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Patch 0.99e is out on Frontline!
Secrets of Grindea
20.12.23 11:07 Community Announcements

Frontline only! Click here for Frontline instructions

Patch Info

Recommended Level: N/A


The game's three endings (two for Story, one for Arcade) are now available, together with the final tower and its bosses!


About the patch

This patch includes the final tower, the game's final bosses and two endings! Since it's a Frontline update, the final layer of polish (especially sound-wise) is not there yet. However, the overall quality is still high!

Also note that this is not quite the 1.0 release content wise - some things, such as an updated set of Achievements, are not added yet!

This last portion of the game has been a final boss in itself for us to produce, but we are happy with the quality of the content, and hope you guys will be too!

Some useful chat commands for testing purposes:

/towerreset - resets the whole tower
/finalereset - resets the final battles

To add/remove a catalyst to see the different endings, type in these to turn them on/off (Note! Make sure to do this outside the final boss room or things might bug out):
/toggleflag _MainStory_EndGame_CatalystOfPower_G
/toggleflag _MainStory_EndGame_CatalystOfAwakening_R
/toggleflag _MainStory_EndGame_CatalystOfMortality_B

Patch Notes

Patch 0.99e (Jan 16)

  • The bow now has a final upgrade, available after the Tower appears
  • The two final bosses can now be fought against in the Evergrnid Arena
  • Two more pet skins per pet have been added

  • The Difficulty Selection can now (finally) be translated
  • All haircuts can now be selected when creating a new character
  • The northern part of Pumpkin Woods now looks a bit more polished
  • Ghost Mundi now has new dialogue in relation to her friend, if completed after the ending
  • Added some extra post-end dialogues to various NPCs
  • The final boss Barrier HP now scales with number of players

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed some visual bugs when defeating the final boss in certain states
  • The Cog Shield is now properly granted to all players when playing in multiplayer
  • The final barrage in the Tower no longer freezes persistent player spells (shadow clones, clouds, etc)
  • If dying dring said barrage, you can no longer wait it out under the Game Over screen to be revived at the end
  • The Season Hydras Mirror Fight no longer have the game over-tip remain during the whole zone
  • Ghosts on the Ghost Ship now have proper graphics for when they get frozen
  • Fixed a visual bug during the HQ cutscene after Ghost Ship
  • Going into the Main Menu Options no longer causes the game to skip the difficulty selection, auto-starting a Normal Mode game

Hotfix Patch 0.99d (Dec 29)

  • Dad now has a new dialogue line shown if spoken to while Amalet is stolen
  • Quinton now has a new dialogue line shown if spoken to before reporting to Dad, after Temple of Seasons
  • Various minor visual improvements

Bug Fixes
  • Terrorweed can no longer spawn thorns out in the air during the elevator gauntlet
  • Dialogue replies can now show different formulations depending on world factors (relevant only to certain translations)

Hotfix Patch 0.99c (Dec 21)

  • Everyone's favorite NPC - the HQ window cleaner - now has a post-end animation change!
  • Updated portraits for post-end cavelings + some expressions added elsewhere
  • The tower boss-rush theme is now updated to its intended version!

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed some text errors
  • Barrier being exploded just as the final boss was preparing to steal it no longer crashes the game
  • Getting the health potion stolen while Hard-mode final boss is charging up a Giga Earth Spike no longer softlocks
  • Taming pets in Arcade Mode no longer crashes the game

Patch 0.99b (Dec 20)

  • The two final floors have been added to Arcade Mode
  • The Catalysts now have a purpose
  • The Arcade Mode final boss now has sounds!
  • The new Arcade Mode events now have sounds
  • Arcade Mode now has a proper ending!

  • Loods in Lood God-rooms now have less HP
  • Reflected Wisp projectiles now deal much more damage
  • Adjusted the HP of some late-game bosses downwards in Arcade
  • Arrows shot by the pin that adds archery charges on basic attacks may now trigger other arrow-pins on hit
  • The pin that casts meteor on arrow hits now casts a silver charge meteor
  • Solo Hydras should no longer appear in Temple of Season gauntlet rooms
  • NPCs and summons now display damage numbers in orange, to help differentiate between player damage
  • The 'S-rank heals' shrine buff now heals for much more
  • GUN-D4M's hands now have a short delay before going into attack-mode after being damaged
  • Perfect guarding GUN-D4M's hands now actually has some useful purpose
  • The Winter Hydra's beam now behaves a bit differently
  • ...and a whole load of others!

Bug Fixes
  • Ni's chat bubbles during the Festival now appears correctly with all translations
  • Crabbys no longer instantly re-locks on the player when using Blink
  • Wisps should no longer be able to get knocked out of bounds upon dying
  • Arcade Mode Essence can no longer be bought at the bank if the player has 999 essence
  • Scarie's quest marker is now rendered above the trees, making it easier to spot
  • Katarina now has an appropriate dialogue if interacting with her before the festival
  • The miners in Mt Bloom no longer talks about Steve having found a new job before he has
  • "Updates caught up" should no longer be spammed in chat for some players
  • Archie should no longer appear in the room where Mesido is saved, scamming playes
  • Fixed a multiplayer descync issue that could occur after a Floor Bet by Bishop
  • The 'Attacks and wand Projectiles add Spell Charges'-pin now triggers more reliably with wand projectiles
  • Fixed a bug where Ice Nova was unable to crit
  • Time Crystals should now reset arcade mode floors even more reliably
  • Fixed a bug where using Maracus transmute two times with a crashed sound system would lock the game
  • Fixed a number of text related errors and bugs
  • HP bars and barrier effects now match the opacity of the player they belong to
  • Shadow clones granted by the pin will no longer disappear if dying in multplayer
  • The Bag-tip regarding new charge levels of persistent spells now appear in Arcade Mode as well
  • Buffs that increase DEF% will now raise negative defense instead of lowering it
  • Attacks with armor penetration no longer adjust negative armor upwards
  • Marino's shadow clone dashes should no longer be able to dash through the shield
  • Boots of Bloodthirst can no longer kill players with less than 1000 MaxHP
  • The Double Damage curse no longer applies to Boots of Bloodthirst and Spectral Blindfold
  • Damage against barrier is no longer quadrupled with the 2x damage curse
  • The Ice Cream Parlor can now be encountered in normal event rooms (previously only via Archie)
  • The uncharged plants that come with the Gold Charge plant now attack properly!
  • Quitting the game right after being cursed by Bones no longer lets the player 'leave' the curse
  • Santa now stays as his small version throughout the Cookie quest
  • ...and a whole load of others!!

More Insight

If you want to follow the progress and get a glimpse of the wonderful hell/heaven hybrid that is game development, you can check out our DevBlog! Be warned that it contains spoilers, though!

What's next?

Bug fixes, Achievements, final polish. The Stable-version of this update (which will be 1.0) will land when we've got all sounds in, and have done a final polish-pass of the game!

After that, we'll see what post release content is high on the list! We feel New Game+ is a likely candidate.
Logo for Secrets of Grindea
Release:13.06.2015 Genre: Fantasy Action Rollenspiel Entwickler: Pixel Ferrets Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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