Hey everyone!
A smaller patch this week, but we are still working hard in preparation for the Customization Feature and the new team coming out sooner than later! We can't wait to show you guys some teasers and have y'all build your own squads!
- Added a new shot-block feature (PS: L1 / XB: LB)Definitely still in development and barebones, but we thought you guys would enjoy testing it out. We'll be working on it as time goes by..
- General smoothing of a few animations
- Mega-lob ability improvements and fixes
- There’s a new Referee in town! We heard you. The previous one was a bit bland. Hope you like the ol' blind man.
- The Briberee relic has been reworked. He will only be hunting the enemy team, but he is much slower. Let us know what you think!
- Fixed a bug where a player without a stick would still be targeted by a pass (ie: a player with Berserk)
- Goalies' glove and blocker colliders on the enemy teams have been slightly reduced We're still experimenting with changes to goalies to make them feel fair and consistent on both sides. While we understand that goalies can be weaker in certain situations, we are committed to ensuring that they feel balanced in the long run!
- The Stats tab now compiles your stats from all modes, including Campaign mode and Play Now.
- The in-game timer now counts the time from the start to the end of the run, including out-of-game events. If you are interested in Speed Running the game, I'd join our Discord! We have a few runners over there!
- Various minor fixes