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Patch Info
Recommended Level: N/A
Some of Story Mode's dead ends in the world have been filled!
About the patch
So you know how there is a bunch of stuff in the game that teases content but you can't really get there? Well, this is the first of two (perhaps three) updates where we aim to iron out those things! This update in particular is mainly focused on the little sprouts you've seen around the world and wondered how the heck you make them grow. The answer is here, and it's Super Fertilizer!
Oh, and you can now enter Marino's Mansion and hang out with his wholesome dad...
This update basically makes the game a little "fatter", adding 14 new NPCs, 5 quests, and some new areas with secrets within!
We initially wanted to release a smaller patch faster, but the sprouts was so heavily connected with other content needing to be made that it really wasn't possible to chop it up much!
Patch Notes
Hotfix Patch 0.893d
- The default skin for the furniture trees have changed to match the inventory appearance
- Camera panning now properly resets upon zoning
- Fanita no longer bends spacetime while arguing with the guards outside HQ
Hotfix Patch 0.893c
- There's now a player animation for using the Super Fertilizer
- The 'use fertilizer' prompt now informs the player about how many bags of fertilizer they are carrying
- Leafcifer now properly shows up in the player's inventory after rescuing him
- You can no longer re-trigger the toaster cutscene by interacting with the open chest again
- In multiplayer, the server no longer magically gets a copy of Leafcifer in addition to the toaster
Hotfix Patch 0.893b
- Fixed another bug related to BranDi's rum!
- Fixed a bunch of typos
- The Red Slime Hammer now have proper graphics when charging
Patch 0.893a
- There's now a quest to bring (back) butterflies to Evergrind City!
- Marino's Mansion is now accessible, with a couple of quests inside
- Red Slimes can now be found in Story Mode, and have been given a card
- Added a new Two Handed Weapon obtainable after Flying Fortress: Red Slime Hammer
- Two more wobbly sprouts have been added, and all four can now be grown using Super Fertilizer, unlocking new locations
- Some minor quests/secrets have been added to give the player said fertilizer
- The Alchemist storyline can now be concluded with a final quest
- Changed the stats of Green Slime Hammer, and changed the Smashlight into a Hybrid (ATK+MATK) weapon
Bug Fixes
- In Arcade Mode, furniture in Carpenter's store now unlocks properly with the new floor numbers
- In Arcade Mode, Arena boss fights now unlock properly with the new floor numbers
- When failing to catch a circle with the Increase Damage Every Circle-pin, the indicator now disappears properly
- Advanced translation features should now work together with trophy names and descriptions
- When entering someone else's Player Home in multiplayer, the prompt should no longer appear twice
- Helping BranDi's ghost as a client no longer makes it impossible to help him on your own save file
- Smashie and Bashie no longer bug out the Pin-fae's fireballs
- The Museum is Closed-quest can no longer be started until the Crystal Clear quest has been completed
- Quitting the game in the middle of the moving tree-cutscene no longer bugs the Season Temple quest
- The spinsects in the Mt Bloom Spinsect challenge once again collide with the small rocks properly
- Marion will no longer have a permanent quest update icon if you skip finding the Translation Tome
- Killing Captain Bones while his head is channeling a spell now stops the channel sound properly
More Insight
If you want to follow the progress and get a glimpse of the wonderful hell/heaven hybrid that is game development, you can check out our DevBlog! Be warned that it contains spoilers, though!
What's next?
We'll continue on this track for a bit since we want Story Mode in its proper place before doing the final push towards the end of the game! There are still some loose ends in the world. When we get sounds for the new stuff in-game, we'll probably push all this to Stable as well (it depends a little on the timing)!