Patch Info
Recommended Level: everyone's invited - these improvements affect all stages of the game!
This patch brings all the new reworks, balancing and Utility skills to Stable! For Frontline players, there's nothing new to see - this is basically 0.729c
The following patches have been brought to Stable:
(If you want to know more about something, click the patch name to see the relevant patch notes!)
Utility Skills - Support players can be a bit more supportey, and solo players can vary their builds more!
Rebalance Patch - Overhauled every single skill in the game, reworked some, and introduced magic weapon projectiles
Talent/Bow Patch - Introduced 21 new talents and added upgrades and charging for the bow
Potion Patch - A potion rework involving recharging flasks and a ton of new potions
More Insight
If you want to follow the progress and get a glimpse of the wonderful hell/heaven hybrid that is game development, you can check out our DevBlog! Be warned that it contains spoilers, though!
What's next?
The current list of non-story content:
- [strike]Player Housing[/strike] Done!
- [strike]Skipping quests completed in multiplayer[/strike] Done!
- [strike]Support Skills[/strike] Done!
- [strike]Skill Balancing[/strike] Done!
- [strike]Potion Changes[/strike] Done!
- Arcade Mode Updates <-- Finally time for this one!
What's in store for Arcade Mode?
First off, we'll add Mt Bloom and Tai Ming, resulting in four new floors for people to die on!
Then we're going to rework Arcadia to be much larger and have more stuff to build. We're also going to let the player choose how to expand Arcadia instead of having it tied to total score! We'll be introducing a new currency, gold, which will exist alongside Essence. Players will use gold (which is more forgiving to obtain) for expanding the town, while essence is used as payment in some of the places built. We wanted to separate these two things to avoid players having to deal with the headache of choosing between expanding the town and, say, purchasing a new perk!
Arcadia will become roughly three times as large and feature both silly and useful things to build. Among the new buildings are:
Dojo - Train versus enemies and complete Perfect Guard challenges to earn rewards
Arena - Train against bosses you're having trouble with
Aquarium - Look at fishes you've caught!
Bank - Convert gold to essence and back
Cinema - Watch replays of your previous runs!
Player House - Your own house to decorate, like in Story Mode
Alchemist Shop - Equip potions for your run
Candy and Muffin's Shops - Make the next run harder or easier in exchange for getting more or less score
Clock Tower - Change the time of day in Arcadia (the best building)
Last but not least (well, it's probably the least to be honest) we'll add a bunch of new kinds of event rooms to the mode itself!
Cool, but what of the story??
When the Arcade Mode updates are done, we'll finally be able to go back to working on the continuation of the Story Mode adventure!