Spa from 8 water to 7 water.
  • Reduced cost of Regolith Burner from 14 titanium to 13 titanium.
  • Increased power production of Water Barrage from 3 to 5. Increased cost from 27 titanium to 40 titanium.
  • Reduced cost of Scuba Diving School from 8 science and 8 power to 7 science and 7 power.
  • Increased base support produced by Beach resort from 10 to 15. Increased costs from 20 food, 10 nitrates and 10 silicates to 20 food, 15 nitrates and 15 silicates.
  • Changed shipwright output from 3 support income to 1 comfort of living.
  • Reduced cost of Outdoor Duck Farm from 17 to 16 water.
  • Increased output of Outdoor Cattle Ranch from 3 to 4 food. Increased water cost from 36 to 45.
  • Increased Outdoor Wheat Farm food output from 4 to 5. Increased nitrates cost from 33 to 42.
  • Reduced cost of Bee Colony from 22 to 21 water.
  • Removed temperature-0 requirement for the Sheep Farm.
  • Increased cost of Martian Festival Grounds from 40 to 45 water. Increased support output from 15 to 20.
  • Increased support output from Mountain Huts from 15 to 16.
  • Increased cost of Household Robot Dispatch Center from 5 science and 8 power to 6 science and 8 power.
  • Increased cost of Urban Planning Office from 10 to 12 science. Increased support output from 4 to 5.
  • Reduced proposal frequency of Luxury Workshop, Local Culture Center, Beach Club and Space Hotels in the mid-late game. Increased the proposal frequency of other support buildings, most notably the Entertainment Center.


  • Deimos now has an extra titanium deposit.
  • Phobos now has an extra water deposit.


  • Increased the cost of Bacteria spreaders from 20 to 25 science.
  • Increased the cost of Plant spreaders from 25 to 30 science.
  • Reduced spread duration of Cyanophyta, Methanogenium, Deinococcus, Artificial Bacteria and Dark bacteria by 1 turn.
  • Increased local support of Tundra Forest from 4 to 5.
  • Increased local support of Alpine Pine Forest from 4 to 5.
  • Increased local support of Mediterranean Shrubs from 4 to 5.
  • Increased local support of Temperate Forest from 6 to 8.
  • Increased local support of Boreal Rainforest from 6 to 8.
  • Increased local support of Temperate Rainforest from 6 to 8.
  • Reduced local support of Arctic Hares from 4 to 3.
  • Reduced prestige of Penguins from 12 to 10.
  • Reduced prestige of Atlantic Herring from 12 to 11.
  • Reduced prestige of Deer from 12 to 10.
  • Reduced local support of Birds of Paradise from 15 to 14.


  • Lowered expansions gained from Urban Planning from 2 to 1. Lowered its science cost from 25 to 15.
  • Reduced cost of Automated Scientific Archive from 15 to 10 science.
  • Reduced cost of Megastructures Design from 20 to 15 science.


  • Reduced Misha’s specialization bacteria spreader discount from 40 to 33%.
  • Reduced Aishe’s specialization bacteria spreader discount from 50 to 40%.
  • Reduced Flora’s specialization plant spreader discount from 60 to 50%.
  • Reduced support required for Léna’s specialization from 800 to 700.
  • Jan van Dijk’s Power Breathing Center now also provides 2 support to adjacent populations.
  • Beatrix’s Pierre Barbier building now produces 2 support per turn per Radiation Treatment Center instead of 1. But it doesn’t produce a flat 1 support per turn anymore.
  • Buff related to a secret event…
  • Buff related to a secret event…
  • Anastasia’s independence now only gives 1 negative support per trade instead of 2.
  • Lifeform prestige increase from Mustafa’s Genetic modification skill changed from 25% to 50%. Amount of times that it can be done is reduced from 2 to 1.


Any feedback or suggestion? Join our Discord server. We look forward to seeing you there!

-Asteroid Lab & Goblinz Publishing
Logo for Terraformers
Release:21.04.2022 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Asteroid Lab Vertrieb: Goblinz Publishing Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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