Live Orchestra recording
If you heard a difference between the Early Access music and the 1.0 music, you are not mistaken! Our partnering composers Anton and Daniel at Airship Studios also have recorded the game music with an actual orchestra! The small details we can hear from the different strings and other instruments really add depth and emotion to the soundtrack. We love it personally. If you wish to get the music as a standalone you can check their bandcamp page or purchase the supporter pack. They also made an amazing making-off video:
Terraformers music being re-recorded by the Stockholm Studio Orchestra
For those seeking more depth and wanting to understand the game mechanics and underlying systems better, we’ve written a manual! For new players, we still suggest learning the game by playing the tutorial, as there the information is presented when it is relevant. So it is really meant to learn exactly how certain mechanics work, and also a “look under the hood” in things like the project proposal system and the map generation. We will include the document in the gamefiles and add a button on the main menu to access it easily in a future update.
Achievements & Steam Cards
As has been requested, we’ve also added 62 Steam achievements to the game! They promote different play styles and getting them all will be a good challenge. We’ve also added Steam Trading cards for the collectors and completionists amongst you!

62 achievements have been added
Future plans
Terraformers has now officially released but that is not the end of the development of the game! We will continue to add content and improvements in upcoming free updates. And we are also starting work on future DLC. We’ll shine more light into what these updates and DLC will be about in future devlogs!
Thank you again for everything, and we (keep) see(ing) you on Mars!
Terraf Team